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Hi ! I’m new here. Is this really the IDW from Peterson, Rubin, Shapiro and others ?

Got the link from Facebook. I don’t trust that guy ?

Silvio_Martins 2 Mar 18

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Have educated myself a bit more--this site is likely an info gathering tool, and perhaps a psych study:
Important!!--Your attention please.

From this website "about us"

" Our current political system has become progressively more identity-based and tribal, which is destroying the ability to build consensus and effectively address important issues of modern life - such as climate change, income inequality, growing under-employment, and disparities in racial and gender outcomes

"Effectively address"---means that Admin sees these as major problems. These are all Leftist concerns, and are not goals for anyone valuing Liberty and free markets and small government.

Consensus can not be built on these issues, as they are mainly contrived worries of the Left.

And Warren's Mississippi speech from Mississippi yesterday:

I, too, noticed the "effectively address important issues of modern life - such as climate change, income inequality, growing under-employment, and disparities in racial and gender outcomes" and it just rings odd. I saw a post elsewhere that claimed Peterson seemingly spoke of this site in positive terms, but I don't buy it at this time.


This is a social discussion group of various POVs, many initially attracted by the use of Peterson, Shapiro, Carlson type celebrities. Don't think the famous folks pictured at the other (questionable) IDW FB site post here, nor would many of them want to--- It is what it is--a discussion group where anything can be discussed that is legal and is done in a polite (or not-so-polite) manner. The censorship of conservative speech that is so common on FB, Youtube, and Twitter is not supposed to exist here--and so far, I believe it. However, plenty of folks here who do not fit the description.


For the time being, this is just a fan site.

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