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Do you agree with Trump building this wall? Why/ why not?

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  • 9 votes
edgyberry 6 Mar 3

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41 comments (26 - 41)

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Having lived in Tucson for 29 years, I've seen the destruction caused by drugs, crime and overcrowded schools. Being able to come to America and deliver your baby is a huge draw and will continue to be so until we wake up an rewrite the nonsense. I worked for a company that used many H1b visa holders they bragged about their family members coming over to have their babies they bragged about working here until they could retire and then moving back to Africa and living like kings on social Security. We need to wake up.I

I remember reading somewhere that there was talk of eliminating the "anchor baby" phenomena. Have you heard anything about this?


I don't agree with human trafficking and that is one main crime that is happening and coming through our borders and not at the main points of entry.


It’s a wall, with points of entry. I think that when some people hear the word “wall” they think that it’s a separation without those points of entry.


I think people miss a very obvious point. Illegal immigration is obviously curbed with the border wall by up to 60% ...And much of the illegal immigration happening is drug related. The U.S is a massive market for the drug dealers. Building the wall kills much of the market, kill that much of the market means Mexico actually benefit from the wall as well. Less product to sell, less crime rate going through the country because there's less competition, and less families in ruins seeking asylum !! Everyone benefits from this. It would have a positive ripple effect and force the Mexican authorities to sort their country out.


American Sovereignty.
No other country on the planet where you can just walk in and get housing, medical, food, etc at tax payers expense. They EXPECT you to bring something to the table, your skills or at least the "pretense" of assimilation. You wouldnt push your way in, name calling and demanding.
It's insane!
Not ever.
We need to vet folks to want in.
This is just common sense.


I live on an island. We still have problems with White Slavery gangs and the importation of young children to be used for sex or as menial workers in households.
BUILD A SECURE BORDER. If a wall is needed do it.


Why do shopping malls, homes, apt bldgs, workplaces, shed, cars, anything enclosing perceived value have walls with doors controlled by lock and key?

Why when you go to a sporting event why do you require a ticket to gain entry at the door as well as by the bldg's walls that are not practical for most to bypass?

Nothing terribly complicated here. Now get that wall up already!


The arguments against it are nonsense.


So, strong national security would need to focus on actual threats. Namely China and Russia. Those are the countries that could be a credible threat to America. Personally I suspect the Russians as their leader is former KGB i.e. they elected Comrade James Bond as their leader, for the past two decades. Maybe a Canadian Wall if the Reds decide to go over the North Pole. Never Trust Russia!

As for terrorists, they have all been apprehended at airports and none of them have the balls to drag their ass over the Mexican desert no matter how many virgins they have been promised. (Fun side note, that whole 72 virgins thing is probably a mistranslation. The original was closer to something like 72 things of grapes or olives. It would be like some cult promised a ton of cherries when you get to heaven, and centuries later it would be assumed they meant virgins.)

As for things like drugs, if you drive a truck filled with heroin over the middle of the desert. You will be noticed. Doesn't matter how many potatoes or bibles or children's toys you use to mask it. Better to go through a port of entry that has that one agent that will let you through on Tuesday cause you slipped him a few hundreds and happen to know where he lives as extra leverage.

As for illegal immigrants, I want them in because they keep my food cheap. How much do you think it will cost to pay an American to pick fruit.

You failed to address the biggest problem with our porous southern border:

open border + welfare state = economic destruction

@jneedler But we have had a better welfare state then the Soviets for decades. There have been a number of soviet defectors simply because our hobos eat better then the average Soviet citizen. Why didn't that spell economic collapse then?

@criminey359 A couple of problems with that theory:

  1. Soviets couldn't just walk from the USSR to America

  2. America's welfare expenditures, per recipient, have been generally been increasing as in averall trend for roughly the last 80 years. As we increase the benefits, more people will be drawn to try and collect them.

  3. People who are dependent on social welfare programs accumulate over time. If we 100,000 illegal immigrants cross the border and receive benefits this year, we don't have 100,000 recipients next year. We have whatever we had, PLUS those 100,000. And it keeps increasing, year after year.

Most importantly: roughly 180 million American actually pay taxes (everyone else pays nothing due to tax credits, etc). How much of the world's 7.5 BILLION population do you expect us to support?

@jneedler I don't think we need to support all 7.5 billion. Just a quick googling and it looks like there is enough food to feed 10 billion. There is enough food to go around.

Don't those illegal immigrants cross the border and pick fruit and wait around home depot to do menial labor? As for the asylum seekers, our foreign policy in regards to all of central and south America is more or less cause a coup each time someone even vaguely socialist gets elected. Imagine if Brazil funded a massive coup each time we had a president that so much as glanced suspiciously at Brazil. There might be quite a few Americans taking a trek south.

If you are worried about costs, less tax cuts? Maybe a sales tax on stocks, higher estates taxes, maybe a tax on video game loot boxes.


You neglected to answer my question in my last paragraph (a simple oversight, I'm sure), and also neglected the three logical fallacies I pointed out with your contention (i.e., that the USSR situation is comparable to our current border crisis).

If that's an inaccurate paraphrase of your contention, perhaps try restating it without bringing up the Soviets and asking "why didn't that spell economic collapse then?"

Could you please address at least some of these before the conversation proceeds to other tangents?

@jneedler Alright, I did focus more on your final point of supporting people.

  1. You have a point of the soviets can't just walk here. However they can walk to the EU really easily. Last I checked, the EU is bursting with socialism. Still the few Soviets who can walk here I want to join us because it means they walked through the Arctic Circle to get here.
  2. Welfare has gone up in the EU. Currently we have more houses vacant then we have homeless people. More food is grown then the number of mouths being feed. Personally, I want the Universal Base Income just so we don't have to waste college students on some shitty job serving coffee. Alternatively better worker rights so CEOs can't fire everyone every tax season to claim they made an extra few million in profit. I can hope for both though.
  3. There is an interesting thing about the way our social system is set up. If you make over a certain amount of money, your social welfare check gets cut off. So in some cases it's entirely possible to make more money on a terrible job that pays nothing, then to step up an income bracket from work alone.

Rectify your countries first then we'll talk.


You cannot have open borders and birthright cititzenship with a large welfare state. If you want the large welfare state and birthright citizenship you must control the borders. If you want open borders you must dismantle the large welfare state and end birhtright citizenship. Pick one.


I agree with legal immigration.. Period .. How that occurs is likely left to people that know more about it then I do.


Well for starters there needs to be border security, the world is not the safest place, things get in the country (drugs) and untracked people get in the country (illegal immigrants). Both of these literally take money OUT of the country which potentially reduces the GDP which is looked at to compare living standards.

No border security allows people to thrive off human trafficking which is said to be an awful experience.

America is a good country for a reason and needs to be logical in these sort of decisions - there is a reason why people WANT to come to America (even illegally) - the more illegals the more awful it becomes from both an economic perspective and national security view.


Security of our country


Yes cause mexicans duh


That’s what the people who live and breathe it everyday has requested and it is their lives on the line.

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