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I found an ant colony that was tending to some eggs under a flowerpot. Some of the eggs were curling as if wanting to walk by themselves. The ants started moving out when the sunlight appeared, lifting the eggs gently with their mandibles and carrying them to a nearby wooden shelter. I replaced their roof with the flowerpot to deflect the incoming rain, and left their new home undisturbed. The ants are still happy with their digs tonight, and have been taking chunks of suet dropped by the birds. Ants can be very smart, notably their communicative methods for assigning tasks and gathering information about their environment.

#AntColony #AntEggs #Ant #Formicidae #Biodiversity #Entomology #Zoology #Biology

alexanderrogge 7 June 5

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So long as they aren't the wood-eating kind and they stay outta the house, live with 'em.

For early years in my present abode I fought the ants. Then, twice I spotted them obliterate termite nests that had opened up to release their boys/girls to make new nests. Ants raided and drug out the termite eggs and pupae. So, ants and I have a pact.

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