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I am curious the political leanings of this site. Cannot have a serious debate if all parties do not have a seat at the table. So where do you see yourself on the political spectrum?

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JMiller 5 Mar 6

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There can be no debate with the Left......... Because it's their way or nothing............ PERIOD.


I like the term liberal conservative (California Republican)


Voted center right, but I'm not sure what to really call myself. Small "L" libertarian, classical liberal, constitutionalist, pragmatic conservative, whatever. I am all for the rights of the individual over the collective; smallest possible government limited to the enumerated powers, etc.


It really doesn't break out left/right for me - I am fiscally conservative and smallest possible government, and for the largest amount of personal freedoms to do what makes you happy, so long as it doesn't harm others.
So, a lot of left leaning stuff, I'm good, but when we start talking about making me pay for your stuff, then we have a problem.

And no, I don't think "the rich" need to be soaked because they somehow got ahead - I know multi-millionaires, and to almost a person, they earned it.


According to the left and right I'm far right. I want a wall and then no taxes as much as possible.


I believe so much in the individual that you can't even call me a libertarian


Anti democrats center left.


Nice post!


Depends on the topic, but overall I would probably be center right. That includes all aspects, including social, financial/economic, freedoms, and government.


I'm probably closer to Libertarian for individual liberty and size/function of government, but not opposed to a certain level of social safety nets (egalitarianism) for those who are truly vulnerable and certain public services infrastructure for transport, water/sewer, energy, communication and public spaces/parks. I'm fiscally conservative, and anti-income tax (taxation is theft) in the political/philosophical vein of Bastiat. Also definitely aligned with the 20th century Austrian school of economics (Mises, Hayek, et al), so I'm a free market capitalist (but vehemently opposed to crony capitalism and globalism).


I believe strongly in traditional conservative values including a identifiable American Identity and attitude which has led to the country's greatness. I don't hate immigrants but can't accept those who sneak in being allowed to stay and given benefits over those who follow the law and wait their turn. I am an originalist on the constitution, own guns, think abortion is murder, think the govt.that governs least governs best. I also believe we are in a cold civil war right now with the left who's ideas are antithical to ours. The future of America is going to be determined by the winners. That being said I encourage discussion and debate with all voices and opinions but i.have little patience for generalization, innuendo, false equivalency or ad hominem attacks. If I want that I'll go over to FB. I enjoy it when two sides can discuss an issue using reason and logic wile keeping emotion and rancor under control. This is how we educate each other, when two sides intelligently state their own case then intelligently listen and contemplate the points made by the other. This is what I'm looking for: adults discussing important matters like adults. Everybody has their own reasons for being in the community and that's mine


Libertarian mostly although there is a need for government influence; i.e. infrastructure, military, trade, internal security (borders), some social programs etc.

That sounds Libertarian as opposed to anarchist. I can get behind that.


Conservative/Classical Liberal.



I'm a conservative first.


I would consider myself right leaning centerist. I believe every one that is comfortable with a firearm should have one or two as needed. I am hands off with abortion though as I am a man and it will never be my call to make. I am a constitutionalist meaning I want our government to do what is was made to do and not what it wants. But I also think weed should be legal and people should be allowed to do what they wish inside their own home so long as it does not hurt anyone. I figured I should just put it all out there. If I am being honest. I do wish there were a few more left leaning people in the mix so that we can share ideas and come up with real solutions. Only time will tell.

@Dewal Maybe, but im American so that is how my frame of referance works.


Definitely right down the middle


I thought i was a libertarian. Then i think of what humanity can be like. So some government and some taxes are ok.


Right-leaning libertarian.


I can't participate in the poll because I'm an individual seeking the truth and transparency of government. My beliefs are my own not a political movement or motive. I support who best represent's me.


Usually when I am asked I reply Libertarian but just to make it simple. It is much more complicated than that in reality. Old School Liberal, perhaps according to some. Conservative according to some liberal others, on Monday I was called a Fascist and Communist all in the same thread on another site.

I am really wondering how many people actually understand the underlaying set of beliefs / platforms of each group.

You are right. It is really not that simple but it was just a poll.

@JMiller It would be great if we could engineer a more complete one. I am always looking to learn and understand more about myself.

@BrunosDad Coming from Political Science (undergrad) it is a simple left-right dynamic or dialectic. WE know that is not the case at all for sure. Psychology (My Masters) shows that all human experience is hardly bianary but pulls in all manner of directions. I would love to build a better non-biased political leaning finder but I am not sure I am that guy. I get the psychology of it but I would need a programmer and likely a team to put that together. Maybe I can reach out to some friends back in Huntsville, AL to see what we can do.

@JMiller Can you imagine the market value of a truly unbiased tool would be!

@BrunosDad I can see the usefullness of it. I owuld imagine most of America would realize that they are not so diferent from the rest of America and maybe we can get away from the BS naritive we have going on now. We have the extremes controlling the story. WE are not getting any where. We need to run back to center that is the only way.

@JMiller I have often wondered if the usual test are created to make us look as if we are more divided than we really are. Are we being divided on purpose?

@BrunosDad you may just be on to something.

@JMiller Thanks, even a blind squirrel..... I wish I had more to add but I am more of an economics guy not a programer.

@BrunosDad There is one posted in here somewhere that is a go start for sure. I posted results but I cannot remember where lol.


A little bit everything. But mostly just have good values and respect for your fellow man and country.


Conservative, pragmatic! Good arguments take the day! Drivel .....culture destruction, not so much!


I suppose I am what might be called a Classical Liberal, which is probably quite like a Goldwater Republican maybe. I'm still trying to figure it out.


I'm saying center because in the grand scheme of things there are important issues and unimportant ones.

To me who one sleeps with, veggie or meat eater, whatever as long as they don't try to force me to do thier thing is not any concern of mine. I really don't care

I'm busy doing my thing and paying my way with my labor.

BTW, you want more than basic survival? Work. We that do earn our wages don't have enough to pay your way too


Just a basic redneck opinion


Libertarian Conservative

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