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Former President Donald Trump was rushed off stage by U.S. Secret Service Saturday after shots rattled the crowd, one grazing the president's head, during a rally in Western Pennsylvania.

Specific details regarding the ex-president's injuries were not immediately known but the Secret Service reported Trump was safe.

The shooting took place in Butler, a city about 35 miles north of Pittsburgh.

Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldinger told USA TODAY Trump was grazed by gunfire but is safe.-

SpikeTalon 10 July 13

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A standard Democrat tactic is to put words into the mouths of Trump and Republicans. They call them NAZIs. They say that Trump will order a drone strike on Biden.

It's clear that Biden ordered the SS to be negligent, which is equivalent to ordering Trump's assassination. Equivalent to ordering a drone strike on Trump.

Biden had the gall to give a speech praising the SS and condemning the assassination attempt. Bull. Shame him for it.

The SS failed to appear at the press conference to answer questions. Shame them for it.

There are, at least, several points I could say my two cents about, but I will not because I am relatively new in this forum; therefore, I do not want you (plural) to misunderstand me. 🙂


Let it rip! This forum welcomes new people, and it's unbiased. Carnegie style is to look for positives before negatives. Positive bias.

Once upon a time, this forum was much more active. It got shut down for 3 months and then revived, but only around 1/4 of the original people are still here.
This forum encourages new people.

Lots of people have an amber "level 8" icon, and they worked hard for it.
This forum is like a freemason lodge where almost everyone is in harmony and knows each other well.
But level doesn't matter here. If you have cool stuff to say, you'll be respected. You'll be appreciated for fresh new input.


Deal! 😉


It took the secret service 3.5 seconds to get to Trump after the first shot. Unacceptable.

It's unacceptable that there was an unsecured rooftop 120 meters from Trump.

The entire Secret Service team should be fired. Someone should have pointed out
the weakness and no one did. They all suck. They're poorly trained.

Trump and Kennedy should be given money by the Secret Service so that they can
hire their own private security.

The Secret Service team that guarded Reagan during the assassination attempt
sucked. They weren't looking at the crowd. They were looking at Reagan. Once
the shooting started, they were slow to get to Reagan. The assassin should not
have been able to hit Reagan, and he did.

An attempted assassination of a president should carry the death penalty. If it doesn't,
then Democrats will pardon people that tried to assassinate Republicans, and Democrat
voters will glorify the assassin.

I think you are right about more training being required. But let us cool it down and not get divided over who is better and who is not. I wrote an essay a few years back where I argued, among other things, that it was time to call the "proverbial" dogs back. Nowadays, I think it is even more needed -- the calling the dogs back, that is.

As far as Republicans vs. Democrats is concerned, I think both sides need to understand the other side has the right to be around, and that is because of the other side, with its faults, what is necessary for them to be who they are (or think they are), and that the absence of the other side, they will be a bunch of chest-beating fools, at best.


I like how you phrase this. Yes, we need at least 2 parties.


Thank you!


It is gews hiring goons.100% fact.


Violence is never the answer! 😟

On election day, bring your F gun.

LOL! I do not own a gun... I dislike them. Besides, the Uncle just asked to...


Former President Donald Trump was rushed off stage by U.S. Secret Service Saturday after shots rattled the crowd, one grazing the president's head, during a rally in Western Pennsylvania...

+1 Informative; thank you!

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