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Political Coordinates Test - a visual depiction of your political leanings!

The test, while a little simplistic in some aspects, seems to be a decent measure of your general political ideology. Feel free to take the test (it's free, only takes a few minutes) and share / discuss your results here.

I had to answer 'neutral' on a few questions that I felt weren't asked in a manner to accurately capture my personal leanings; I'm not sure what impact that had on the overall results. Regardless, the overall results are generally in line with what I expected (even if they did plot me a little heavier right-leaning that I consider myself).


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jneedler 6 Mar 10

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I have taken this many times, and always end up in the yellow, just a block or so from the red.

I received a similar result, though I believe it was skewed because I marked some answers "neutral" when I felt the question conflated two issues, or the phrasing of the question prevented a nuanced answer to a complex topic.

With a better worded test, I think I would have scored deeper in the Liberalism (Individualistic) side.


The problem with these types of test is that, if you have any previous knowledge of political definitions, you can easily choose the answer that will lead to how you wish to be defined even if you are not wholly honest with yourself.


I find things to respect in all people.
In terms of ideaologies, the game is rigged.

Democrats need to study John F. Kennedy.


I don’t “play” these games ...
#1. They’re developed to be skewed and weighted in whichever way the developer wants.
#2. They create / leave LOTS of data about you floating around.
#3. That data is often mined for information on how to break your security ...


Took it 3 times.

Got Right-Communitarianism each time.


Not long ago I took a similar test, and not surprised to find out the result of this test determined I'm a right-center libertarian.


Should we replicate a tool like this? Are there different or more dimensions to measure?

I'm sure there are more dimensions to measure. I'm thinking of those tests that give results in the shape of a 'sun,' with different aspects spiking outwards in proportion to your personal inclination (will see if I can find an image).

Unless users have the option to combine answers (share their results voluntarily, of course) to form a data pool, I see no point in you reinventing the wheel - there are plenty of political ideology tests available already. I liked that this one had two axis ... it gave it a little more dimension than typical 'left vs. right' polls.

Would be good data for you.

If there was a way to show your political compass on your profile that might be interesting.

Alternatively the details section of your profile could ask thoughtful questions and give an opportunity to write an answer.


I wish there was a way to plot all of our answers on a single chart, just to see a graphical dispersion of where we all land, and trend as a group.

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