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I don't like labeling myself, but if anything, I am generally a positive person. I like thinkers who have intellectual curiosity to seek to understand and engage views that are different from their own. I am interested in cultures outside the Western world. I believe in integration. Is multi-ethnic nationalism oxymoronic? I currently live in England.


Om mani peme hung
Naomi comments on Mar 12, 2020:
I can never achieve that.
Is it being too smart or too dumb that makes it possible to think yourself a headache?
Naomi comments on Mar 12, 2020:
Hello. "If you regard yourself as a headache (problem), is that because you're too smart or too dumb?" Is that what you mean in other words?
Naomi comments on Mar 12, 2020:
I read in some articles, including the one below, that in 2018, the Trump administration fired the government’s entire pandemic response chain of command, including the White House management infrastructure, and then didn't replace them, simply to cut costs. That's worrying for the people in America... :(
LIVE with Al Fadi (5:00pm ET) (11 Mar 2020) A former atheist and a former Muslim discuss ...
Naomi comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Hello. I watched it with interest. Thank you. Coincidentally, I was reading this article, which you might find interesting:
Well, that escalated quickly []
Naomi comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Hello. Why stockpile toilet paper, though? It's happening in several countries now.
I joined this group because I really do believe that Beauty can save the world.
Naomi comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Hello and welcome. :) You may be interested in reading this article and watching the video: Why Beauty Matters with Roger Scruton
Violence against Islamic women during rally 'reflects a sad situation in the world' Human rights ...
Naomi comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Hello. I watched the video with interest. The lady is absolutely right about the ignorance of the West about Hijab-wearing Muslim women. Also, I think that we need to make a clear distinction between ordinary Muslims and Islamic fundamentalists when talking about Islam (like any other religions really; all religions have their fundamentalists; there are Christian fundamentalists, Hindu fundamentalists, Jewish fundamentalists, Buddhist fundamentalists and so on).
Anybody aware of any models of prehistoric, pre-cultural social organization that isn't ...
Naomi comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Hello. Is this the kind of information you're looking for? Archaeologists have found strong evidence that wheat and barley were refined into cereals 23,000 years ago, suggesting that humans were processing grains long before hunter-gatherer societies developed agriculture.
Found a podcast that looks promising - "So what you're saying is.
Naomi comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Hello. It IS good. I watch it often. :)
Virus Alert The English are feeling the pinch in relation to the recent virus threat and have ...
Naomi comments on Mar 8, 2020:
@Crikey @N0DD @BikerPetehall70
Dietary Confessions
Naomi comments on Mar 6, 2020:
Hello. Cows and sheep eat grass. So, beef and lamb are plant based. That's my understanding.
The struggle is real
Naomi comments on Mar 5, 2020:
Hello. You are (or were?) a college instructor, no? How long has this been going on?
Naomi comments on Mar 5, 2020:
I perceive "characters" like KH with caution. As much as I would like to believe she is genuinely fighting for free speech, I would also like to be aware of alternative views on her actions, and possibly on her true colours, which I must admit makes me wonder what her real intentions are... Call me cynical. Here is the latest example (I don't like the prank she fell for, but still... And her behaviour disheartens me...):
Naomi comments on Mar 5, 2020:
Meh. IMO, if she truly means what she says (fighting for free speech), she should put her name forward to become an MP, like Tommy Robinson and Carl Benjamin did (MEP candidates). I wonder why she's never done that, do you know?
Oh my god ...
Naomi comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Naomi comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Dear of them. 🤗
The common flu mortality rate, is solid double digit %.
Naomi comments on Feb 28, 2020:
That's a lot of Stupid you want dead.
Do you support Project Blitz?
Naomi comments on Feb 27, 2020:
This is also interesting - some information about Randy Forbes, the founder of Project Blitz, and Christian nationalism: It is said that ethnonationalism is on the rise in Europe, which is a similar kind of movement.
Do you support Project Blitz?
Naomi comments on Feb 27, 2020:
*This year, 226 pieces of anti-transgender legislation, many backed by The Blitz, have been introduced.* You may have personal opinion about transgender people, but legislating against them is a little controversial, no?
Do you support Project Blitz?
Naomi comments on Feb 27, 2020:
I should've included this link in the original post: *According to an analysis by Americans United for Separation of Church and State, state legislatures considered 74 bills that echoed model legislation from the Project Blitz handbook in 2018.* *The strategy for this effort is built on dividing model legislation into three categories, depending on how much opposition each bill is expected to receive.* *The first category, intended to appear the most innocuous, included bills to promote “In God We Trust” license plates (now offered in at least 20 states) and the display of the “In God We Trust” motto in public schools. (Some version of the display legislation has passed in at least 10 states.) The next batch of bills centered on emphasizing “Christian heritage” and “the importance of the Bible in history” to promote the notion that the U.S. is a Christian nation. The third category, which organizers noted might be “the most hotly contested,” sought to empower licensed professionals to deny health care and other services based on religious beliefs and to enable adoption agencies to reject adoptive families on religious grounds. (At least 10 states have laws that allow discrimination by child welfare agencies, most of which have been passed since Project Blitz launched in 2015.)* *That is a veritable “slippery slope” approach to undermining the separation of church and state.* Is this movement good for the people in the USA as a nation?
Isn’t this the “Intellectual” dark web, a type of crowd-sourced “think tank”?
Naomi comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Hello. I think it started off with high hopes and good intentions, but it turned into yet another social media platform where people throw in YouTubers' videos, which hardly leads to any meaningful conversation - sorry to say...
NRO: Iran's ayatollahs gave an election and nobody came. []
Naomi comments on Feb 26, 2020:
The power of ordinary people. :)
Understanding Democratic Socialism - YouTube
Naomi comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Hello. I just caught a headline on a news channel this morning, and apparently, Bernie Sanders said that America should be able to rationally learn from Cuba, or something along those lines. What does he mean by that, do you know?
Understanding Democratic Socialism - YouTube
Naomi comments on Feb 25, 2020:
Hello. I don't live in Scandinavia, but someone who does describes the Nordic countries as follows: An opinion from a native Swede living in Norway: Because during the entire 20th century, except for maybe the first two decades, our countries were politically steered by social democrats. Social democracy is socialism without communism, socialist ideology within a highly regulated capitalistic system. Neither any of the authoritarianism of fascism or communism, but nor the corrupt, special-interest controlled, "free market" obsessed, two-party systems of places like the US or Britain. Incidentally, I don't live in America, so I am indifferent to the US politics.
We are just weeks away from our last frost of the season (horticulture plant zone 8b) and realized ...
Naomi comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Hello. I believe that mint grows anywhere, light or shade, but because it is very invasive, it is a good idea to plant it in the ground while it is still in a pot so as to restrict its growth.
Make Death Green Again • The Revelator
Naomi comments on Feb 21, 2020:
I like the idea of turning my body into compost to grow a tree. I also wouldn't mind contributing my body for scientific research.
TruNews Has Been Banned (subsequent to Trump signing the "Anti-Semitic" paper?)idental Dissent
Naomi comments on Feb 20, 2020:
@WilyRickWiles? Your profile photo is of Rick Wiles (I was reminded when I went to the website). Do you know anything about TruNews other than what the website says?
What Happens When You Have “Government Run Health Care”?
Naomi comments on Feb 20, 2020: The NHS has no time to waste on identity politics. End of story.
Gah! I'm soooo bored I just went and did some chores.
Naomi comments on Feb 20, 2020:
Hello. People who circulate conspiracy theories, scandals, etc. by posting YouTube videos only to get themselves outraged are sad. (Do you think they're masochists?) Reading about what your boredom led to made a good change. 😂
What Happens When You Have “Government Run Health Care”?
Naomi comments on Feb 19, 2020:
Hello. Don't know what Paul Joseph Watson is playing at. He is a naughty boy. 😂
"Intersectionality within healthcare" event held at Royal Free Hospital in London.
Naomi comments on Feb 17, 2020:
Hello. Putting personal political views aside, intersectionality awareness is important for medical staff so that they can treat LGBT+ patients better. I have a nurse friend, and she finds LGBT+ patients difficult to handle. According to her, when they arrive in hospital, they are often in an emotional mess. Once she managed to save a transwoman from killing her self in a toilet cubicle. Professionals like my friend can't waste time on identity politics.
RCP/MarkHemmingway: Now Democrats are media bashers []
Naomi comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Hello. More and more people are leaving MSM but only to turn to their favourite vloggers who tell them what they want to hear... maybe? In that case, people will continue to be polarised over politics, no?
I do spend a lot of time on days watching these videos related to Vietnam... []
Naomi comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Hello. Is the welfare service for veterans improving under Trump administrations? The UK government provides veteran welfare services. I can't tell if they are adequate or not, though.
In what seems to be a rare case these days freedom of speech has been defended by the courts after ...
Naomi comments on Feb 14, 2020:
Hello. Should the Speakers' Corner be banned, that'll truly be the end of freedom of speech in the UK. I'm sure that the people in the UK won't allow it to happen.
Want to Help the Bees? Leave the Dandelions Alone This Spring
Naomi comments on Feb 14, 2020:
Time lapse Dandelion flower to seed head
American Exceptionalism: Delusion and Illusion
Naomi comments on Feb 14, 2020:
I found this article which I read with interest: American Exceptionalism A Double Edged Sword By Seymour Martin Lipset
This video was posted on Social Media by Imam Tawhidi with the following description: Australian ...
Naomi comments on Feb 13, 2020:
Hello. So, you miss one prayer, you're worse than a murderer, rapist, etc. If this imam is saying that it's OK to commit crimes as long as you pray and ask Allah for forgiveness, that's obviously nonsensical. And he is definitely an extremist. Mind you, I was told a similar thing by a Christian once. You confess your sin and your god gives you salvation, and everything is going to be all right, that sort of thing. I was also told that I would have to go to hell no matter how nice a person I could be unless I believe in their god (I'm agnostic, by the way). I think extremism of any religion is bad. I don't think that any religious person with criminal mind deserves their god's salvation. 🙄
Interesting, no?
Naomi comments on Feb 12, 2020:
Extinction Rebellion has become like a cult (they even have their own prayers, you know). They say that they don't care about economic development as long as the planet is saved. Maybe the researchers are right in saying that religion (extreme belief) interferes with economic development.
Interesting, no?
Naomi comments on Feb 12, 2020:
Someone commented on the relationship between secularisation and economic development as follows: *Maybe the pertinent questions are: “If I stop going to church will I get more money?” and “If I take up religion will I become poorer?”* *I think that those who are deeply religious in a personal way, in general do not aspire to great wealth, but are satisfied with just having enough.* *This article will serve to bolster the egos of many, feeding the concept of atheists as an elite group that is wealthier, more intelligent and morally superior to the others.* I think he makes a very good point.
Naomi comments on Feb 9, 2020:
Hello. Talking of the climate, have you been flooded up there? Hope you and your family are safe. #storm
I don't watch CNN for the same reason I don't eat from the toilet.
Naomi comments on Feb 9, 2020:
Hello. Replace the left with the right and CNN with Fox News , would that also make sense, I wonder? 😜
Japan Isolates Wuhan Coronavirus, Will Share Findings with Researchers and Companies
Naomi comments on Feb 6, 2020:
'There was no gene mutation leading to higher infectiousness or toxicity.' Not that I understand fully, but this sounds reassuring, no?
Naomi comments on Feb 5, 2020:
Hello. Some UK experts analyse that Cobynites wanted to play an ideological diversity game but most Brits said no. Corbyn suffered a massive defeat at the general election. I was relieved about that tbh.
"There is such a thing as English" []
Naomi comments on Feb 5, 2020:
Hello. I notice that more and more Japanese words are creeping in.😆 Sushi, Tempura, Katsu, Panko, Wasabi, Soba... I see these words at my local supermarket, and people readily use them in their conversations. Clever marketing in this case.
Would you want a physicist to speak at your funeral?
Naomi comments on Feb 5, 2020:
It's kinda funny way to try to comfort those in bereavement.😐
The "Queens English" (without apostrophe).
Naomi comments on Feb 1, 2020:
This was reported by the BBC.
The plot has American energy data including 2019.
Naomi comments on Feb 1, 2020:
Hello. This is interesting, no?
Naomi comments on Feb 1, 2020:
Hello. Remember - cows eat grass, so they are plant-based. :P
"Group Identity Politics" is a phrase often applied to the views of leftists.
Naomi comments on Jan 31, 2020:
Hello. I said the following in a different group: I know little about Khadr but I believe that he served his time, no? So, when Shapiro is blocked from delivering his speech, that's against freedom of speech, but when Khadr is blocked from speaking, that's not against freedom of speech...? Maybe, Dalhousie University is open-mined enough to invite him to talk about his experience just like the Oxford Union was open-minded enough to invite Tommy Robinson to deliver his speech (TR also has criminal records). What is the difference? I don't get it. 🤨
BREAKING: Convicted terrorist Omar Khadr to give keynote speech at Dalhousie University – True ...
Naomi comments on Jan 31, 2020:
Hello. I know little about Khadr but I believe that he served his time, no? So, when Shapiro is blocked from delivering his speech, that's against freedom of speech, but when Khadr is blocked from speaking, that's OK...? Maybe, Dalhousie University is open-mined enough to invite him to talk about his experience just like the Oxford Union was open-minded enough to invite Tommy Robinson to deliver his speech (TR also has criminal records). What is the difference? I don't get it. 🤨
Let’s not forget the Brits also spoiled plans for European unions in 1815 and 1945.
Naomi comments on Jan 31, 2020:
Hello. I'm not British but I live in Britain, and Brits are no pushover, I tell you. Lol!
Yanis Varoufakis's message to Britons on Brexit day - DiEM25
Naomi comments on Jan 31, 2020:
Hello. This is certainly the beginning of uncertainty, but because there is no way back, the UK should just as well act with positive thoughts rather than negative thoughts. The next 11 months is crucial, I think. I also like to see cross-party collaboration to make a success of Brexit.
Naomi comments on Jan 29, 2020:
Hello. I don't understand why anti-Brexiteers are still talking this way. It seems to me that they are determined to make failure of Brexit. It is the future of next generations we're talking about; the future of our children, their children, and so on. It is time for uniting, not for further dividing...
From The World Health Organization
Naomi comments on Jan 28, 2020:
Don't be silly...
Here's a pic of our Old Man Buster who passed late in 2016 just 3months short of his 16th birthday.
Naomi comments on Jan 27, 2020:
Hello. I had an Inuit (my profile photo) who developed a behavioural problem as a result of having bad experience with other dogs. Anxiety-based behavioural problems are so common among dogs, through no fault of their own.
Bret W on the political compass quadrants: left and right libertarian quadrants should unite against...
Naomi comments on Jan 27, 2020:
Hello. In a different group, I mentioned the following statement by Reagan (in 1984 to Temple Hillel and Community Leaders in Valley Stream): “We in the United States, above all, must remember that lesson (of the Holocaust), for we were founded as a nation of openness to people of all beliefs,” Reagan said. “And so we must remain. Our very unity has been strengthened by our pluralism. We establish no religion in this country, we command no worship, we mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and state are, and must remain, separate. All are free to believe or not believe, all are free to practice a faith or not, and those who believe are free, and should be free, to speak of and act on their belief.” I think this rather sensible pro-liberty perspective could be shared and practised by both the left and the right if they're open-minded enough, but I can't imagine that the extremists on either side(far-left or far-right) agreeing with this. I wonder what pragmatic way BW suggests by which left and right libertarian quadrants can unite so as to fight the authoritarian left and authoritarian right... do you know?
Britain versus Germany now that Brexit is underway. []
Naomi comments on Jan 26, 2020:
Hello. The UK is certainly making a precedent. :P
WesternJournal: China ramps up attacks on Christians. []
Naomi comments on Jan 26, 2020:
Why is social integration always so difficult...
While there is so much culture war and religious war going on (and many are even predicting the ...
Naomi comments on Jan 26, 2020:
I think that the statement itself sounds good though it sounds a little too idealistic and romantic perhaps... Was Reagan advocating for social integration?
[] Priti Patel is priceless
Naomi comments on Jan 26, 2020:
Hello. I think that the government will also have to stop allowing two-tier pay systems in various fields, e.g., the NHS hiring nurses in Portugal to work in England for lower wages than English nurses.
[] Take the time to watch this properly
Naomi comments on Jan 26, 2020:
Douglas Murray on Tommy Robinson (and the Establishment) I agree with his analysis.
[] Take the time to watch this properly
Naomi comments on Jan 25, 2020:
Hello. I watched this a few years ago. This is a good way to get to know Tommy Robinson. It was good of the Oxford Union for being open-minded enough to invite him.
The stories we watch and tell are the reason our world is so divided.
Naomi comments on Jan 24, 2020:
Hello. I think there is a difference between 'good vs bad' and 'ally vs enemy'. I don't think anyone has a problem with a super hero defeating an evil monster for example (good vs bad) whereas 'ally vs enemy' is related to tribalism, othering, that sort of things, reinforced by confirmation bias. The 'ally vs enemy' mind set is what divides us in my opinion.
Islamic leaders make ‘groundbreaking’ visit to Auschwitz –
Naomi comments on Jan 23, 2020:
Hello. I can't access your link from Europe but I found this article: I would like to think that this is a right step forward.
Why is fascism so hard to define? What Is Fascism? | Live Science
Naomi comments on Jan 22, 2020:
*Fascism requires some basic allegiances, such as to the nation, to national grandeur, and to a master race or group. The core principle — what Paxton defined as fascism's only definition of morality — is to make the nation stronger, more powerful, larger and more successful. Since fascists see national strength as the only thing that makes a nation "good," fascists will use any means necessary to achieve that goal. * *As a result, fascists aim to use the country's assets to increase the country's strength. This leads to a nationalization of assets, Montague said, and in this, fascism resembles Marxism.* This is such an interesting read.
White supremacist group wanted Richmond rally to start a civil war, prosecutors say | Virginia | ...
Naomi comments on Jan 22, 2020:
Hello. I can't access the link from Europe, but I found this article instead. Those things the three men said sound chilling. Thank goodness that the FBI arrested them before the rally.
It will NOT change. Because it is...A religious right for them. []
Naomi comments on Jan 21, 2020:
Hello. In Pakistan, the legal recognition of rape as a crime has changed in pace with the dominant narrative on women’s sexuality. In 2006, Pakistan adopted the Protection of Women (Criminal Law Amendment) Act (Women’s Protection Act or WPA), which reclassified rape differently from fornication and adultery. In short, rape is a crime in Pakistan. It is simply wrong to make a general assumption that Islam allows men to rape women like this caller seems to be suggesting. One who lives in the UK shall obey the UK laws regardless of one's background including one's religious belief. It is as simple as that to me. Also, it is good that the police, who are supposed to be a law enforcer, have recently been shamed for overlooking such a massive, serious crime that has been committed for a long time in the UK.
I stumbled on this question, today: What if we made it illegal for politicians to tell lies - ...
Naomi comments on Jan 20, 2020:
Fraud is already a criminal offence, yet when it comes to politician deceiving the very people they're supposed to serve, why is it so difficult to prove their lies? I think I'll settle with the following view by someone called Chris. I think he has some good points: *If the law were empowered to say what truth is, the question would be: Who appoints the ministry of truth? And what agenda might they have, and how could we safeguard against the potential for them to put that agenda before their duties? We could end up with a very real ‘political correctness’ problem.* *Today, the problem of politicians lying is that they’ve got their agenda ahead of their duties, and voters/the media don’t make a big deal of it or hold them to account.* *If we had a ministry of truth, the devil would be in the details of how they went about their work, what standards were brought to bear, etc. Also, if (and when) that ministry becomes corrupt, we’d face the nightmare scenario in which reasonable dissent might be sanctioned because its truth didn’t align with the official truth.* *Given that we already understand how good people can end up in their own echo chambers (in which the facts they agree on might be different from the facts other people agree on when other sources of accurate information have lost their moral authority and credibility), the idea of elevating one (without significant checks and balances) seems ripe for abuse.* *The problem we face today (that lying in politics goes unchallenged too much, or where it is challenged, nothing comes of it) is a symptom of lost faith in official information sources. For example, when the current administration tells us that unemployment is down, and political detractors say it’s all lies (and they do so on the radio 12 hours a day, every day), the problem people face isn’t that the information isn’t available- it’s that they don’t have time to filter through all the competing claims.* *It might seem plausible that we might be rid of blatant political lies if it were just illegal to tell political lies- but that would get us a different version of the same problem, with higher stakes- who will watch the watchmen?*
I stumbled on this question, today: What if we made it illegal for politicians to tell lies - ...
Naomi comments on Jan 20, 2020:
When you lie (and we all lie), no one may notice that you're lying except yourself, i.e. you always know you're lying. If it is made illegal for politicians to lie in public, and there is a price to pay for lying, will they think twice about telling lies to the public, I wonder?
I'm fucking livid.
Naomi comments on Jan 20, 2020:
Hello. All our lab mice are broken. Very interesting and it makes sense. Thank you for posting this.
Tommy Robinson is awarded the Free Press Society’s 2019 Sappho Award
Naomi comments on Jan 19, 2020:
Hello. This hasn't been reported in the UK, not one bit. Not surprising really. Even if it were reported, it would've been with a negative tone. Blimming media.
Ten days have passed since our big dog, Dodger, died.
Naomi comments on Jan 19, 2020:
Hello. I'm with you. You lost you soulmate.
And now for something completely different.
Naomi comments on Jan 18, 2020:
The photo looks cool, though.
I want to talk about the other elephant in the room.
Naomi comments on Jan 18, 2020:
Hello. That sounds bad. I was reading this article: *Aeroplane travel causes around twice as much damage to air quality as it does to the climate, with 16,000 deaths from poor quality air caused by plane emissions each year.* I guess international aviation policies and standards are needed to regulate the air quality worldwide.
Who are the energy-friendly politicians? For example, Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma.
Naomi comments on Jan 18, 2020:
Hello. I would say all politicians in the UK. Are there politicians who don't support energy conservation in America?
InnerStrength: glass-dichromatic crystal art. Exquisitely beautiful []
Naomi comments on Jan 18, 2020:
Hello. "Natural math in nature" - interesting.
Interesting: Interviews with Japanese Gen Z at a coming-of-age ceremony in Tokyo
Naomi comments on Jan 17, 2020:
Coming of age ceremonies are official events held throughout the country. Coming of Age Day marks the beginning of adulthood in such a way that it seems to have a big (good) impact on young people's minds, i.e., "I am no longer a child. I must take responsibilities for my own actions."
Moral grandstanding: Think twice before shouting your virtues online – moral grandstanding is ...
Naomi comments on Jan 16, 2020:
*Are you a moral grandstander?* Here is another article about what moral grandstanding is:
Prager U Ties Karl Marx, Leftists & More to The Enlightenment: Part 3: Featuring Yaron Brook, ...
Naomi comments on Jan 16, 2020:
Hello. Interesting! Thank you for this post. I don't watch Pager U videos as often as I used to: I find many of them are a little propagandic.
Disgusting actions of California government against bird owners; []
Naomi comments on Jan 16, 2020:
Hello. California has its own animal cruelty law. According to this video, the authority violated its own law then.
What is the allure of the socialist ideology to the youth of the West?
Naomi comments on Jan 15, 2020:
Hello. It doesn't have to be black and white like socialism or no socialism, surely. There are enough countries, if not all, in Europe which are essentially capitalist but have some socialistic programmes incorporated in their systems. You often say taxation is a theft. What kind of society do you envisage when its government imposes no tax? Apparently, there are 10 countries with no income tax (in no particular order): United Arab Emirates Oman Bahrain Qatar Saudi Arabia Kuwait Bermuda Cayman Islands The Bahamas Brunei Interesting, no? Would you consider emigrating to any of these countries? 😜
Turning Britain Islamic by democratic means? - YouTube
Naomi comments on Jan 15, 2020:
Hello. Regarding the original video from 1953, I wonder how accurate the translation is. I would be worried if the UK laws were no longer applicable to keep society together because of Islamism, or any radical ideology for that matter, but somehow I don't see that happening. Brits are tolerant and very resilient in my view. :)
Interesting article on historical archives on The Cambridge 5 - spy's within the U.
Naomi comments on Jan 15, 2020:
Spies never tell the truth - Oh, really? 😂 An interesting post. Thanks.
Is anyone else keeping up with Chinas economic takeover of Africa.
Naomi comments on Jan 15, 2020:
Hello. My grandma used to say "Don't borrow if you can't afford to pay back."
Veganism - a big business opportunity?: Why are vegan diets on the rise? - BBC News
Naomi comments on Jan 15, 2020:
The supermarket down the road from my house has been promoting vegan/vegetation foods for some time now. When the first huge banner appeared, I didn't think "Oh no, vegans are here, taking over my town!". I thought "Oh, good. That means I have more choice of veggie foods as well as the meat, fish and other food products I always buy in this store." As a non-veg. person, I feel quite advantaged, really. 😁 Of course, it's good news that vegans and vegetarian can have a wider choice of foods available to them and that food providers can make more money by selling more veg. foods. It's win-win. It's good news all round.
We must be free to call Jesus gay - spiked (Have you signed the petition?)
Naomi comments on Jan 14, 2020:
I must clarify that it's a comedy film, so anything and everything goes including Jesus being gay. 😂 I've been pondering further - if thousands and thousands of Muslims signed a petition to ban a comedy film in which Muhammad was gay, we would surely condemn that action in defense of freedom of speech, theists and atheists alike, no? Why is this Netflix film such a big deal to 2.5 million Christians? I don't get it. (Mind you, I'm not religious, so...)
We must be free to call Jesus gay - spiked (Have you signed the petition?)
Naomi comments on Jan 14, 2020:
Someone commented on Spiked's website: *We've surely been here before with Brian being a very naughty boy. Nothing to see here, other than the numpty modern world where internet access has made the entire globe angrier than they need to be.* (They're talking about Monty Python's Life of Brian, no?)
Here's a good site for checking most statistics for every nation on Earth. []
Naomi comments on Jan 14, 2020:
Hello. Looks good. Thank you very much. :)
Voice of America. "Farming Seaweed." []
Naomi comments on Jan 14, 2020:
Hello. A big business opportunity, I would say, re: veganism. Why miss it? (Call me cynical. 😂)
I just saw this one on the death of Sir Roger Scruton.
Naomi comments on Jan 13, 2020:
Hello. I watched this video a few times. Sir Roger was a true conservative. Although I don't have a particular political stance, his version of conservatism makes a lot of sense to me. I was saddened by his departure, too.
Sir Roger Scruton, the British philosopher who devoted much of his life to the study of beauty and ...
Naomi comments on Jan 13, 2020:
R.I.P. Sir Roger...
This might not be all good news.
Naomi comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Hello. Surely, there're left Christians as well as right Christians, no? There're socialist Christians in the UK.
Roger Scruton: Conservative thinker dies at 75 - BBC News
Naomi comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Should veganism be defined as a religion or philosophy like Christianity or Buddhism?
Naomi comments on Jan 12, 2020:
I think that this ruling could open a can of worms. In the UK, there is a law, the 2010 Equality Act, which protects workers from being discriminated based on their "religion or belief". But what is the definition of "religion or belief"? If an opinion or lifestyle can become a belief, environmentalism can certainly become one (some already say that it is a cult). Besides, there are so many -isms, and more and more are being created. For example, I don't think I want Corbynism to be a religion. 😂 This is slightly off the topic, but with regard to vegan diet, I know it is strict, but those with severe food allergies also have to have strict diets. So, why different when vegan says they don't eat meat (ethical choice) while someone with peanut allergy says they can't eat peanuts, even a trace of it, or they could die (no choice)? Those with food allergies should be more protected than vegans, no?
Watch, before it gets deleted. - YouTube
Naomi comments on Jan 10, 2020:
It's kinda powerful when coming from a serviceman, no?
Truth does hurt
Naomi comments on Jan 10, 2020:
Hello. Let's not forget the young servicemen and women in the current conflicts. :)
Naomi comments on Jan 10, 2020:
Hello. She is a representative of Remoaners all right. 😂 She is also pansexual - very WOKE. 😵
Okay wondering about the group, is it that you support free speech absolutely or do you support free...
Naomi comments on Jan 9, 2020:
Hello. The name of this group is "Free Speech Absolutists". The definition of "free speech absolutist" is that a free speech absolutist believes that no speech should ever be censored by anyone, any organization, any government, at any time, i.e., they can say whatever they want to say and however they want to say it (e.g., Sargon of Akkad says he is a free speech absolutist) . That's my interpretation of the name of this group.
HighQ's gone, it seems.
Naomi comments on Jan 8, 2020:
Well, he's gone, yet we are still talking about him, fondly?, well, to some degree, funny that. 😂 His existence here seems proven to be significant. Maybe he is still here under a different name, reading all our comments! 😜
HighQ's gone, it seems.
Naomi comments on Jan 8, 2020:
Probably he decided to troll somewhere else. :) Those who hold different/opposing/distinctive views don't seem to stay long here... That's my impression, anyway. I wonder if this community is not accommodating enough...