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LINK 4chan millenials want children

The only problem is :
we have been sabotaged since birth.

Mikewee777 7 Aug 1

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Sabotaged? WUT, Mommy got you trannied? FemNazis "coerced" you into believing their crappola?

If you are still a child, be patient. Time will provide the opportunity. And, if you are still a child there is plenty of time unless Mommy was a pervie who needed to tran you in order to preen in front of her drinking buddies.
OTOHand, if your mind has been twisted by the FN's you have a struggle ahead of you. Pretend someone got you hooked on drugs and you need to go to rehab.

You forgot how bad the 1990's was.

Trump would have been crucified by the media if he was president during the Clinton era.

Even T.V. commercial producers were sued.
Religious lawyers failed to sue over the moaning commercials but the more recent lawsuits over the toxic chemicals in those same shampoos were successful . Those same kind of lawyers are still out there.

I am not a trans weirdo .

In my opinion, the extremists on the other side are significantly worse .

Imagine being punished over a random T.V. commercial you have no control over .

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