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President Trump heads to florida for the weekend to meet with the leaders/ representatives of the carribean nations on the weekend of the Mueller report being turned over.

I wonder how much money he is making sure is secure in his offshore bank accounts?

CuriousFury 7 Mar 22

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Mueller spent two years looking for Collusion that didn't exist
So Trump's got to be guilty and now he's circling the wagons?



Is being a Flat Earther a mental disease?

He doesnt really need to when he can send his war parties out to do it for him


He knows that there’s nothing to the Mueller report so I doubt he’s got any money squirreled away for that reason. The coming congressional investigations will make his life more interesting I’m sure


I live pretty close to his resort; I could go over there and ask him. The real question is will the Mueller report be made public? I haven't heard. It could just be a whole lot of pages with inappropriate scribbling. Anyway, if you have any questions you want me to relay, just let me know.

Yeah, ask him if he would like a groundskeeper with a usa birthcertificate? I haven't lived in florida for a while and would like the chance to catch some tropical breezes.

@CuriousFury There are those who allege that a birth certificate is not necessary for employment with the President, at a "menial" level. I will put in a good word though. To be honest, I think Texas is a lot nicer than down here.

@Danielion eeewwww... you have just tickled a couple funny bones, my friend.

I will have to explore the menial aspect in a further thread. But i will give you the chuckle from the other.

I just was thinking it would be nice to paint some "plein air"'s of florida before it is a reef.
{[ ;?)>~


Not much. Everything I heard said it was a big nothingburger

Yeah, i havent really been paying attention but out of the corner of my ear. I just heard that some of his friends got into some trouble during the investigation, so it had me wonderin'


I wonder how many folks out there even care about that?

I don't even care, so i would guess few others do. Just making an observation tied to a question publicly. I am just suspiciously curious.

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