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Very happy about the Israel election results!

Lorelee 6 Apr 9

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Finally, he can annex the West Bank and end the "Israeli-Palestinian conflict" once and for all. Let the Arabs, Druze, Beta Israel, leftists, and the Terrorist Entity (Gaza) leave if they don't like their status in the Nation-State of the Jewish People.


I have to be honest I'm not so sure. With the results for many reasons this pic is one. We must remember to Question everything and everyone

I don't buy that. At all. It looks like propaganda to me.

@Lorelee i thought so to but it's easy to reseach just like what was said about 9/ 11 before and after. It's up to us to search for the truth. We are not told the truth

@Gerri4321 yea. I always search for truth. But I have spent a lot of time looking into the life of BIBI and that doesn't match up with the rest of his life.

@Lorelee much does not add up.


I am whiter than rice but love the State of Israel. Bibi is an awesome leader for Israel he will never ever let you down. I stand by your back always to my last breath it is a Covenant I made with my mother


Bibi won awesome

For sure?


so the final results are in and Netanyahu won?

yes. at first, they were both claiming victory, but in the middle night it was confirmed

do you remember Obama tried to undermine Netanyahu a few years ago? That right there would have made me a fan if wasn't already@Lorelee

@iThink yea! and then Netanyahu went into the house and spoke to the American government and blasted them for their support of Iran. That was awesome


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