Philosophy & Ideas
1 day ago1d

Posted by Mikewee777
Sleep routine ?
Philosophy & Ideas
3 weeks ago3w

Posted by Mikewee777
RAMEN SECRETS : You know, you can just pour the boiling water over the noodle filled bowl in the sink. The noodles will soften and cool on their own. Also, do not use the flavor packet until you are ready to eat the noodles. It turns out that you ...
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
1 month ago1m

Posted by 1patriot
i would say true!
Philosophy & Ideas
1 month ago1m

Posted by Mikewee777
You " can not code " because they keep on changing the rules to the language they are gate-keeping through a pay-wall. It should NOT cost this much time and money to rewrite a ancient video game from scratch . I typed out a buggy demo of " ...
Philosophy & Ideas
Jun 1Jun 1

Posted by Mikewee777
LINKJoey's Advice - YouTube
Philosophy & Ideas
May 25May 25

Posted by 1patriot
paul harvey 1992 on climate change
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Mar 25Mar 25

Posted by Mikewee777
LINKAfter the Time Loop - YouTube
Philosophy & Ideas
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by Mikewee777
Life is not a simulation or a test but the fact that parasites exist under the skin of even the most pious of believers is proof enough that we are barely ourselves as-is. How can we be fairly judged on our decisions when we are constantly given ...
Philosophy & Ideas
Feb 20Feb 20

Posted by 1patriot
Yea that's liberal philosophy
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Feb 18Feb 18

Posted by 1patriot
Yes this is true
Philosophy & Ideas
Feb 17Feb 17

Posted by Mikewee777
LINKRetro game Haunted House 1989
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Jan 10Jan 10

Posted by David654652
Play whe predictions (
Philosophy & Ideas
Jan 9Jan 9

Posted by 1patriot
"We may all be on the same journey but some of us have been travelling for longer than others. I often assume you’ve all been through numerous rabbit holes but I realise many may have just jumped on board the red pill roller coaster. If that is...
Philosophy & Ideas
Dec 24, 2023Dec 2023

Posted by 1patriot
I don't try to change your belief's we can talk about and agree to disagree....
Philosophy & Ideas
Dec 3, 2023Dec 2023

Posted by 1patriot
English-born American Founding Father, political activist, philosopher, political theorist, and revolutionary. He authored Common Sense and The American Crisis, two of the most influential pamphlets at the start of the American Revolution, and he ...
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Nov 23, 2023Nov 2023

Posted by alexanderrogge
Rush Limbaugh - The True Story of Thanksgiving: RushLimbaugh History Pilgrims TurkeyDay HappyThanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanksgiving2023
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Oct 16, 2023Oct 2023

Posted by Jamesdow
Poor babies
Philosophy & Ideas
Oct 16, 2023Oct 2023

Posted by Jamesdow
Money drain
Philosophy & Ideas
Oct 16, 2023Oct 2023

Posted by Jamesdow
Philosophy & Ideas
Oct 16, 2023Oct 2023

Posted by Jamesdow
Tree of Life
Philosophy & Ideas
Jul 23, 2023Jul 2023

Posted by TimTuolomne
“There are historic situations in which refusal to defend the inheritance of a civilization, however imperfect, against tyranny and aggression may result in consequences even worse than war.” - Reinhold Niebuhr
Philosophy & Ideas
Jun 26, 2023Jun 2023

Posted by Mikewee777
LINKBe Prepared - YouTube
Philosophy & Ideas
Jun 18, 2023Jun 2023

Posted by rcoones
Watch NOW before they silence me. - Tucker Carlson
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
May 26, 2023May 2023

Posted by gregraven
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The Left Has Pushed The Envelope | The Daily Caller -
Philosophy & Ideas
May 14, 2023May 2023

Posted by WhoIsJayLamm
Now is the season of graduation. So, here's my life advice for all you new grads out there. I wish I started doing this way sooner. It's my antidote for anxiety; it's my cure for feeling overwhelmed.
Philosophy & Ideas
May 2, 2023May 2023

Posted by GaryWitt
Submitted without comment.
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Apr 23, 2023Apr 2023

Posted by 1patriot
Poison the minds of the masses!
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Apr 15, 2023Apr 2023

Posted by Jamesdow
They are not aliens
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Apr 15, 2023Apr 2023

Posted by Jamesdow
Philosophy & Ideas
Apr 15, 2023Apr 2023

Posted by Jamesdow
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Apr 9, 2023Apr 2023

Posted by Quasar
It will require patriot-based fascism to defeat the tyrannical elite-class New World Order (NWO). After the tyrants and their minions, cohorts and lackeys are rounded up and place in labor camps for years, decades and the most evil ones for life ...
Philosophy & Ideas
Apr 8, 2023Apr 2023

Posted by Quasar
Eat healthy vittles. Save money. Amaze your friends.
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Mar 25, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by FrankZeleniuk
The concept of our left-right political spectrum that has been foisted upon us is a big reason for a lot of our present day confusion. I know that statement will be immediately negated as too simplistic. However, there have been at least a few ...
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Mar 22, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by Neo-Tech
Peoples lives are controlled by fear and greed. Greedy get a job thinking about what they can buy. Fear keeps the job thinking about what they can lose. Greed buy stuff they dont need. Fear keep going to work. The rat race. Tell me: what does ...
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Mar 22, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by rcoones
March 24-26 Seaside Oregon Convention Center.
Philosophy & Ideas
Mar 19, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by TizzyBillz92
I wish to b a happy man in this life
Philosophy & Ideas
Mar 7, 2023Mar 2023

Posted by rcoones
Lorien Fentons UFO Con
Philosophy & Ideas
Feb 26, 2023Feb 2023

Posted by rcoones
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Feb 12, 2023Feb 2023

Posted by Jamesdow
It causes pain
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Feb 12, 2023Feb 2023

Posted by Jamesdow
Spy balloon
Philosophy & Ideas
Feb 11, 2023Feb 2023

Posted by slavejennie
Everyday I thank the white man for saving me from the jungle of Africa.
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Feb 9, 2023Feb 2023

Posted by Aztex2020
LINK2/8/23: Christ Consciousness Vs. Antichrist AI Entrapment: God/Humanity Wins! - You Are Free TV
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Feb 8, 2023Feb 2023

Posted by SpikeTalon
Came across an interesting tweet from Elon Musk, and being that I'm an avid fan of the Deus Ex franchise, had to share this one. Looks like back in mid 2020 Musk had changed his Twitter avatar to that of the protagonist of Deus Ex, JC Denton ...
Philosophy & Ideas
Jan 29, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by Billy_Kid
They want us to believe that we know nothing and they have all the answers. They don’t. None of them. On either side. Nor are they looking. None of them have our best interests at heart. We are on our own. For the full article: ⬇️⬇️⬇️ ...
Philosophy & Ideas
Jan 25, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by Billy_Kid
It's time for underground artists, film makers, poets, musicians and everything else in between to make ourselves known. Our culture is at war and people are desperate for quality entertainment. Who else to please the masses and take back culture ...
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Dec 31, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by rcoones
Affirmation for 2023
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Dec 14, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by jasonc65
"In the interests both the employers and the workers of the Congo, it is essential to establish the maximum number of vocational and technical schools for trade apprentices so that, in the near or distant future, every worker may become a specialist ...
Philosophy & Ideas
Dec 13, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by MysteryArchive
On the outskirts of Bellaire, Ohio (OH) lies an old two-story Victorian home known as the "Bellaire house" that has become famous over recent years both among locals, as well as across the country, with some saying it could be the most haunted place ...
Philosophy & Ideas
Dec 8, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by givpd
This is a joyful season for Christians, one in which we celebrate the Light of the World entering history to redeem our souls and light the way for us. But there are others who have nothing to celebrate during this holiday season. They are Woke, and ...
Philosophy & Ideas
Dec 2, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by FuzzyMarineVet
LINKEp. 62 - How You Can Be Happy | PragerU
Philosophy & Ideas
Nov 26, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by Heresiarch
LINKA Personal Interview With Michael Tsarion - YouTube
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Nov 24, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by alexanderrogge
Tara Ross - This Day in History - The Pilgrims enjoy a three-day Thanksgiving feast: TDIH OTD History USHistory Liberty Freedom ShareTheHistory Pilgrims TurkeyDay HappyThanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanksgiving2022
Philosophy & Ideas
Nov 24, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by alexanderrogge
Rush Limbaugh - The True Story of Thanksgiving: RushLimbaugh History Pilgrims TurkeyDay HappyThanksgiving Thanksgiving Thanksgiving2022
Philosophy & Ideas
Nov 14, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by KevinJJohnston
AntiFa loses court case in Ontario - Judge rules them terrorists and there is EVEN MORE GOOD NEWS coming out of it! The Kevin J. Johnston Show Exposes AntiFa on TUE, NOV 15 at 7PM Calgary Time / 9PM Toronto Time LIVE ON: ...
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Nov 5, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by KevinJJohnston
AntiFa is a FASCIST Terror Group - The problem for them is that they can't lift more than 30 pounds and they can't fight! They always lose in fights with REAL MEN to they will never be! Losers Wimps Cowards Useless ...
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Oct 22, 2022Oct 2022

Posted by rcoones
Dark Journalist X-136: HotZone UFO File AUTEC Atlantis & Automatons
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Oct 21, 2022Oct 2022

Posted by jakuboj
Who out there is progressing through the Great Awakening journey? Have you recognized all the lies we have been fed our entire lives by the fake corporate MSM, traitorous politicians, the education system, the medical corporation? Lies like germ ...
Philosophy & Ideas
Oct 10, 2022Oct 2022

Posted by Oprichniki
POLLAds Advertisements are everywhere and they're obnoxious. They're also a sign of the failure of capitalism. Ads used to be funny and entertaining but now they are insulting because they advertise garbage that people can't afford and don't want. ...

Do you agree that ads have become insulting and unhelpful?

  • 5 votes
  • 1 vote
Philosophy & Ideas
Oct 5, 2022Oct 2022

Posted by Lehmanruss
LINKWill A Distinct Appalachian Version Of National Socialism Ever Emerge? - Thule Society
Philosophy & Ideas
Oct 1, 2022Oct 2022

Posted by anonymous
POLLEntrepreneurs discuss transparency and being law abiding citizens and that transparency gains trust for their brand. Entrepreneurs can still be careful about what they say and where they say it so that they keep their brand sharp. Lawyers, on the ...

Who do you listen to? Explain why.

  • 3 votes
  • 0 votes
Philosophy & Ideas
Sep 30, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by FrankZeleniuk
Truth and Reality So the LGBTQ+ community and CRT are trying to erase objective truth. Good luck with that one. Doing that leaves us with subjective truth and very lonely. Because who can know another's subjective truth. But let us not call it ...
Philosophy & Ideas
Sep 15, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by Garsco
THE NEW RIGHT? National Conservatives Are Looking To Remake The GOP his week’s event isn’t your usual conservative confab — attendees and speakers at the National Conservatism conference came to promote a new brand of ...
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Sep 6, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by Candle7
GOD SPEAKS... to the ENDTIME- people... NOW...
Philosophy & Ideas
Sep 1, 2022Sep 2022

Posted by Lehmanruss
LINKSpanish Bombs: A Celebration Of Spanish And Latin American National Socialists!! - Thule Society
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Aug 25, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by RubyFord
Good one here
Philosophy & Ideas
Aug 25, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by iThink
Excerpt from this short essay on Arendts thesis on The Banality of Evil: The big lesson of her thesis, I think, is this: If Evil comes calling, do not expect it to be stupid enough to advertise itself as such. It’s far more likely that it will look...
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Aug 25, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by iThink
This is a fairly short read - I highly recommend reading it - especially good reading material for anyone who believes that their ideas about things like "social justice" "fairness and equality" and "service to a greater good" are motivated by some ...
Philosophy & Ideas
Aug 23, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by Focus
New law: before borrowing money from taxpayers, it (the federal reserve) must have all taxpayers consent
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Aug 23, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by Focus
New law: for each dollar the IRS steals, it must pay back 10
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Aug 21, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by Ccoutreach87
LINKSunday sermon | ccoutreach87
Philosophy & Ideas
Aug 20, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by Focus
Fully integrated honesty requires that you recognize both religion and politics as FICTIONAL. Laws are fiction created by idiots in Congress Religion is fiction created by anonymous authors or those claiming to know through God. Do people put ...
Philosophy & Ideas
Aug 20, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by TimTuolomne
"Don’t let fools tell you what to think. Question EVERYONE who wants you to tear down something that works, except for the crucial fact that it can't change human nature, because nothing can. They think something should, and they will break ...
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Aug 17, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by Matias66
What we call Modernity has old roots. In most respects, it represents a secularisation of ideas and perspectives borrowed from Christian metaphysics, which spread into secular life following a rejection of any transcendent dimension. Actually, one ...
Philosophy & Ideas
Aug 16, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by RubyFord
Podcast on k9 dogs
Philosophy & Ideas
Aug 16, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by lawrenceblair
"Sometimes the law defends plunder and participates in it. Sometimes the law places the whole apparatus of judges, police, prisons and gendarmes at the service of the plunderers, and treats the victim--when he defends himself--as a criminal. “The ...
Philosophy & Ideas
Aug 15, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by govols
Abstract v concrete. I've been trying to understand abstraction for quite a while, and I'm finally making progress, I think. There is a concrete reality in which the physical is both endlessly decomposing and being always in creation. This reality is...
Philosophy & Ideas
Aug 14, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by KrunosIav
Who do I love?
Philosophy & Ideas
Aug 8, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by KrunosIav
Oh shit! They are coming after our president!
Philosophy & Ideas
Aug 7, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by WhoIsJayLamm
When I was a kid I always wondered how clouds were made. The answer was so simple: in a desolate land with cloud trees. clouds cloudcreation wasteland alwaysgrow newday everythingeverywhere clearsky generativeart midjourney skyporn ...
Philosophy & Ideas
Aug 6, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by KrunosIav
@worldsigh You can't be Christian and MAGA at the same time. This is why. Christians are proven pedophiles, just like Democrats are proven pedophiles MAGA ABHORS PEDOPHILES! Hence if you're a Christian you can't be MAGA. It doesn't mean ...
Philosophy & Ideas
Aug 3, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by Focus
Its all coming together now. Why make drugs legal? Why make abortion legal? Why have open borders? In a word, freedom. Freedom to choose, freedom to fail, freedom to travel. The only thing that can steal freedom is violence. That should be...
Philosophy & Ideas
Aug 2, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by Focus
I know this lady that believes in joe biden and voted for him and she is a fake Christian. This lady is so stupid she doesn't realize that every ideology she has is based on ......her bicameral mentality that seeks out someone to something to tell ...
Philosophy & Ideas
Aug 2, 2022Aug 2022

Posted by Heresiarch
LINKGordon White on Borrowed Sunlight (Astro Gnosis Presentation) - YouTube
Philosophy & Ideas
Jul 29, 2022Jul 2022

Posted by guru
Friedrich Nietzsche
Philosophy & Ideas
Jul 28, 2022Jul 2022

Posted by UnderDoggie
We must not let liberals leave the planet...for the sake of the universe.
Philosophy & Ideas
Jul 27, 2022Jul 2022

Posted by KrunosIav
What is the difference between disapproval and hate? When I say that I disapprove of democrts, am I not also saying that I hate democrats? When I say that I disapprove of gays, am I not also saying that I hate gays?
Philosophy & Ideas
Jul 25, 2022Jul 2022

Posted by Jamesdow
It's a prison
Philosophy & Ideas
Jul 25, 2022Jul 2022

Posted by Jamesdow
Written in stone
Philosophy & Ideas
Jul 21, 2022Jul 2022

Posted by Lehmanruss
LINKHow to Choose a Mjolnir / Thor's Hammer Pendant that is Right for You. - Thule Society
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Jul 20, 2022Jul 2022

Posted by CaptainFeelgood
Well done John Cleese! John does interview with Babylon Bee, and they try to save him. (they're a christian comody group in case your not familiar) His response is awesome.
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Jul 17, 2022Jul 2022

Posted by GlenGardner20
Controversial shooting game paused at Orlando amusement park For those visiting Florida: wouldn't this be a good time for "Go woke, go broke" to kick in?
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Jul 12, 2022Jul 2022

Posted by sqeptiq
LINKNew frontiers in mental illness! Obese woman says she has "thin privilege" and it's a great primer on how Marxists are capitalists at heart
Philosophy & Ideas
Jul 7, 2022Jul 2022

Posted by Lehmanruss
LINKDid the Third Reich Run State-Sponsored Nudist Colonies? - Thule Society
1 comment
Philosophy & Ideas
Jul 5, 2022Jul 2022

Posted by Matias66
If this planet has one big breeding ground for movements that verge on the lunatic (or even cross that line), it is of course the "Fantasyland America" (Kurt Andersen). Movements, hypes, crazes I still can remember: the Satanic panic, beginning in ...
Philosophy & Ideas
Jul 3, 2022Jul 2022

Posted by Matias66
A lot of right-wingers use the catch-all term "liberalism" as if it was a synonym of "socialism". - It is not. Therefore here's a brief reminder of what "liberalism" really means: Liberalism is an ideology that contains seven political ...
Philosophy & Ideas
Jun 27, 2022Jun 2022

Posted by Jamesdow
Big change
Philosophy & Ideas
Jun 22, 2022Jun 2022

Posted by GlenGardner20
An astute observation of pride.
Philosophy & Ideas
Jun 13, 2022Jun 2022

Posted by Candle7
LINKTODAY... TEST YOURSELVES...if you ever understood the True Good News of GOD...