Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder

An open forum to discuss the insanity of the left.
Topics: Activism, Debate / Argument, News, Politics / Political Ideology, Society / Culture
1,570 members, 1,500 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024


This is a group for those who oppose the left-wing's push for Socialism/Communism in America. We are for the ideas of Free Trade and Capitalism that made America great. We ...
Topics: Activism, Debate / Argument, Politics / Political Ideology, Religion / Spiritualism, Society / Culture
2,267 members, 3,057 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Politically Incorrect folks

Speak your mind about anything . For everyone agree to disagree
Topics: Activism, Animals / Pets, Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Books / Writing / Poetry, Career
2,479 members, 1,147 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Just Jokes and Memes

A place for a few laughs and to share funny/topical memes
Topics: Creativity, Debate / Argument, Humor, News, Politics / Political Ideology
14,495 members, 19,010 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Laughing at the Hateful Left

Expose attacks from the left.
2,673 members, 2,863 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Joe Biden Is Not My President

Joe Biden did not win a fair and legal election.
179 members, 633 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

The Culture War in 8 hours, 27 mins

Face it. The PC culture.... The SJW... The Femenazi.... Antifa... The extreme left is on full force.... I dedicate this group for all the time they fail... And we love memes here. ...
9,404 members, 42,121 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Black Lives Matter - Exposing Them in 27 mins

This group is about compiling credible information to expose BLM for what its about. The leaders are self proclaimed Marxists. This is about exposing that they want to implement ...
Topics: Activism, Education, History, Military, Philosophy
811 members, 511 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

President Donald J. Trump... Latest

This is a group to discuss the latest Trump stories and controversy. Whether you love him or hate him, Trump always is something to talk about.
Topics: Debate / Argument, Politics / Political Ideology, Public Figure
2,066 members, 812 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Comedy, Laughs and Humor.

For those who like a laugh..
326 members, 6,833 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

American Freedom

Organizing before and after the election.
Topics: Activism, History, Politics / Political Ideology, Religion / Spiritualism
358 members, 1,063 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Conservatives United

Group of conservatives uniting to keep liberty alive.
Topics: History, Military, Politics / Political Ideology, Happiness / Self Improvement, Society / Culture
448 members, 908 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Conspiracy Truth : Wolves And Sheeple

Investigating the New World Order agenda and other so called conspiracy theorists with like minded people interested in seeking the truth. Created by Winston from The Wolves And ...
Topics: Activism, Debate / Argument, News, Philosophy, Politics / Political Ideology
1,227 members, 876 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Saving Western Civilisation

Discussion on saving Western Civilisation, why others have fallen what can be done.
2,056 members, 2,679 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Celebrity News

Celebrity shenanigans!
Topics: Religion / Spiritualism
13 members, 422 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Anti Communists

People who have the good sense and higher ethics to oppose Communist thought... influence... & oppression!
Topics: Activism, Economics / Social Sciences, Education, Politics / Political Ideology, Society / Culture
1,021 members, 2,169 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

True Crime Discussion Group

This is a group for anyone who is interested in true crime. It will encompass all aspects of the subject from infamous cases to current events. It will touch on the political ...
Topics: Debate / Argument, History, Politics / Political Ideology
598 members, 5,577 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

News From All Views

Tired of single-sided biased news? Want both sides of the story? Know about a story that is not getting media coverage? Want to report startling facts? News From All Views is for ...
Topics: Humor, News, Politics / Political Ideology, Science
7,280 members, 28,501 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Feminism = cancer

Female supremacy is for fish, insects and cats. If women were equal to men, they wouldn’t have to keep beating their stupid barely-functional drum of “mUh vAgEnE”. MEN CREATE...
Topics: Debate / Argument, Philosophy, Science, Sexuality / Gender, Society / Culture
473 members, 1,707 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

MGTOW: Exodus From The Plantation

A group for men going their own way to express themselves.
Topics: Debate / Argument, Philosophy, Relationships / Dating, Sexuality / Gender, Society / Culture
63 members, 1,768 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

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