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Titles, Labels, and Human Nature

Greetings ladies and gentlemen.

I want to bring up an issue to which I would like to discuss on.

Please give your own agreements, disagreements, and constructive answers.

First, I want to say that I support the President. I acknowledge he has made some praiseworthy contributions to the country. However, like any normal person, one does not always agree with everything without questioning some moves.

My concern is the idolization of the President to the point where his base is willing to give him a pass on certain issues even if it constitutes infringment. However, if it is a Democrat, we won't stand for any infringement due to the lettter "D" next to his or her name.

Here's is an example regarding the President on the second amendment to which I as a 2A supporter disagree on the president's staterments:

Idolization and labels can be dangerous.


Because labels mean nothing if actions are not manifested to represent the label/title/reputation. As for idolizing, it can be reminiscent to being hypnotized. The person one idolizes can take advantage of one's mesmerized state, do things one won't like, and the person who idolizes someone does not hold him/her accountable due to that person's infatuation for him/her.

Why do we humans fixate on titles and labels?

Should we turn towards more on being objective and measure those that serve the public by the merit's of one's performance regardless of title? If so, what is a good starting point?

Feel free to present your thoughts.

E-E-E 6 Mar 14

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Start with one's self, and become more self-aware.


I don't agree with some of Trump's moves in the Middle East, and he does not always choose the best words during his extemporaneous speeches--but dang, he gave up living a life of ease and enjoying his beautiful wife and his young son while still not too old to do so--so that he could keep the satanic witch Clinton from gaining the presidency. He is likely our last best hope to save the nation. He actually deserves a lot of praise and admiration.

I agree. He does deserve some praise and admiration.

Still, he's only one man. He cannot do it all alone. What needs to happen in my opinion is for a convention of states, electing more virtuous and constitutional minded individuals who have bold and a courageous alpha male persona like Trump to be elected. Of course there are issues with that in which I won't go into detail.

We do need to consider that we are on our own when it comes to rough times. This time period is no exception.


You raise a valid point there, and I concur. While I agree with President Trump most of the times, there are a few points I disagree on, one being the bump stock ban. We should focus a bit more on what each individual has to offer and not worry so much about what political party one associates with. Actions speak louder than words or titles. Excellent post.

Thank you. The reason why I brought this up is because I have high respects for the U.S. Constitution.

The founders warned about the frailties of human nature and I believe we patriots need to set good examples to the next generation of patriots who will carry the torch of upholding America's principles to which we hold sacred.

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