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Louis Farrakhan has been bared from speaking on many colleges. They "fear what’s in my mouth from my teacher the Honorable Elijah Muhammad,” Farrakhan said, lamenting that college presidents are “punished for allowing me or anyone that represents me to come on the college campus.”

A few days ago the reported that "Farrakhan said he is Jesus, which is not only a messianic complex but an odd thing for a Muslim to say."


Farrakhan has made many controversial statements in the past. Last November, he reportedly led Iranian students in a chant of “Death to Israel” and “Death to America” during a visit to Iran.

This time he started talking about how Jesus is the messiah and he represents him, “The real story is what I tried to tell you from the beginning. It didn’t happen back there. It’s happening right while you’re alive looking at it,” Farrakhan said. “I represent the messiah. I represent the Jesus and I am that Jesus. If I am not, take my life.”

Louis Farrakhan is an American black nationalist and minister who is the leader of the religious group known as the Nation of Islam.

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2dimwits 4 Apr 9

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Well the poll needs some work but let him speak. Let him also have a question and answer and see to it he is followed up by Ben Shapiro the next day or so!


Farrakhan is one hateful sack of kaka but he should not be banned from speaking in college campuses. Hate speech doesnt exist and people should express their opinions regardless of how horrible they may seem.

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