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Think about it!

lawrenceblair 8 Oct 13

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My wife and I chose to homeschool all three of our children more than 30 years ago because, even then, we saw the indoctrination into a secular humanist worldview taking place in the public schools. We asked ourselves some of the same questions asked of parents in that article. We have not regretted our choice. All three of our children are walking with the Lord, two of whom are married and are raising our grandchildren in the same ways that they themselves had been raised. We are thankful for the grace of God in this regard, and we are thankful that He gave us the wisdom and determination to do what was best for our children rather than what seemed easiest or most expedient at the time. In fact, at the time we were mocked by many parents who, today, wish they had made the same choice. Thankfully, since that time, many more people have chosen to homeschool their children, or to send them to a good private shool, if they can afford it.

We are given only one opportunity to raise our children. May God give us all the grace, wisdom, and perseverance to make the most of it.

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