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Do conservatives even have a chance?

The left controls the media (news and entertainment), our public schools and colleges, google, Facebook, Twitter, and the minds of our youth. How do you oppose that?

Clammypollack 7 Mar 23

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However good or poor the chances of prevailing may appear to be, one must never give up on the fight for the truth and must always encourage others.
British Statesman Winston Churchill said this:
“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed;
if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may
come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”


Stick together, learn and use Alinsky, run Republicans as Democrats in the primaries, leave the social media giants, support persecuted academics like Michael Rectenwald. That's a start.


Ypu need enough people to stand up to this and have a loud voice. If the left can make loud protests maybe it's time everyone else in big numbers marched on Washington
Other than that I have no idea.
Good luck ?


The Left is currently reaping the benefits of goals implemented in the late 1950's and early '60's. If you lump the digital giants into the same category as news & entertainment, there isn't much difference in their influence they've had since I was born. What they are realizing is the indoctrination instead of education of our children and grandchildren in the public school system. When my own children were in school, I recognized something was amiss, but couldn't quite figure out what it was. That was my naivety and I took it upon myself to undo he damage I felt they were receiving at public schools. Trouble is, many parents aren't as concerned, or may even agree with the agenda firmly ensconced in our education system. This younger generation wasn't taught history, they were indoctrinated into propaganda. This next generation could well be the last to know Liberty in America, though I still hold out hope as many of my children's contemporaries, including them, have spent much of their adult lives in the military, in places disintegrating under the same philosophies these "millennials" are championing today. My hope is we'll see even more Dan Crenshaws in coming years, but if the Left prevails, a poem I stumbled across a few years back, sums it up nicely -

Hard times create strong men,
Strong men create good times,
Good times create weak men,
Weak men create hard times.

I fear we're in the Weak men create hard times phase of that verse. I truly pray that I'm wrong.

I fear you are right


Tyranny of the majority was thought of by the founding fathers. That is why we have an electoral college. It is designed to protect the people from tyranny.

Agreed. Sadly the left seeks to do away with that protection


We have to start by taking back our schools. While we weren't looking, the 'liberals' (I hate that misnomer) conquered our education system. We need to back the feds out of our local school systems (even if it means foregoing the fed dollars). Then, we MUST get active in the local school systems. They now own the boards and the curriculum. If we don't take charge of them, we see what the default result is.

I think that Conservatives think that the natural approach is for the basis of our country - Constitution, freedom, values, etc. That may be what is right, but if we don't maintain our garden, the weeds (liberal progressive socialist Democrats) take over. They are highly motivated to destroy our country. We can no longer be passive.

Why is the media so loaded with progressive socialists? Because they bother to make the investments for their cause. They make a lot of money riding those messages. It is no accident that their messages are intertwined with entertainment.

Is it not possible for conservatives to do the same? What happened to the conservative channels and publications? The thought that the message was all that was sufficient. Are you telling me that conservative sitcoms would not be successful as well? A lot of people still watch Little House on the Prairie, Mayberry RFD and similar reruns. What if we had modern versions of them (since later generations have difficulty in relating to them).


With a site like this one. It's a start anyway...


Think about what the differences are between Conservatives and Progressives. The Left is highly organized and involved heavily with community organization. Conservatives haven't been. Trying to get them to protest a bad bill or even write a letter to a congressman is like pulling teeth. Average, everyday conservatives just lower their heads and go to work or school, looking into their future and generally thinking longterm. The average person on the Left lives for the moment with no care for tomorrow (unless they're high up in their particular hierarchies - those people think decades, if not centuries, in advance). When I say "conservative," I'm thinking of true conservatives, which would fall under the "classic liberal" category, which are actually Centrist. The problem is that what we now consider "Centrist" is now moved well over into the Left side of the political spectrum. JFK would now be considered "right wing" today. There aren't many conservatives remaining who truly understand what the term means anymore, though. Many think it means just opposing Socialism, but if you pin a Republican down on their actual beliefs, they're still over on the Left side to some degree. We have two parties in America now - Socialist and Socialist Lite.
That said, what can we do about the full spectrum dominance of the Left? I did the keyboard warrior thing for 8 years of Obama and all I got for my efforts was a left-of-center president. Conservatives realized what was happening around us very late in the game, I'm afraid. We woke up just in time to see a tsunami bearing down upon us and now we're trying to build an ark before the worst of it hits. I am encouraged by those who are standing up and speaking out, though. Nevertheless the flood is already here.


My question is , are Conservatives Biblically conservative , or just financially conservative ?

I guess I meant conservative using today’s definition which I would think entails social conservatism as well as fiscal conservatism. While biblical conservatism certainly comprises a portion of present day conservatives, it certainly isn’t the majority.

@Clammypollack Exactly . The Jesus of Christianity is not the Jesus of the Bible . When I ask Christians to tell me what their Jesus is about , they list the attributes of the Antichrist . If Judas Iscariot were alive today , he would be running a tax exempt foundation .


What worked for me as a young man, and then later as a parent, is just this: quiet, thoughtful commentary and a good example.

It’s a good strategy. I commend you for it. Sadly in today’s world, the schools, the media and the Internet have dramatically more of our children’s time and attention then we as parents do It’s a tough battle. It’s why we chose to homeschool our children. It certainly isn’t the only way but it worked for us. Keep up the good work and thanks for your response

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