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Physicist, violist, wrestler, rugby player, and shaolin monk.
I write pop science articles and online science textbooks.
Science for politicians:


A way to solve the problem with inflation and US dollar is to peg it to Ruble.
jaymaron comments on Jun 15, 2022:
Create new value. Rail opened up the west and enabled farmers in North Dakota to sell their cattle to Chicagoans. Anything that's in space has value. The SpaceX payload cost is $2300/kg. Therefore lunar ice has value, because the launch cost from the moon is much less. We need to get our asses to the moon and mine ice and metal asteroids. Solar panels can turn ice into rocket fuel, life support, and radiation shielding. In space, ice is gold.
"Even if a man is intelligent, a woman can always find a way to make him a fool."
jaymaron comments on Jun 15, 2022:
The tables can be turned.
"Even if a man is intelligent, a woman can always find a way to make him a fool."
jaymaron comments on Jun 15, 2022:
This is an interview of Fabiano Caruana, U.S. Chess Champion. The interviewer is Tania Sachdev. She's is a chess heavyweight, holding the rank of International Master.
[] - The Democrats: 'A Criminal Organization' - American Thinker
jaymaron comments on Jun 15, 2022:
Democrat voters are dumb. It's obvious what's going on, yet they vote for Soros politicians. If Trump endorses a politician, it's a good bet that the politician is a legit conservative. Trump has a record of good endorsements. If Soros endorses a politician, it's a sure thing that the politician is pro crime. Democrat voters are dumb. I hear them praising Soros as a philanthropist. To Republicans, it's obvious that Soros is evil. Democrats whiffed on this. Hungary knows. Hungary passed laws specifically to hurt Soros.
A way to solve the problem with inflation and US dollar is to peg it to Ruble.
jaymaron comments on Jun 15, 2022:
We need to get our asses to a metal asteroid and mine the platinum, and establish a new platinum standard.
8.6% inflation rate???
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2022:
$/kg Iron .75 Magnesium 2.5 Aluminum 2.7 Copper 6 Titanium 20 Doritos 20 Chromium 30 Lithium 70 Doritos have become an endangered element. Shrinkflation reduced Dorito bags down to 9.25 ounces. Any nerd will tell you that's not enough to get through a night of homework.
[] - The Democrats: 'A Criminal Organization' - American Thinker
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2022:
Once upon a time, organized crime bribed politicians under the table. Now they do it over the table, with DAs like Boudin and Gascon.
Pit bull owners are a trip.
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2022:
Sports should be about sportsmanship. Leagues should make sense in terms of sportsmanship. Women who transition to men should be subjected to the same drug tests as natural women. Anyone with a Y chromosome should be excluded from women's sports. No iffs, ands, or buts. Furthermore, athletes should remember that they're also entertainers. You want to produce a watchable product. People buy tickets to watch Anna Kournikova, and they don't buy tickets to watch trannies.
Rachel Maddow Has a NEW Theory of What Really Happened! 😂[]
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2022:
There are many many reasons for watching Fox instead of MSNBC or CNN. Fox anchors are charming.
PJMedia: Even Rachel Maddow Isn’t Drinking the J6 Committee’s Kool-Aid. []
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2022:
Maddow staked her career on the Russia collusion hoax, and the hoax failed.
Remember when liberal media personalities behaved more honorably?
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2022:
Cronkite voices Benjamin Franklin in Liberty's Kids American Revolution. Schwarzenegger is Baron von Seuben.
Principles of Biology 😎😁
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2022:
On, I created a domain called "Grassroots Politics". Hoping people will join. It has audiochat and private messaging. I also created the domain "Old School Homeschool". Cow: Show me the grass! Trucker: Show me the gas!
Go woke, go broke.
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2022:
President odds: Trump 2.4 DeSantis 4.25 Biden 5.25 Harris 9 Pence 25 Haley 25 Buttigieg 25 Warren 40 Hillary 40 Beto 40 Rock 50 Noem 50 Carlson 50 Republicans have strong bench and Democrats have a weak bench.
2206140700Tu MGTOW (Men Going/Gone Their Own Way): Contrary to opinions forged in hate, MGTOW is ...
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2022:
Transmutation turns out to be possible. Neutron transmutation moves an element one spot to the right in the periodic table. It means you can turn gold to lead, but not lead to gold. You can turn cheap tungsten into expensive rhenium, osmium,iridium, platinum, and gold. Newton didn't have tungsten or neutron transmutation.
2206140700Tu MGTOW (Men Going/Gone Their Own Way): Contrary to opinions forged in hate, MGTOW is ...
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2022:
Newton was an epic historian in his day. He built epic timelines. Newton was the model for Sherlock Holmes. As Master of the Mint, Newton concocted a scheme to catch the coin counterfeiters. The counterfeiters were busted and hanged. Newton understood that you need a secure currency, and that you want to steer gold to your country. Newton sucked the gold out of Europe and coaxed it to England.
A host on The View said: Get rid of the Republican party.
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2022:
Defund all public education, K-College. The way to improve education is not to make it free. It's to cut out the unnecessary administration. Cut the fat. Schools should be like steakhouses. Reading, writing, and arithmetic.
Heaters will be 'turned off' tonight on one of the 'coldest nights since winter started': ...
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2022:
Rachel Maddow Has a NEW Theory of What Really Happened! 😂[]
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2022:
Maddow has been wrong so many times that she no longer deserves time on the stage. Being wrong should have consequences. Hannity predicted ahead of time what was right, so he deserves time on the stage. Maddow never owned up to the instances where she was wrong. Instead, she shifts to a new accusation. Maddow is a crybaby. Democrat voters don't understand that it's not about right or wrong. It's about the stage and free speech. Democrats are stage hogs, and they refuse to let Republicans on the stage. Therefore they are wrong by default.
Principles of Biology 😎😁
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2022:
The bull is not confused about which gender it is. Calfs are not confused. When they want milk, they go to the cow.
What is Purpose of Chemtrails and Who Benefits? []
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2022:
There is little water vapor in cold air at high altitude, partly because it's cold, and partly because the air density is low. Most of the water vapor comes from the exhaust. Hot H2O from exhaust condenses upon getting chilled. Kerosine + Oxygen -> CO2 + H2O
Biden says 2024 reelection run depends on his health | Fox News
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2022:
If people are quitting White House jobs, it's as shameful Notre Dame football players transferring to other universities. If an American president is losing, you fire him. If Notre Dame has a losing season, you fire the coach. It's a given that Notre Dame gets good players. It's the coach's fault.
Not looking super hard yet but which Republican leaders have been talking at all about the debt?
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2022:
Whenever Democrats control all 3 branches, they increase debt. The villain is exposed. Pin the tail on the donkey.
Canadian bank apologises for freezing trucker bank accounts | Benjamin Dichter reacts (3:07) ...
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2022:
An apology isn't enough. They must be punished. There must be deterrent. Force the banks to either give money to the victims, or to finger the politicians that ordered the theft of the accounts.
Heaters will be 'turned off' tonight on one of the 'coldest nights since winter started': ...
jaymaron comments on Jun 14, 2022:
Energy/Mass Energy/$ Mass/$ MJoule/kg MJoule/$ kg/$ Natural gas 55 253 4.6 Firewood 18 144 8 Coal 22 128 5.8 Heating oil 42 50 1.2 Gasoline 47 47 1.0 Propane 50 35 .70 Ethanol 29 31 1.08 Wax candle 45 11.2 .25 Butane 50 5.5 .11 Coal, hookah low-smoke 32 3.8 .12 Gel fuel 22 2.2 .10 Methanol, ethanol, diethylene glycol Solid fuel 30 .9 .031 Hexamine, trioxane Heat pack, iron powder 10 .9 .09 Battery, lead-acid .14 .045 .32 Battery, lithium-ion .6 .01 .017 Nuclear reactor 500000 12500 .025 Radioactivity heater 2000000 20 .00001 Heating oil is much cheaper than candles, and firewood is much cheaper than heating oil. Coal is also cheap, and convenient. Evaporative cooling works. You have to build a pipe system to expel the air that has the water vapor. The pipes exchange the coldness to the room before the water vapor air is expelled. A Franklin wood stove is a fancy pipe system for exchanging heat to the room before the smoke is expelled.
Heaters will be 'turned off' tonight on one of the 'coldest nights since winter started': ...
jaymaron comments on Jun 13, 2022:
Once upon a time, we chopped wood and put it into wood stoves. Cityfolk are incapable of this.
The film Top Gun Maverick is cool because it uses real F-18s and real F-18 pilots.
jaymaron comments on Jun 12, 2022:
Ben Shapiro formed a film production company and produced the film "Terror on the Prairie", starring Gina Carano. It will be released next week. Gina is untouchable. Uncancelable.
oh well R.
jaymaron comments on Jun 11, 2022:
@Weltansicht @DinsdaleWalden @Tom81 @TimTuolomne @sqeptiq In the 1980's, Grothendieck was the supreme superpower of mathematics. All the mathematicians of the world bent the knee to Grothendieck. The force was strong in Grothendieck. Grothendieck wrote a letter to Gerd Faltings, and in the letter, Grothendieck gave Faltings a powerful mathematical idea, with the kind of power that only Grothendieck can create. Grothendieck carried the ball forward for bigly yards, and then he passed the ball to Faltings. Faltings is a mighty running back. Faltings is a mighty mathematician. Faltings caught the pass from Grothendieck and he carried the ball for a touchdown. Grothendieck is the supreme mathematician, and he has ideas that can turbocharge any mathematician. He chose to turbocharge Faltings. The reason is because Grothendieck judged Faltings to be worthy. Democrats will never know the glory of Faltings. If you have a good idea, it's a waste to tell it to Democrats. They can't carry a ball. Tell it to Republicans. Republicans can carry a ball. If you kill the messenger, you just end up getting less news. If you censor, you confine yourself to a walnut and count yourself a king of infinite space. Making debates entertaining: Republicans can harness good ideas. They can catch balls. Democrats can't catch good ideas. A mind is a terrible thing to waste on a Democrat.
oh well R.
jaymaron comments on Jun 11, 2022:
Democrats are complexity deniers. They are neither right nor wrong. They are not even wrong. They are incapable of tackling complexity. Leftism is simple, by design. The masses like simple. Loki: Humanity was made to be ruled. Is this not simpler? Humanity: We like simple. Einstein: Complex problems should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. Einstein: Complex problems have simple, easy to understand, wrong answers. Delivering a complex point requires an hour-long seminar. Democrats are antsy babies and incapable of sitting through an hour seminar. If a Republican starts speaking, Democrats interrupt after the first sentence and refuse to let him speak further. Democrats are afraid of complexity, and they fight it at all costs. Ram complexity up their asses. Strap them into the Vogon poetry appreciation chair and make them take it.
I get the feeling that's a big yes... Is the next insurrection coming to the Supreme Court?
jaymaron comments on Jun 11, 2022:
Constitutional crisis and civil war. If a Republican justice is assassinated, Biden will install a left-wing Justice, and this is an act of war. We need to negotiate a deal before the assassination happens. Once upon a time, judges were appointed in pairs. A Republican and a Democrat justice were appointed, and the appointees were chosen by a bipartisan commission. It was sensible dealmaking. Today, Democrats abandoned this detante. Republicans were justified in denying Garland the Supreme Court because Garland proved to be hyperpartisan. A justice should never be hyperpartisan. Republicans can shame Democrats for appointing a hyperpartisan. The author of the article raises an interesting point, that Democrat consider the 2016 election to be stolen, hence they consider Trump's three appointees to be illegitimate. Republicans consider these things to be legit. Democrats are bunkering down and weaponizing their feeling, and they are belligerent. They will push until civil war happens. Democrats are crybullies. Crybullies start wars. Crybullies must be called out and shamed.
NYPost: Colombia discovers two historical shipwrecks in Caribbean []
jaymaron comments on Jun 11, 2022:
It would be nice to send out a fleet of aquatic drones and find all the shipwrecks.
SciTechDaily: Jupiter Is Not Homogeneous []
jaymaron comments on Jun 10, 2022:
In the Early Earth, heavy elements sunk to the core, and this released gravitational energy, heating the core. Half of the core's heat came from radioactivity and half came from gravitational collapse. Today, the Earth is fully stratefied by density. The Earth is now maximally compact. The Earth has stopped collapsing. Today, all the core heating comes from radioactivity. Jupiter is still collapsing, and most of its internal power is from gravitational collapse. Jupiter produces more energy by collapse than it receives from the sun. If Jupiter ate a big object in the last million years, that object would still be sinking to the core, and the atmosphere above it would be juiced with energy. In the plot, the stars that are low mass and bright are young stars. Most of their luminosity is because they're still collapsing. In time, they will finish collapsing and settle down into dim red dwarfs, summering under low fusion heat. Jupiter took a hit, and the red spot is a black eye. Jupiter is the sumo champion of the solar system. It can take hits. The asteroid 16-psyche is the metal core of a planet that tried to form in the asteroid belt. Jupiter used its gravity to bombard it with asteroids, and the crust and mantle was stripped off, exposing the metal core. This is good news. 16-Psyche has 1 quadrillion dollars of platinum. The Earth's core has even more platinum, but we can't get it. Not unless we strip mine the Earth. The moon has metal asteroid craters. The moon was made to be strip mined. The moon is a spider web that collects metal asteroids. The Earth collects metal asteroids, but they quickly sink to the core, because the Earth's mantle is liquid. Not so on the moon. On the moon, metal asteroids stay on the surface. The moon's mantle is stone cold solid.
With Labor back in government in Australia the boats with illegals are coming - AGAIN!! Second ...
jaymaron comments on Jun 10, 2022:
@w0tn0t @sobieskirocks @angelo @eschatologyguy Once upon a time, Americans welcomed Canadians. They improve America. No longer. We may need to build a Canada channel. Once upon a time, Democrats were tasked with building a skating rink in Central Park, and they failed. Democrats can't build. The spotlight was on their failure, because New Yorkers were promised a rink, and there was no rink. Democrats spent 6 million $ and there was no rink. In desperation, Democrats hired Trump to do the job, and gave him a budget of 3 million $, and a deadline of 3 months. Remember that Democrats had been failing for 3 years. They hated Trump, and they saw it as an opportunity to deflect from their failure, and they expected Trump to fail, and they expected to be able to blame Trump for the failure. Trump called a Canadian rink builder and brought him to Manhattan and gave him command. The rink got built, under budget and ahead of schedule. Trump had the glory of presiding over the victorious opening ceremony for the rink, and then gleeful New Yorkers skated upon a fully operational rink. Democrats fumed with green envy. Trump won. Democrats never gave respect to Trump for winning. America should kiss Canada's ass. Canada has infinite reserves of oil, natural gas, water, lumber, copper, nickel, cobalt, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, gold, rhenium, osmium, iridium, platinum, uranium, and hockey players.
What the Real Stats Say About Black and White Crime: The Woke Crowd Will Hate Every One of These via...
jaymaron comments on Jun 10, 2022:
@JohnBurke @TimTuolomne High schools matter. The quality of your high school is important. Parents that are choosing a place to raise kids should nest in the district of a good high school. High school is 4 critical years in the development of a kid. Parents care about high schools. Democrats want to cripple schools. Democrats destroyed accelerated learning, and they forbid high schoolers from learning the Calculus. Democrats are the Khmer Rough. The film "Mean Girls" shows the coolness of high school. In the opening scene, we are showed the high school safari. There are kids that are into sports, acting, journalism, etc. There is a niche for all of them. Every high school in Baltimore sucks. Get out of Baltimore. Don't subject your kids to Baltimore schools. Back in the day, state college was cheap. It was $3000/year at Wisconsin, and rent was $200/month. You could work part time and easily afford college. Most state colleges are good. You can get a good education from them if you study hard. I laugh at kids that went to expensive elite schools and studied dumbass stuff. They voluntarily signed up to be a plantation slave, and they are slaves to politicians that promise college debt forgiveness. They are slaves to their debt, and they did it to themselves. America is full of people who went to state college and studied hard, and got legit STEM majors. They have no college debt and their knowledge led to legit jobs that improve America. Snotty leftists college humanities majors majored in bull studies, they overpaid, and they demand money from people who have no college debt. No. People who have college debt must learn respect for people who don't. Instead, people with college debt consider their debt to be moral superiority, and they insist that anyone that doesn't pay their debt is morally inferior. They are slavers. Today, state colleges cost $15000/year, which is too much to afford with a part time job, and most of the money is wasted on administration. The way to promote opportunity for the poor is not to give them free college. It's to strip away the unnecessary administration at state colleges. State colleges have great professors, and that's all you need. Keep the beef and cut the fat. A state college can be a steakhouse. STEM departments should secede from the university and establish an Institute of Technology. The Baltimore high school system spends $20000/student/year, and almost none of them can pass an algebra test. Baltimore is worse than a bad school. Baltimore wastes money that could go to better schools. The duty of a state is to produce good state colleges. There are states that produced mighty state colleges, capable of standing up to elite private colleges. These states include California, Wisconsin,...
Here’s Dan Rather on Twitter today denigrating Fox News viewers — about half of America’s ...
jaymaron comments on Jun 10, 2022:
Neutrality is a difficult skill. It should be recognized as a skill. Chris Wallace moderated a Trump vs. Biden debate, and he was nakedly partisan. This was a betrayal to America. Debate-ology:
Bigly World Cup games coming up.
jaymaron comments on Jun 10, 2022:
Ukraine defeated Scotland, and then Wales defeated Ukraine. Wales is going to the World Cup.
Guaranteed to never deliver.
jaymaron comments on Jun 10, 2022:
Trump has the Midas touch. The Biden coin is made of lead.
TheVerge: NASA’s new powerful space telescope gets hit by larger than expected micrometeoroid.
jaymaron comments on Jun 10, 2022:
This is why we need a manned base station at L2, to assemble telescopes on-site from mirror segments, and to repair them.
You think Ukraine is bad for enacting laws controlling their medias etc, that pales in comparison to...
jaymaron comments on Jun 10, 2022:
@SpikeTalon @2FollowHim @jasonc65 @eschatologyguy Trudeau crushes protests so hard that Canada is now in a state of protest death. It is not possible to protest in Canada because the punishment is so severe. You lose your bank account and your business, and Trudeau even goes after your relatives. America is in a state of protest death. Capitol Tea Party protesters were put in solitary confinement and denied trial. People who were at the Capitol and not protesting had their lives destroyed. Biden crushes protests so hard that it's impossible to protest. The American truck convoy protest was denied entry to DC. Biden prevented citizens from traveling freely in America. New Zealand and Australia crush protests with maximum force. This all means it's especially necessary to protest. Peter Navarro is a hero. A modern Nathan Hale. It's troubling to see Democrat voters supporting the Jan 6 congressional committee. They're cheering on the crushing of protests, and they think they're doing the moral thing. It's certain civil war.
Gravitas: South China Sea dispute: India arms China's rivals (5:59) []
jaymaron comments on Jun 10, 2022:
Voting in India is mandatory. They keep track of who voted. The sum total of votes for a village must be exactly equal to the number of voters in the village. If you fail to vote, they come after you. Makes it hard to cheat. In Ancient Athens, to vote, you had to show up personally and be recognized by your fellow citizens. You were watched as you placed a ballot in the box.
With Labor back in government in Australia the boats with illegals are coming - AGAIN!! Second ...
jaymaron comments on Jun 10, 2022:
Once upon a time, the English dug the English channel, to keep Europeans out. America should dig a Texas Channel.
EU's New Climate Change Tax Will Exempt Private Jets Enter Team Hypocrisy.
jaymaron comments on Jun 9, 2022:
New Zealand taxes cows. cow-farts-and-burps-to-be-taxed-for-climate-change-in-backdoor-meat-tax/
Biden Considering Retroactive Cancellation of Federal Oil & Gas Leases… As Gas Prices Approach ...
jaymaron comments on Jun 8, 2022:
An act of war. The fed can kill any state this way. Just cause for secession. There are leftists that want high gas prices, because they want to kill fossil fuels and force EVs.
San Francisco DA ousted over soft-on-crime policies, dealing blow to liberal justice agenda ...
jaymaron comments on Jun 8, 2022:
Boudin blamed the loss on money from right-wing billionaires. Boudin benefits from money from left-wing billionaires. We would love to see an oligarch war.
I've set myself a challenging task.
jaymaron comments on Jun 8, 2022:
DeSantis bodyslammed Disney, and this caused Netflix to back down on wokeism. In Top Gun Maverick, Maverick's jacket proudly sports flags of Taiwan and Japan. Musk is becoming Iron Man. We will see another epic season of Rodgers vs. Brady. Last season, Rodgers won the MVP and Brady was 2nd. Ben Shapiro created a movie production company and hired Gina Carano. San Francisco gave the boot to leftist school board members, and to DA Boudin. Youngkin put his boot up the ass of the school board. The generic 2022 poll predicts a red tsunami. Many Democrat officeholders are retiring rather than face election.
Not a chance.
jaymaron comments on Jun 8, 2022:
The Paul Pelosi DUI mugshot and police bodycam footage.
Mt. Rushmore, from Canada
jaymaron comments on Jun 7, 2022:
Nuclear would be a 'great basis' for a 'reliable system'[]
jaymaron comments on Jun 6, 2022:
I'm in the plasma fusion world. I have many papers published in plasma journals. I'm a fan of plasma conferences. I'm a plasma groupie. The ITER torus is a bigly plasma torus in France. I's the size of a basketball stadium. It's an international collaboration, where all he nations of the world, where all the king's horses and men, threw their focus on one torus. ITER is the One Ring. The question of the feasibility of fusion rests on ITER. ITER has the ball. At plasma fusion conferences, 1/4 of the talks are about experimental plasma physics, 1/4 of the talks are about computational plasma physics, and 1/2 of the talks are about fancy superconducting magnet technology. The stronger the magnets, the stronger the fusion. ITER has a diverse array of superconducting magnets, at least 20 different types, all state of the art. The ITER magnet assembly is a monster of daunting complexity. Most of the nations that threw money at ITER are not in it for fusion. They're in it for the magnet technology. MRIs are great. If we had cheap MRI machines, everyone could get a full body MRI and find every tumor. Wouldn't that be great? Previous to 2000, MRI machines were expensive, because they required expensive niobium superconductors. In 2000, the magnesium diboride superconductor was discovered, and MRI machines got cheaper. Yay! Gandalf: "Dark fire will never avail you!" Fusion power will never avail you. Fancy superconductors will avail you.
Nuclear would be a 'great basis' for a 'reliable system'[]
jaymaron comments on Jun 4, 2022:
Fusion power requires tritium. The easiest fusion reaction to achieve is Deuterium + Tritium -> Helium4 + Neutron Tritium can only be produced in a fission reactor. Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Conventional fusion reactors are dirty in the sense that they produce most of their energy in neutrons, and neutrons make other elements radioactive. You can make a neutronless fusion reactor, but you need helium3. Helium3 is produced from tritium, hence helium3 can only be produced in a fission reactor. Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!
Nuclear would be a 'great basis' for a 'reliable system'[]
jaymaron comments on Jun 4, 2022:
The physics of fusion bombs is simple. Squash lithium deuteride and it blows up bigly. But you have to squash it hard. Squashing with chemical energy is insufficient by many orders of magnitude. The only way to squash lithium deuteride hard enough to make it fuse is with the gammas from a fission bomb. You need ludicrous energy/mass, and *only* fission can deliver. A fusion bomb has 3 stages. Stage 1: A chemical bomb releases 0.1 tons of TNT energy, which is used to squash plutonium. Stage 2: The squashed plutonium fissions and releases 20,000 tons of TNT energy, some of which is in the form of gammas. The gammas are herded into the fusion bomb and used to squash the lithium deuteride fusion fuel. Stage 3: The lithium deuteride fuses and releases 10,000,000 tons of TNT energy. In the Tzar bomba, the gammas from stage 3 were used to ignite stage 4, a fusion stage that released 50,000,000 tons of TNT energy. There is no limit to the number of fusion stages that you can daisy chain together. A 10-stage bomb is what Doctor Strangelove created. A bomb large enough to blow up the Earth. We can do it. Detonating a fusion bomb is hard, and this is a good thing. In the show "Lost", an engineer gets a hold of a fusion bomb and uses it to vanquish the enemy. He was faced with the challenge of making it detonate. He disconnected the fusion bomb and focused on making the fission bomb detonate. His compatriots criticized him for disconnecting the fusion bomb and not taking advantage of the energy. The engineer said: "The fission bomb will be big enough to get the job done". Democrats hate the Space Force because Trump created it. If Trump were to endorse air, Democrats would suffocate themselves out of spite. In WW2, nuclear trumped chemical. The same will be true for WW3, and WW3 will be fought in space. We need to embrace nuclear gadgets. Star Wars gadgets can be real, if you embrace nuclear power.
Nuclear would be a 'great basis' for a 'reliable system'[]
jaymaron comments on Jun 4, 2022:
Laser fusion can break even for energy, but only for a microsecond, and only for a milligram of fuel. Then you have to wait an hour for the lasers to cool. You're not going to get a Gigawatt out of it. The fuel is a milligram and the lasers are 1000 tons. Plasma fusion can break even for energy, but then you have to wait a year for the device to calm down with radioactivity. You're not going to get a Gigawatt out of it. Plus, the power/$ for a fusion reactor is 100 times that for a coal reactor.
Nuclear would be a 'great basis' for a 'reliable system'[]
jaymaron comments on Jun 4, 2022:
@TimTuolomne "And for those who have no physics degrees and have convinced themselves that fusion is the answer, how many hundred years do you feel is acceptable with no stable and economic net power gain before you conclude that maybe it isn’t?" Plasma physicists envisioned fusion energy in 1960, but they cautioned that it was at least 50 years away, and they pointed out that fission power is practical right now. Ever since then, at every plasma physics conference, everyone jests that practical fusion power is 50 years away. We said it in 1960, 1970, 1980, ..., and we still say it today.
Why the Global Warming we see is caused by the Sun and what global Warming propagandists have done ...
jaymaron comments on Jun 4, 2022:
The sun is dimming. The sunspot cycle is decaying. Democrat news media doesn't mention this. The Earth's magnetic field is decaying fast, which means more cosmic rays, more cloud seeding, and a more reflective Earth. The Earth will cool down.
What Part of ‘Shall Not Be Infringed’ Does Biden Not Understand?
jaymaron comments on Jun 4, 2022:
Democrats want to violate the constitution if it suits them. We have rules for a reason. Either you have rules or you have anarchy. A gaping pit waiting to swallow us all. Republicans need to establish deterrent. Republicans should demand to change the constitution in their favor. What should Republicans demand?
Go woke, go broke.
jaymaron comments on Jun 3, 2022:
report-desantis-to-veto-35-million-for-tampa-bay-rays-facility-after-teams-anti-gun-rant/ 5
Remember how the full force of Canadian law was used against truckers in the Freedom Convoy?
jaymaron comments on Jun 2, 2022:
In the classical age, if people protested, the king's men showed up and beat them. Today, the government takes the bank accounts of protesters. Canada is in a state of tyranny. It is not possible to protest.
It's a myth that vultures eat decaying meat.
jaymaron comments on Jun 2, 2022: Vultures virtue signal. They don't kill. They just happen to show up if there's an animal that's already dead. Might as well make the most of it. Do you want the condors to get the food, or maggots?
It's a myth that vultures eat decaying meat.
jaymaron comments on Jun 2, 2022:
A symbiotic relationship is possible. Not only do vultures fly high, but they are also the largest flying birds. They are bombers. They can carry bigly payload. A vulture can find a freshly-dead animal and carry it, and drop it like a bomb on the grill of a human. The human can grill the animal and also add a spicy sauce consisting of spices from thousands of miles away. The humans and vultures can enjoy a family dinner together.
Go woke, go broke.
jaymaron comments on Jun 2, 2022:
On the can, there is no information about the flavor. It simply states that it is USA flavor. It tastes like Mountain Dew with alcohol.
Durham probe takes blow with not-guilty verdict for ex-Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann ...
jaymaron comments on Jun 1, 2022:
No political trial should ever take place in DC.
SpaceNews: House committee questions proposed delay in NASA asteroid mission.
jaymaron comments on May 31, 2022:
The LSST telescope is specialized to find asteroids. It's a wide-field telescope. We need lots of these kinds of telescopes.
PJMedia: RaymondIbrahim: Today in History: Islam Sacks Constantinople. []
jaymaron comments on May 31, 2022:
The Puckle gun in 1718 was marketed as a tool for teaching Turks of the superiority of Christian civilization.
PJMedia: RaymondIbrahim: Today in History: Islam Sacks Constantinople. []
jaymaron comments on May 31, 2022:
In the siege of Vienna in 1683, Turks tried to sack the city. Cavalry from all over Europe arrived and destroyed the Turk army. King John III of Poland led the largest cavalry charge in history, with 30000 cavalry. Turks had been trying to conquer Eastern Europe for centuries. Janissaries enslaved Europeans. The Janissaries turned out to be such jerks that the people of the Ottoman empire revolted and killed them all, in 1826.
ScotiaBank is the FIRST to apologise for freezing accounts of Freedom Convoy donors Bank ...
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2022:
Democrats are stage hogs. Selfish. They insist on talking all the time and they don't listen to Republicans. Call them out for being stage hogs. Call them out for failing to listen to Republicans, hence they're bigots. The fans can be more powerful than the team. Democrats forget this. Democrat news outlets report only Democrat-biased news. Therefore it's fair game for someone else to report Republican-biased news. Democrats are apartheidists, and they feel that Republican-biased news should be crushed.
Save the climate, ride an electric bus. OOOOPS []
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2022:
For the bus, it was 5 seconds between the initial smoke and the explosion. Not enough time for people to get out. The explosion rained molten metal throughout the bus. The bus designers should be thrown under a bus.
Save the climate, ride an electric bus. OOOOPS []
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2022:
Leftists want hydrogen-powered vehicles. For fuel, the lower the boiling point, the more explosive. Gasoline has a boiling point of 398 Kelvin (125 Celsius), and for hydrogen it's 20 Kelvin. Hydrogen is the fuel with the lowest boiling point, and hydrogen is the most explosive fuel. A hydrogen vehicle is a bomb under your ass. Hydrogen is produced from methane. Hahaha. It's not carbon neutral. In Star Trek, if antimatter confinement is lost, it's over. Hydrogen is stored as a pressurized gas, or as a cryo liquid. In either case, if containment is lost, it's over. If the pressure vessel ruptures, all the hydrogen is instantly released. If the cryo liquid is heated, it instantly boils and all the hydrogen is released.
Save the climate, ride an electric bus. OOOOPS []
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2022:
Batteries should be under the floor, because you can. You can make flat batteries. This gives you help with cornering. Also, the battery should be centered, which also helps with cornering. For cornering, the center of mass should be as low as possible, and it should be centered. Furthermore, you can suspend the battery, so that the chassis suspension has less work to do. Even better, you can equip the battery with active suspension, to help with stability and maneuvering. Gasoline engines can't be put under the floor, and they can't be suspended. They're rigidly attached to the power train. Putting batteries on the ceiling is epically stupid. If it burns, it rains molten metal on the humans. Gasoline engines have a powertrain and many points of failure. A gearbox, flywheel, crankshaft, axel, muffler, oil, etc. For an EV, the powertrain is wires. For lithium-ion batteries, the cathode is metal that is partially oxidized. It's not in the lowest energy state. If the metal is fully oxidized, it releases energy. The metal is usually cobalt. In a battery fire, part of the energy comes from the cathode oxidizing, and part of it comes from the carbon anode burning. Batteries don't have an internal oxygen reservoir, hence they shouldn't explode. They can burn, but they shouldn't explode. The battery in the bus is very poorly designed. It's as though the engineers designed a bomb, with a quantum mechanical timer, so that it can go off any time. In Top Gear, a Rimac EV crashed. It's a mighty sports car, with 900 kWatts and 320 MJoules of energy. The car burned and the fire fighters didn't try to stop it. It burned for days. I trust canned food, because it's overkill. It's packed in an atmosphere of zero oxygen and 100% CO2, and also boiled, electrocuted, and irradiated. Batteries should be in an airtight compartment of krypton. Old-school supercomputer rooms had halon gas vessels in case of fire. Halon gas displaces the oxygen, and nothing can burn in halon gas.
Why black people seem unable to write books on any subject other than that of being black ...
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2022:
The American Revolution is fine literature.
Biden Falsely Claims Trump Supporters Killed DC Police Officers On Jan.
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2022:
@guru @w0tn0t @GaryMysels Yes, Biden is in cognitive decline, and also moral decline. The same can be said of Democrat voters.
Biden Falsely Claims Trump Supporters Killed DC Police Officers On Jan.
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2022:
I see Democrats on social media repeating this lie. It can be proved that it's a lie, nevertheless Democrat voters are unaware of it. Therefore, Democrat voters are negligent, and their judgement is irrelevant.
ScotiaBank is the FIRST to apologise for freezing accounts of Freedom Convoy donors Bank ...
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2022:
@WayneHawthorne @Penrodster There has to be deterrent. Unfreezing the accounts is not enough. The account holders deserve reparations. Stealing bank accounts is a red card foul. Extreme tyranny. Move your money from paper to metal. Don't leave the metal in a depository. The government can take it. Bury the metal in the ground.
Trans characters in fiction used to be written with depth and wit.
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2022:
In Stargate, the Alien leader was gender ambiguous, and it was well written and acted.
We know that many conservative judges in the US subscribe to so-called "originalism": a type of ...
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2022:
@Matias66 @TimTuolomne @Josf-Kelley The text of the Constitution is: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The Founding Farmers were smarter than us. We should respect the wisdom of the Constitution. TimTuolomne is right. The Founding Fathers wrote a document based on principles. They did a damn good job of defining elegant principles. If you want to change minds, straw-manning doesn't work. You should assume the smartst possible interpretation of what the opponent said, and refute that. This is steel-manning. Detail: The Puckle gun is not a machine gun. The revolver has to be advanced manually between shots. It's still damn impressive. 11 shots and 125 caliber. Muzzle-loading muskets don't work well in the rain. The Puckle revolver has waterproof compartments and works in the rain. At a public trial, the Puckle gun produced 9 shots per minute in hard driving rain. Musketeers can do at best 3 shots per minute, in dry conditions. A bow and quiver ensemble would work better than muskets in the rain. Fast reloading.
Midterm special: Key House, Senate and governor races to watch The midterm outlook for House ...
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2022:
@Garsco @sqeptiq Which has more mischief value, the House or Senate? (Given the context that the president is from the opposing party). If you could only have one of the two, which would you want?
Midterm special: Key House, Senate and governor races to watch The midterm outlook for House ...
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2022:
Republicans point out that socialism failed every time it was tried. Leftists clung to Sweden. Then Sweden became the rape capital of Europe. That defense is dead. In 2020-2022, Democrats imposed socialism on America and it failed. If Republicans gain the House, they should impeach Biden, even if the impeachment can't win. Republicans need to establish deterrent. Also, Republicans should use the impeachment to investigate Democrat sins. A Republican House should investigate Democrats bigly. It's fair game. Democrats weaponized government against Republicans, when Republicans were innocent. Today, Democrats are guilty, so it's fair game to investigate. It will be fun watching Jim Jordan grill people.
A black, female US military officer, no doubt diversity hire, acting like a black female, single ...
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2022:
We need Pattons.
Cloud of fear grips University of Washington as DEI tenure requirement advances “People are ...
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2022:
There needs to be deterrent. Leftists attack recklessly, knowing they can get away with it. U. Washington won't be punished for trying to fire the professor. They should be punished. DeSantis bodyslammed Disney. If I were governor of a red state, I would defund all public schools, K-college. There shall be only private schools. Leftists professors are fueled by reckless student loans, and Democrats want to cancel the loans. That's being a jerk. We must take away the tuition money from leftist professors. If leftist students want to study gender studies, make them pay for it themselves.
Why is the idea of “America First” so hated by leftists?
jaymaron comments on May 29, 2022:
Baby formula shortage is due to monopolies. There are many more monopolies out there. baby-formula-crisis-turns-focus-on-manufacturer-monopolies-federal-policies/
Why black people seem unable to write books on any subject other than that of being black ...
jaymaron comments on May 29, 2022:
Not only do Democrats hate white literature, they want to stop it from being taught in schools. They want to intimidate you into removing white literature from your own bookshelf. Literature has been weaponized.
Why black people seem unable to write books on any subject other than that of being black ...
jaymaron comments on May 29, 2022:
If a black person writes something that has universal appeal, he's called a white supremacist.
Why is the idea of “America First” so hated by leftists?
jaymaron comments on May 29, 2022:
Gasoline and baby formula shortage. Could it get worse? What else could go wrong? Diaper shortage.
Cloud of fear grips University of Washington as DEI tenure requirement advances “People are ...
jaymaron comments on May 29, 2022:
This is unconstitutional and should go to the Supreme Court, who should stop it once and for all. Leftists will take total control of education, and then require college degrees for most jobs. Universities will ostracize Republican students and professors. It's cultural genocide of Republicans. Democrats require a teaching degree to teach in public schools. This must be abolished. We need conservative universities.
Trump got North Korea's leader to pay attention and deescalate.
jaymaron comments on May 29, 2022:
Kim tweet: I have a nuclear button. Trump tweet: Mine is bigger than yours.
Why black people seem unable to write books on any subject other than that of being black ...
jaymaron comments on May 29, 2022:
The Nobel literature prize tends to go to highly ethnic works, not to works that are of general interest.
Is the world looking?
jaymaron comments on May 28, 2022:
The right to bear gold.
Biden’s mistake is that he thinks he was elected to transform the country, but actually everyone ...
jaymaron comments on May 27, 2022:
People elected Biden because all other Democrat candidates were even more demented. (except Gabbard, who is cool. But Democrats whiffed on Gabbard) The Democrats have a thin herd. A weak bench. It's not just Biden. The Democratic party is a debacle. The Republican bench is deep. Trump endorsements launched many new Republicans. Trump endorsed DeSantis for governor. Republicans have an attitude dream team. Trump, Jordan, Greene, Boebert, Paul. Unleash attitude!
Rebel News: Trudeau cancels fancy fundraiser appearance due to protesters wanting freedom back ...
jaymaron comments on May 27, 2022:
Carlin: The oligarchy is a club, and you're not in it. Leftism is a Ponzi scheme.
Elon Musk teases AOC on Twitter after declaring she will sell her ...
jaymaron comments on May 27, 2022:
Musk is formidable. The left thinks they can smite him, and they can't. Musk is making mean tweets great again.
DefenseOne: Fort Bragg as Fort Liberty?
jaymaron comments on May 27, 2022:
Has anyone seen the Blue and the Grey?
Democrats Win Legal Right To DISQUALIFY Republicans For Insurrection Pushing US Closer To Civil War ...
jaymaron comments on May 26, 2022:
Democrats pass intolerable acts. It feels like they want civil war.
Critics warn feds will use 'domestic terrorism' law to silence dissent []
jaymaron comments on May 26, 2022:
Plenty of actual domestic terrorists, and the fed does nothing.
An off-duty CBP agent killed the Uvalde gunman and many on the left are attacking ICE- []
jaymaron comments on May 26, 2022:
Cops loafed outside the building for an hour before going in. They should have given their guns to the parents. Biden was a jerk and used the tragedy to attack gun owners.
If you want to explain the meaning of the word "outlier"
jaymaron comments on May 26, 2022:
This makes me feel good that Americans have lots of guns.
"No institution — church, state, medical, corporate, legal, justice — is above corruption.
jaymaron comments on May 26, 2022:
Every dollar spent by government is an opportunity for corruption and cronyism. The only way to fight it is to minimize the dollars that government spends. Democrats feel that Republicans are evil because Republicans didn't agree to the multi-trillion dollar spending bill. Republicans feel that they're the virtuous ones. The divide is irreconcilable. All organizations drift toward corruption, oligarchy, and leftism. The only solution is to destroy the organization from time to time and rebuild it from scratch.
Florida Pest Control
jaymaron comments on May 25, 2022:
A smart state would make Musk an offer: If you move your manufacturing plants to our state, we will give you a term as governor. We will glorify you. We will cheer at your rallies. A fiction novel:
Biden Considers Tapping Emergency Diesel Supply Stores As Gas Prices Hit RECORD ...
jaymaron comments on May 25, 2022:
I love the smell of napalm in the morning. Smells like victory. Blow them to the stone age! Get your people down and get your people back. It's going to be a big one.
We now live in a culture that wants to cancel out any voice that does not agree with them.
jaymaron comments on May 25, 2022:
Cool sermon!
Davos elites warn nations not to resist 'painful global transition' []
jaymaron comments on May 25, 2022:
@JohnBurke @dmatic We resist, and furthermore, we're throwing a party, and the theme is resistance. We're throwing a tea party. Resistance is fun! Democrats hate parties. Democrats are unfun. Democrats poop on parties. Republicans should launch a charm offensive, and out-party Democrats.
DefenseOne: Fort Bragg as Fort Liberty?
jaymaron comments on May 25, 2022:
@timon_phocas @TimTuolomne "erasing our history" People who know history are cool to hang out with. The Slug group "History Corner" is a party. I tell my students that the most secure job that exists is history teacher. The mightiest history teacher in the world is Bill O'Reilly, who owns 10+ history books that are NYT best sellers. Bill says that he uses only original sources. That's badass. Furthemore, Bill is rich, and he deserves to be. Bill gave us great commentary. Bill used his wealth to buy historical documents. Many of the original sources that Bill cites are personally owned by Bill, and he harvested their wisdom and got it out. Without Bill, the wisdom doesn't get out. History is objective, and most other humanities are not. With history, you can win objectively. You can out-study your foe and prove that you know more history than the foe, as judged by knowledge of original sources. Other humanities are decided not by objectivity, but by feelings. The biggest feelings asshole wins. Hillsdale college accepts no government money, hence they can do what they want. Hillsdale employs a full-time lawyer that spends his time making sure that not a cent of public money is Trojaned into Hillsdale. What a concept! Getting stuff done without government money. It can be done. Hillsdale virtue signals that it teaches history from original sources. Kat Timpf is a graduate of Hillsdale College.
NationalDefense: Navy Eyes Next-Gen Tech to Transform Shipyards. []
jaymaron comments on May 25, 2022:
If I were POTUS, I would meet with the Prime Minister of Japan, and with Japanese nuclear physicists. I will also invite American nuclear physicists, and throw a bigly party. Imagine a party of drunk nuclear physicists. Star Wars isn't fiction. The gadgets of Star Wars are possible, if you tap into nuclear power. I would command American physicists to write down all their best secrets, and I would hand the document to the Japanese Prime Minister. Luke, you are our only hope. America is doomed. The only hope is Japan. America has the ball but it's about to get tackled. America needs to pass the ball to Japan. I wrote an article about nuclear-powered Star Wars gadgets, and the data that the article cites comes from the Jendl nuclear data library, published by Japan. Japan has the best nuclear data. Japan is on the ball.
Hillary Clinton’s sordid legacy of lies.
jaymaron comments on May 25, 2022:
Hillary lied on many levels. She lied about the Russia collusion hoax, which is a personal attack. Hillary also lied about policy. She told voters that she is anti-oligarch, but it was exposed that she gave a secret speech to Goldman Sachs declaring that she is pro-oligarch. Congressman Jim Jordan published a book titled "Do What You Said You Would Do". Trump is popular among Republicans because he did what he said he would do. Democrats are incapable of understanding the virtue of honor. Worf: Romulans are without honor.


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