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Born and raised in Midwest burb. Got a BS in state and MS in Austin, Tx.; where I met my wife. Worked about a decade in Houston, Tx and another 15 in ‘Frisco, Ca. “Retired” shortly thereafter. Live just east of ‘Frisco; for 30+ years now with wife, dogs, and koi. Planned to finally get out of this state after wife retired, but, our first choice (Austin) has been ruined. So, we are hanging on here.


Hawaii knife ban ruled unconstitutional
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2023:
9th circuit being reasonable? Really? Nice bit about emphasizing that just because a criminal uses something does not make it (the thing) illegal.
FACT CHECK: No, King Charles III Is Not An ‘Ancient Shapeshifting Reptilian’
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2023:
I can't be chuffed to actually read his book. But, are we sure he didn't refer to them as "reptilian"? That is different. OTOHand, how about some evidence? Throw a handful of flies at 'im and see how he reacts.
Uber is defeating the reason for its existence.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2023:
Hmph. Seems odd. Mebbe drivers of their own personal cars didn't like the idea of having someone in the back seat who was likely to puke all over the place. OK. "Here is a big plastic bag. Get into it for the ride. Not just your head, I'm not trying to suffocate you. No, this body bag. "
Charlotte Pride gives registered child sex offender LGBTQ award
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2023:
Turner is a chad? Uhh, that's confusing. He survived two years in prison as a child molester? I thought SCarolina's prisons would be better than that. Darn.
A simple method for dealing with lunatics
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2023:
Every bit of lunacy has to have a consequence -- and you can count on the commie trash to not recognize that. So, counter with the consequence like this landlord does.
Pseudo-elites Befuddled: Why Is the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team Hated?
bobbo666 comments on Aug 14, 2023:
Wie was a smart little broad, apparently. She saw that she was dealing with a bunch of TWOT's who cared about message rather than substance, so she cashed in early. Good for her. As to NFL, NBA, and whatever the 'Ell the girls' soccer team is called -- they are hated in return. They showed their collective disdain and hatred for their fellow Americans early-on and, except for the blinkered or drunk, got hated right back in turn. But, intellectuals (aka commie trash, as TheRooster notes) cannot understand cause. They ignore consequences. That is fundamentally why anyone who insists on collective gov'mts is always befuddled on why they ALWAYS fail -- because they are unworkable even in any imaginary reality!
Tolkien wasn't woke!
bobbo666 comments on Aug 12, 2023:
Never ask a question if you are not sure about the answer. Especially if your mind lost the thread of reality a long time ago.
It’s now Hollywood actors vs. Hollywood moguls
bobbo666 comments on Aug 12, 2023:
Not just actors. Yeah, they are the mouth pieces of this nonsense. But, the ones most at risk (and deserving of it) are the writers. The ones who put the words/lies into the mouths of the actors. The filth and stupidity of recent shows are the work of the writers. A pox upon them.
Yeah, let that sink in.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 12, 2023:
It is worse than that. Freedom within a nation is one thing. But, freedom of speech is a human right. Don't dither on whether or not it is Gawd-given. That is immaterial. Don't get distracted by those that hate faith (e.g., commie trash, anti-Semites, etc). You have a right to speak your mind and any gov'mt that tries to suppress that needs to be ended -- by any means possible. Those that support such suppression of anything (yah, except the trope of fire inna theater) like free speech are EVIL. They are against humanity. They are, at their base, petty bullies. Treat them no better than a dog that appears to be rabid. The burden of proof that they are not EVIL is on them, not you.
Can't make 'em happy!
bobbo666 comments on Aug 12, 2023:
Making others happy is the job of pastors and clowns -- kinda sorta. Not your job. Let it go.
Context of language means everything lol
bobbo666 comments on Aug 12, 2023:
Yeah, it is difficult to communicate an apostrophe verbally. English is like that, a real B*&*h.
Oprah has some major problems []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 12, 2023:
She has been part of the trafficking problem for quite some time. See piccie.
Ending poverty requires serious policy, not political platitudes.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 12, 2023:
The BabyBonds BS is gonna run right into PlannedParenthood's policy of deliberately murdering black babies. I don't anticipate any sort of reconciliation, but it is gonna be interesting to watch. As to Tubbs' "non profit", that is how you skim millions. Especially here in CaCaLand. NGO's and non-P's are notorious for skimming and money laundering.
Self-destructive refugee policies
bobbo666 comments on Aug 12, 2023:
If your policies follow the mob, you deserve this. Unless the "migrants" come directly to France (no stop over in any other country) you are not a refugee. Burn, baby, burn.
Australia: Vegan Mom Refuses to Kill Lice in Daughter's Hair - What She Does Instead Made Neighbor's...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 12, 2023:
Not that I'd expect anything approaching reason, logic, or factual from a vegan. But, does she know that vegan food kills more than not vegan? If you are one of the nutters that care about insect life (see Jains) you are a mass murderer if also a vegan. Raising vegan crops invites many, many critters into the field -- much more than a normal farm. Then, going in and simply plowing or discing the field kills most of those critters.
OK Everyone rush out and buy your EVs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My daughter bought one.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 12, 2023:
EV's are bad tech. But, since the liberals get rich skimming the money poured into it nothing good will come out of it. Mind, except for Tesla, every EV design is controlled by the Feds. That guarantees a bad result. Like Solyndra.
When fires started in Maui, the alarm sirens didn't go off.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 12, 2023:
If loose brush was a contributor, they might have learned that from the Gov'mt here in CaCaLand. All of our fires were made deadly and difficult to contain because the Gov'mt struck a deal with the tree huggers a couple of decades ago -- you vote us in and we will do whatever you ask for the "environment". Managing a forest is anti-enviro, don't yah know. So, every fire since then has been pretty much out of control. I have hear news reports (e.g., Sky News) that many land parcels formerly farms have been allowed to go fallow -- for years. If no one goes in there and mows the weeds annually you are asking for a fast moving fire -- see any mid-Western state.
The pervs can't answer this one!
bobbo666 comments on Aug 8, 2023:
They did answer the question. The song "We are coming for your kids" !!
Green Insanity: 16 Million Trees Cut Down To Install Windmills - []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 8, 2023:
Many times this number are cut down every day to make the paper necessary to support civilization. Am not saying that the Scots didn't waste these trees in order to go ahead with their enviro-scam; just noting that this is not even a blip. Were the trees actually used? Lumber for houses? Paper? If not, this was as close to a criminally negligent act as any gov'mt TWOT could do. Oh, did anyone ask how much extra CO2 would remain in the environment with the absence of these trees? I bet not more than once was the question allowed.
“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 8, 2023:
There is a whole class of folks out there that deny that there is any objective truth to anything. To them, if what they "see" makes them feel better, then THAT = truth.
The ideology of the current year
bobbo666 comments on Aug 8, 2023:
Send them all on a front line tour.
Americans cheer for patriotic, happy Swedish women's soccer team after they beat bitter, angry US ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 8, 2023:
Kinda like you are in the midst of a war and you discover that a unit ostensibly on your side is regularly dabbling in atrocities and war crimes. You do not rally around such. You do not "explain" their behavior. You pull them home, try them, and put against the wall. Well, that is what a society would do if it had any self-respect and knew jack-sh** about history.
The climate-friendly cows bred to belch less methane
bobbo666 comments on Aug 8, 2023:
Oh, and the lunatics who whing on and on about GMO BS are gonna go along with this!?? I think not. It was a trap, yah twit! You fostered cows only good for burger -- if you can sell that.
Fauci’s Replacement Could Be Even Worse than He Was
bobbo666 comments on Aug 7, 2023:
That is why when an obvious criminal is finally pushed out he is immediately put at the front of the line to the guillotine. Not figuratively.
The logic of BLM
bobbo666 comments on Aug 7, 2023:
Well, why not? If you have a niche voting block (i.e., anyone who voted Democrat after Kerry) that is so far out there that they openly support pedo, why not do this? It is a trick that works. Time and time again.
Trump Calls Nancy Pelosi a ‘Wicked Witch’ Who Will ‘Someday Live in HELL’
bobbo666 comments on Aug 7, 2023:
Well, she is in the foyer now -- downtown Frisco with poo and fentanyl all over the place and the threat of unannounced dropins by her hubby's boyfriends.
oh, the humanity of it all
bobbo666 comments on Aug 7, 2023:
Make sure you go on Yelp or equivalent and leave a message about how Mr. XXX (be sure and name him) had promised one price and then dropped it for another person -- for obvious personal reasons. His manage would just LOVE that!
been there, walking in the rain
bobbo666 comments on Aug 7, 2023:
Especially bad for the guys with the short legs.
Is This Proof That Joe Biden Ordered the Indictment of Trump?
bobbo666 comments on Aug 7, 2023:
a central point of the lie here is that BeijingBiden has enacted numerous ....... "rules" that even he admitted were in conflict with the Const. He doesn't care about rule of law. He is a traitor. Mind, an aspect of the US Const is that the people can remove a tyrant. Don't need no Fckin election or impeachment. We have the right to remove him at any time. Legal right.
How New Orleans got its loose morals
bobbo666 comments on Aug 7, 2023:
Sure it wasn't those Cajuns?
Laura Dobberstein - Voyager 2 found! Deep Space Network hears it chattering in space: ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 7, 2023:
Kinda like some lost dog who wandered off and is found several blocks over asking: "Have you seen my Mom? They got lost and I am looking for them."
The worst band ever; Head Cleaner
bobbo666 comments on Aug 7, 2023:
Oh, I dunno. The blissful white noise is significantly better than many noisemakers who claim to be bands.
‘Sex Really Is Binary’: Richard Dawkins Calls Out Transgender Ideology as ‘Distinctly Weird’
bobbo666 comments on Aug 7, 2023:
There are two purposes to this crappola. first, to create a victim class that can feel special if they make such claims second, to normalize grooming
Collect Direct
bobbo666 comments on Aug 4, 2023:
Although I appreciate a link to stuff that might interest me, this looks sorta like doing business on Slug. I think that is frowned on. Be careful.
The wisdom of Japan!
bobbo666 comments on Aug 4, 2023:
Well, if you elect a rabid dog, why expect him to not invite others just like him in to party? Also, what the bloody 'Ell is a red-painter Eiffel tower doing in Tokyo? Really?
Justin Trudeau says he and his wife Sophie are separating
bobbo666 comments on Aug 4, 2023:
Ooh, mebbe she can be convinced to rat him out on all of his visits to Epstein's island. BGate's wife almost did that. The WEF folk, being commie trash, are all pedos.
A Harvard professor raking in over $1 million a year who specialized in 'dishonesty' was accused of ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 4, 2023:
JPeterson warned about the total fakes in all of psychology when he hit the scene right after Canada abandoned even the facade of free speech in science. His point included the fact that of the thousands of papers published not one had been cited by other "researchers". This is telling in that if you aren't digging into the research before you publish you are a half-arsed researcher. But, if you do and do not cite the work supposedly relevant, that signals that the work was crappola. Work that is not cited is either crappola or some dumb bell out there is assuming that the published work was the end of progress in that field -- another sign that idiots are involved.
UC faculty lead 'behind-the-scenes protest' over new equity-based math admissions requirements
bobbo666 comments on Aug 4, 2023:
So, the last remaining group of Uni profs who do not have their heads up their arse are actually speaking up? I have difficulty believing such out here in CaCaLand. Even tenure won't protect if you engage in wrongthink.
Oops! Trump's special prosecutor admits he lied in court
bobbo666 comments on Aug 4, 2023:
Lying is OK in all circumstances so long as you are not a conservative. See ...... oh, bloody 'Ell, the list is too long.
How New Orleans got its loose morals
bobbo666 comments on Aug 4, 2023:
Simply another example of Brits are prudes. :) They got rid of their excess prisoners by simply putting them on boats and shipping them to Australia. No whores and no marriage.
Georgia State University geography professor recruits students as paid activists to stop plans to ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 3, 2023:
A Uni official actually supporting such makes the Uni financially responsible. Go ahead. Courts have already sided with the folks damaged by such and hit Uni's with millions of $$ of rewards.
The lousiness of modern discourse
bobbo666 comments on Aug 3, 2023:
There is no reason that if someone throws dirt at you that you cannot return it -- wrapped around a rock. Go ahead and escalate. Not doing so, not shaming the trashiness growing around us all, is how we got into this mess. Go ahead and judge. Your opinion is as good as anyone else's.
Progressive Democrats are proposing a new tax they say will help 'close the exorbitant wealth gap'
bobbo666 comments on Aug 3, 2023:
Since that communist C#$% Lee is spewing this I challenge every number provided. That a NewYorker is co-sponsoring doesn't help. As a wealth tax this is ultimately intended to go after what remains of the middle class: 'cause that is where most of the wealth resides and a communist gov'mt cannot allow a middle class. Also, any of the TWOT's signing on to this have already inserted carve outs or have their wealth hidden.
Dear Canadians, heterosexuality has better taste and is NORMAL—Pass it on.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 2, 2023:
Uhh, my first thought on the statement was a flashback to the TwilightZone's "To Serve Man" episode. Along the same line was an hilarious ad on the side of a bunch of buses here in Frisco some years ago: "When the aliens invade they will eat the fat ones first." It was an ad on getting a gym membership. Aside being quite humorous, especially early in the morning when walking on the way to work, it enraged the anti-body shaming idiots. Which just made it funnier.
Isn't it always that way?
bobbo666 comments on Aug 2, 2023:
eeyup. Liberals of every color love the bit of: "I have a great thought on how you should act."
Mastodon, a social media platform used by leftist media “reporters,” has a serious PEDOPHILIA ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 2, 2023:
'Nuff said. Commie trash, of all of the flavors, are notorious for grooming/pedo. Why? Because, like their slave loving Democrats, they are inherently bullies. Bullies prey on the weak. Kids are the weakest.
Saudi Company Draining Arizona's Water Hires Business Partner of Hobbs' Top Campaign Advisor as ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 2, 2023:
"Exporting our water" is hyperbole at the least. They are growing food and then shipping it out. Every farmer does that. Their getting a rate break IS filthy. Especially if any other farmer in the state is not. Do consider, tho, that Walmart got tax breaks in practically every location -- and then proceeded to drive all the small competitors out of business -- 'cause they got lower taxes. The "tell" is whether or not the local gov'mt got a donation of any sort. Last point, any desert state that is not actively building water retention facilities (e.g., dams) over the objections of the treehuggers is acting irresponsibly. Deserts, since the beginning of time, have droughts and floods. Water shortages, OTOHand, are caused by stupid/corrupt politicos.
White liberals have a way of insulting their black charges while thinking they're helping them.
bobbo666 comments on Aug 1, 2023:
Points for spotting the ingrained hatred, dark(er) dude! Leftists have always thought of the "colored folks" as inferior and desperately in need of guidance by them. Look at the original charter of PlannedParenthood for an insight into their end game.
London: University Academic Argues to 'Depathologize Queer Animals' as Toxic Chemicals Cause ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 1, 2023:
So, AlexJones was right about the froggies? As to this creature's "celebration". Uh, it wants species to become endangered and then extinct?
Gun control advocate David Hogg raises eyebrows with his take on the media—the lunatic claims the ...
bobbo666 comments on Aug 1, 2023:
Blithering idiots blither?
46,000-Year-Old Creature Revived From Permafrost, Scientists Say
bobbo666 comments on Aug 1, 2023:
Well, anthrax can survive in soil for decades. I suppose it kinda depends on the complexity of the creature. I do wonder what is meant by "revive". Did they simply find some cells started working again (like anthrax) or did the worm start wiggling about? I can't tell from the link.
A devoted father protecting his son
bobbo666 comments on Aug 1, 2023:
Naah, I can't buy the image or the message. Imagine you find that your dog is rabid. Waaaay past any treatment. It is immoral to insist that the dog be allowed to run about in public.
Mitt Romney Argues That It Shouldn’t Be Illegal For Government To Use Big Tech For Censorship
bobbo666 comments on Aug 1, 2023:
Romney swore to support the Const. Its 1st amendment says gov'mt cannot do anything to take away free speech -- which is a human right. Romney is a traitor.
Not One 8th Grade Student at the Lebron James Akron School Has Passed a State Math Test in 3 Years
bobbo666 comments on Aug 1, 2023:
Yah, caught the video of that this morning (sweet baby). Note the verbal lies from the school (c'mon, what else can you expect from anything associated with LJames?) at the very end of the documentary? Their performance was measured on two scales, growth and achievement. The former, the one always talked about in the MSM is something along the lines of personal growth -- whatever the 'Ell that means. The latter is test scores, actual objective/factual measures on the quality of education they received. On that scale, they failed in everything. This is equity in action. Poor, catastrophic performance white-washed with gobbledegook. Like global warming, racism, vaccines, etc. If a Democrat (i.e., someone owned by the CCP -- like LJames) starts talking, be prepared for lies.
Accept no unpatriotic substitute!
bobbo666 comments on Aug 1, 2023:
I've an image around here somewheres (see avatar) that funnily states that the Euros insisted that the US adopt the metric system and the US responded by only applying it to bullets. A subtle finger.
RFK Jr. maintains HIGHEST favorability rating among public political figures in new poll
bobbo666 comments on Aug 1, 2023:
Harvard -- the center of east coast racism. Yeah, that is a recommendation. Believing anything out of Harvard is like the old/ancient Demo voters continuing to vote Demo 'cause they still mentally link Roosevelt2 with the Demo party.
Really makes you think!
bobbo666 comments on Aug 1, 2023:
JE was a pedophile and slaver. Why surprise on anything associated with him?
Australian live births COVID collapse []
bobbo666 comments on Aug 1, 2023:
Why the surprise? Pfizer test data (the crappola that was generated to justify its safety) showed a 82% kill rate on a fetus. That is up there with PlannedParenthood. And, unlike the latter, the Pfizer vax did not preferentially murder black babies.
Times change, and so do scientists!
bobbo666 comments on Aug 1, 2023:
Every field of endeavor has (& will have) its cowards. It is only because of the "don't shame" movement that they feel like they can speak out -- since anyone honest enough to call them out on their lies gets suppressed. Meritocracy was destroyed when peers could not say "BS!".
Anheuser-Busch is laying off hundreds of corporate workers after its embrace of transgender ideology...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 30, 2023:
Anyone participating in the boycott must continue. The corp weasels (AKA Sales) are telling everyone that they will weather the downturn. No. Walk away from everything in ABusch's inventory. If they make dogfood, buy elsewhere. Ruin them. Make them sell off subsidiaries and dissemble themselves. Treat this like you'd treat a country that embraced a totalitarian culture (e.g., Progressive, Communist, DemoSocialist, etc). Don't visit the country. Don't buy anything that either originates there or is assembled there. They have embraced hatred, let them die in it. Make is so bad for the corp that their stockholders sue all of the officers for mismanagement. Take away their boats, private jets, houses, etc. Ruin them.
Narrative Fail: Most Greek Wildfires Started By Arsonists
bobbo666 comments on Jul 30, 2023:
The same sort of crappola comes up out here in CaCaLand every time we have a bunch of fires. Like with the fake votes during 2020 and Newsome's recall, there are reports of arsonists -- which are hurriedly shut up. It is wrongthink to even look at reports of arson since the treehugger cult's basis is that global warming is causing fires. To suspect that it is just summer and fires are being staged to boost the global warming lie -- well, that is just preposterous! Next you will suspect that Jan6 was instigated by Fed agents to give the MSM another thing to smear DJTrump about. Or, the WuhanFlu was released to serve as the excuse to do lockdowns -- which made mailin voting "necessary" -- which allowed a whole bunch of stolen elections. Preposterous!
US Federal Reserve raises rates to 22-year-high as it continues fight against inflation
bobbo666 comments on Jul 29, 2023:
The Feds will do anything they have to do that the numbers tied to "inflation" can be interpreted as low -- this gives the PedoPres the ability to tell his NPC supporters that he has conquered inflation. Kinda like he claimed to have sured cancer. All immaterial since the life-ending inflation of everyday goods is already so high. Further inflation is not needed to kill off those who oppose his regime'.
Musk Derangement Syndrome
bobbo666 comments on Jul 29, 2023:
RR is apparently a troll -- doing anything to smear someone else. AS to her motives, dunno and don't care. But, this is nuts.
TDS in action
bobbo666 comments on Jul 27, 2023:
This is a bit outdated now since the PedoPres announced the other day they he had cured cancer -- just like he promised to do while campaigning.
The absurdity of feminists
bobbo666 comments on Jul 27, 2023:
And, lady, on behalf of all humanity, I am also happy you are not spreading your genes on to children and making some desperate guy's life a living 'Ell. When you turn 40 and finally realize your mistake, tough.
Air Force Academy Head Says He Supports Fellowship for ‘Demigender’ Cadets but Does Not Know ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 27, 2023:
One of the perfect approaches whenever faced with BS -- "What does that mean? Can you give me an example?" Harkens (SP?) back to the position: "If you cannot explain an issue 'in layman's terms' you do not understand the issue at all." Get in their faces. Demand (politely ) answers. If you receive BS, restate question and clearly state that they did not provide an answer.
They are targeting our sexual preferences now.
bobbo666 comments on Jul 27, 2023:
Basically, a delusional racist complaining about not being liked by those who she wants to like her. Oh, boo hoo. Welcome to life. Love the bit about just giving her $12 to save the site. I do so wish there was a way to contribute negative money. Kinda like going out of your way to vote the opposite of a nearby TWOT 's vote just to cancel them out -- especially in an election you formerly had no intention of participating in.
Kamala Harris’ Ancestors Owned African, Creole And Irish Slaves
bobbo666 comments on Jul 26, 2023:
Which is precisely why every actual journalist must ask her on every occasion what her position is on reparations.
There’s Something Called Dry Scooping, And It Is More Dangerous Than Any….
bobbo666 comments on Jul 25, 2023:
Kinda like the cinammon (sp?) challenge nonsense. Or, the laundry pods. Natural selection at work.
Education degrees have plummeted by 50% since 1970, signaling a grim future for America's once-top ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 25, 2023:
Would you want your own kid to go into today's teaching? For most it is mostly bureaucracy -- unlimited forms. Being coerced into grooming. ETc. Connecting with the kids is so old school, ironically. And, if you take a stand against the grooming, you don't dare get close to a kid with promise -- 'cause you know that the real pedos will project onto you to get rid of you. It's kinda like signing onto a Frat/Soro and the hazing does not end until you surrender all of your principles.
Oppenheimer Sex Scene Prompts Divisive Response; Hindus Call For Boycott: "Never Trust Hollywood"
bobbo666 comments on Jul 24, 2023:
I've not seen the movie. But, unless it actually uses a BG "statue" as some sort of sex toy the Hindus objecting to it need to grow the 'Ell up. Not unexpected, tho. No matter what the material some sort of TWOT will simply yell out "I'm offended" just to get attention. As to folk ............. "playing about" in the middle of the worst war in history -- Geesh, grow up. Those were tense times. Go talk to your grandfolks if you doubt that. Not some book written >20 years later, go talk to them.
Christopher Rufo says DEI uses 'soft, friendly' words to mask a corporate bureaucracy that is ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 24, 2023:
Such soft, friendly words were undoubtedly picked up while convincing little kids to get into the unmarked van. Same type of folk, same goal.
What's seen can never be unseen!
bobbo666 comments on Jul 24, 2023:
Wyoming and Dakota residents have probably been trying to warn us of Montana's proclivities for ages. But, listening to them is like trying to make sense of the noises out of America's hat -- and who has time for that? :)
Despite low math test scores, California advances framework 'equity' & 'social justice' curriculum
bobbo666 comments on Jul 23, 2023:
Being able to cope with the world at large is not important (to CaCaLand politicos) if you engage in wrongthink -- and 2 + 2 does not equal 4, you racist!
Diversity and multiculturalism
bobbo666 comments on Jul 22, 2023:
I like (and agree with ) what you tried to capture. But, mixing the playdo together could also be called "the melting pot" approach. Perhaps if the brown lump were shaped into a curled pile or several longish lumps -- :).
Double standards!
bobbo666 comments on Jul 22, 2023:
Ooh, Indian culture -- enslaving my ancestors.
News to me
bobbo666 comments on Jul 22, 2023:
BLM was founded as a communist group. Most any commie trash is a pedo. So, no surprise.
RFK, Jr.
bobbo666 comments on Jul 22, 2023:
Like any RINO, talk is cheap and what you pay for it. So, I am skeptical of this Kennedy.
A guy and a girl go out on a first date... Guy: "So, what kind of movies do you like?
bobbo666 comments on Jul 22, 2023:
Go ahead, share with and then explain this to your granddaughter. Tsk, tsk, tsk. :)
Ben & Jerry's call to 'return' land to Native Americans echoes university signaling
bobbo666 comments on Jul 22, 2023:
Any tribe that was in existence at the time of Spanish/French/Brit migration onto NAmerica stole the land from those before. You can bet that any land given over to some tribe will involve a deal on a casino and kickbacks.
The values of our corrupt media
bobbo666 comments on Jul 22, 2023:
The "reporter", his bosses, and those stupid enough to keep looking at such stations are all protected from violence like this. So, they don't care.
Christians Arrested For Outdoor Church Service During COVID-19 Win $300,000 Lawsuit
bobbo666 comments on Jul 21, 2023:
Every single person who was imposed upon with crappola like this needs to get a lawyer. Ruin the cities that did this sort of stuff. Make city councilors look around at fellow totalitarian DBags and "health officials" who indulged their Karen souls for their own egos. Make them pay, and then donate the monies to their local "church" (whatever) -- and make sure to mail a thank you card to the city council. In fact, make the donation in the names of the councilors that signed off on the legislation. If a large chunk of money and the "church" actually puts up a plaque -- take a piccie and send it to the council.
I love Slug....
bobbo666 comments on Jul 20, 2023:
Spam, spam, spam, spam...... C'mon, sing along.
My condolences to Mike Pence's campaign!
bobbo666 comments on Jul 20, 2023:
And, of course, the RINOs and commie trash on MSM are busy saying that TC took it all out of context. Doesn't matter about the context. Pence (a traitor so far as I am concerned) should have had the presence of mind to go back and explain that phrase. Not doing so means he does not care what YOU think, he is in the race simply to sequester some $$ -- he is skimming. Crash and burn yah TWOT.
In-N-Out Burger employees barred from wearing masks
bobbo666 comments on Jul 20, 2023:
Please, please, please go their website and commend them for this sanity. Continuing to wear masks years after it was obvious that they did nothing to hinder a respiratory virus is a sign of virtue signaling -- that is all. We don't need "that type of people" handling our food.
Don't let the Afrocentric maniacs steal your history!
bobbo666 comments on Jul 20, 2023:
Everybody's ancestors were enslaved and enslaved others. Get over yourselves.
All-Muslim Michigan council votes to REMOVE two commissioners who broke new rule banning flying of ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 19, 2023:
Remove with extreme prejudice? Oooh. Could not help but notice "Ham"tramck commission. Ham? Really? A pork product?
The magic word to get what you want!
bobbo666 comments on Jul 19, 2023:
Finish the thought, little munchkin! You are oppressed by fat people! Go to detention with pride.
bobbo666 comments on Jul 19, 2023:
Is this the same science that is so on the ball regarding global warming and the WuhanFlu? No thanks. Yes, age is an indicator to track when following change. But, the rate of decline and the starting point are both important. In defense of BeijingBiden, he started out at a low point and his decline over past decade is near undetectable. Y'all are just paying attention. Bring up age at all is a Rino-type argument intended to smear DJTrump.
Minnesota AG Keith Ellison Compares Clarence Thomas to Pro-Slavery Slave and Villain in ‘Django ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 19, 2023:
Tell even an obvious lie again, again, and again; and those that vote Democrat will support you. Why? Demos' souls are entwined in a lie: that people are intrinsically different -- which is why it is OK to bully and enslave folk since they are superior. That is why they were the only Americans (to 99.99999%) that owned slaves.
Pope Kowtows to Chinese Communists, Accepts Cardinal Appointed by Beijing
bobbo666 comments on Jul 16, 2023:
Only a pope like this one could possibly think that he could sustain a deal with commie trash. What a tool. Gawd. You promised no more flood, so global warming that causes that is out. How about a meteor atop the Vatican?
Mystery Solved: Coke Found In White House Turns Out To Just Be A Bottle Of Diet Coke ...
bobbo666 comments on Jul 15, 2023:
Babylon Bee did a bit yesterday about DC residents all up in arms about new crack house in town -- it is depressing housing values!!! Guess which house.
Biden Admin Says No To Independent Inspector for Ukraine Aid Oversight - []
bobbo666 comments on Jul 15, 2023:
Legislature has oversight of all monies. They can get a special investigator any time they grow a pair. Just the House can do that. Especially if they publicize how members voted on the issue.
Feminists full of sh%t? Nothing new there!
bobbo666 comments on Jul 15, 2023:
I don't think that is a feminist thing. I recall hearing that at work 30 years ago. I think it is more of a catty girl thing. As to guys' position; if a cute, noticeable dress is involved, please, please wear it again.
Illinois law prohibits landlords from refusing to rent or sell property to illegal migrants
bobbo666 comments on Jul 15, 2023:
So, what about the raft of paperwork that is needed nowadays simply to rent? A credit check is required even if you pay in cash. Demand multiple credit cards, bank statements going back 2 years, reference by previous landlord, etc. Make it impossible for a recent arrival to rent -- and if they lie toss them out on fraud charges.
Hollywood actors to join writers on strike—nothing of value will be lost
bobbo666 comments on Jul 15, 2023:
A cruel, cruel thing to say. Shame on you! :) I wonder if they can get more time bussing tables -- back to their beginnings. Heh, heh heh.
A social justice kid looks at incomes in America
bobbo666 comments on Jul 15, 2023:
Simply comparing flat incomes is the easiest sort of data corruption. Like comparing prices "in our Grandfathers' time" to today. If you don't correct for inflation/etc the only ones simple enough to just swallow the line voted Democrat. The US is a gigantic country. A dollar in most any rural area has buying power multiples of the center of most any city. I live just east of SanFrancisco, one of the most expensive areas in the US. If we simply moved to any respectable town in Fl or Tx (e.g., Austin Tx where we own property) our retirement income would be worth at least twice as much. Many blacks live in rural/suburban areas where a smaller salary is worth much more than it would be in a city center. I'd bet, tho, that many of the other "XXXX-Americans" migrated into urban centers and HAVE to pull down a larger salary just to keep a roof over their heads. Such comparisons must be corrected for local cost of living.
France’s Descent into Chaos
bobbo666 comments on Jul 15, 2023:
This mess is a disaster of Macron's making. Burn the place down! If the gov'mt is not cleared out, they same will happen again. If this does not result in a re-direct, they will follow SouthAfrica.
Is Costco set to drop Bud Light from its shelves?
bobbo666 comments on Jul 15, 2023:
Would be great, but I doubt it. A store with limited floor space for inventory (like a bar) might go for that. But, Costco has loads of room to just sit on something that won't move. They will, tho, insist on getting a refund on anything that goes past its expiry date.
Casey has highest percentage (30%!) of LGBTQ staff among Senate Democrats, Fetterman third: survey
bobbo666 comments on Jul 15, 2023:
We've got to stop accepting the MSM/pervie bunch's conflating verbiage. L's and G's are as old as time, itself. Might disagree with them, might condemn them. But, by and large they just want to get by. The rest of the alphabet soup is a pack of hangers on and narsacistic (sp? -- don't care) TWOT's that need to be carved out from the LG's. They are predators and parasites. Got to treat this like "died of WuhanFlu" or "died with WH". The former is an unfortunate and very small number, while the latter is a lie.
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