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So, Russia, The US and France (the Minsk ) are siding with Armenia while Turkey and Israel are siding with Azerbaijan. That makes The US being allied with Russia and against Israel, no? Is this all about arms deals, i.e., money? Apparently, the arms deals between Israel and Azerbaijan are colossal. Is this how politicians flip sides, just like that? Not that I'm surprised but still... 🙁

[] (This is a Pakistan source - How is Pakistan involved? It's complicated!)

Naomi 8 Oct 18

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If Pakistan is involved then the entire article is suspect. They have rather interesting ideas of ethics in journalism, even for these modern times.

Apparently, Erdogan says Russia, US and France are arming Armenia. Do you know if it is true? I've been learning a bit about the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict and trying to find insightful information rather than through the Western lens. .

@Naomi, Turkey hates Armenia and during the Crimean war and also World War 1 tried to exterminate the Armenian population (they succeed in turkey). It was the first modern genocide documented in modern history. The Armenians have been resisting the Turk's and Turkish allies from the days when the Turk's moved into that area.

With the rise of the USSR Armenia was protected as a under the control of Moscow. Since the Arab spring that was sponsored by the Obama administration there has been a settling of old scores in that area of the world. turkey already had a coup by Erdogan (that was supposedly a failed coup against him even though he was safely offshore during all of this and had troops and strike teams in place from the start).

So what you have are Kurds and Armenians don't fall in well with the two major groups in those areas (even though they both have lived there longer). So it is going to be a rather interesting time as the Turks are hoping that the Us wants to keep the air base in Turkey enough to look the other way while they try to kill off the Kurds and Armenians. Which is going to be a serious problem in the near future.

that area has strife issues that go back a long ways and the UK and France are a big part of what caused some of the issues.

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