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The beginning of the end for police, civilian relations, was when law enforcement became a revenue generating arm of government. Unmarked vehicles, different paint schemes, standard state license plates, all used as a mechanism to blend in vs being seen. The goal of law enforcement seems to no longer be to prevent the crime, but to catch the person who committed it, then fine him or worse.

sceleste90 4 Mar 1

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It's all about making that money now days. Police work is just a business now, not a public service.


My friend was a cop in the 80’s and his chief told them that 95% of people were just living life, working hard, raising kids and paying their taxes which pay our salaries...leave them alone, barring something really crazy. The other 5% he called the predators and scum bags who prey on the 95%. them like hawks, he said. They should be the target of law enforcement. Sadly, those days are gone.

Community policing is a thing of the past. I often site the Andy Griffith show, as commical as that may seem, when comparing law enforcement of yesteryear, to that of today. The privatization of probation services, & prisons is equally devastating to the citizenry. Too many folks, have too much to gain with every criminal charge in our current system.


Keen observation, I agree.

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