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I would agree that Israel has lost Jerusalem several times. It was actually foretold several times by the prophets of the Old Testament. This history is certainly ancient and the only nudge I feel compelled to give to Palestine given that Israel once again occupies the land of their history, is that Britain offered them a piece of the pie if they would fight for them in the 19th century, but it sounds like Britain offered everyone a piece of that pie, and therefore the violent debate over land rights sounds strangely familiar. While the current fight may be a bit more secular, it truly resembles Ishmael's claim to his inheritance. One can't help but wonder if peace can be had there. I understand that the claims are a bit more complicated than a couple of quick one-liners, The part that is tugging my sleeve right now is that Palestine has snubbed the idea of a two-party state, and wants Israel gone. Plain and simple. Only I get it, not so plain and simple. I would love to hear any knowledgable insight to help me understand more fully.

Davisz1 4 Mar 9

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There will never be a two state solution.
The PA/Hamas etc. want all Jews dead and all the land.
So the only real peace will be when Israel run the whole show


I get the feeling peace will never be established there, but I could be wrong though...

Read your Bible, it tells you when there will be peace, and there will be peace.

@Serg97 I've read both the OT and NT's in the Bible, and there are far too many holes in the stories contained therein to be taken at face value.

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