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Your friendly neighborhood reptoid.


WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 9, 2020:
The left in the US have 'hated their own country' for the last four years - YouTube
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 9, 2020:
We just want the aspiring fascists and neoliberals out of power.
So now that your daddy donald will be out of office, will you guys be getting your personalties back...
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 8, 2020:
All of that MAGA regalia doesn't come cheap! They're too invested!
Do you believe the election results?
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 8, 2020:
The Electoral College, Senate, and Supreme Court--indeed, the entire US political system are democratic frauds and only serve to protect capital, white supremacy, and patriarchy.
How much do you expect "payback" to influence Democrat policy?
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Ask a stupid question, get stupid answers.
Anyone see or have the link where Joe Biden says the biggest electoral fraud system was designed?
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 7, 2020:
This is the "tolerant" left and how they threaten people that do not agree with their ideology, just...
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 7, 2020:
The final nail is, at this moment, being driven into America's coffin.
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Man, I wish.
These are the states that use the software that flipped the vote in MI.
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Remember Diebold? Guessing not.
I would give anything to know how many gay activist and lgbtxyz haters of normal America were ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Why do you hate people so much? Land, buildings, guns, and trucks don't love you back.
I really wonder as someone who believes “white guilt” is absolutely a thing and the narrative ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Give it a rest.
It blue.
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 6, 2020:
PA too:
"Voter FRAUD in Philadelphia! SHARE This Video" | Donald Trump Vs Joe Biden | 2020 Election - ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Witnessed at the scene:
Anyone else think it's ironic that it's okay for leftists to baselessly rally against the result of ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Do you know the difference between a city street and a polling place? Have you heard of the Brooks Brothers Riot? Are you familiar with the US freedoms of speech and assembly?
Something seems a little off.....
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Thanks to negative partisanship, what gives can also take away.
Demo Communist say no evidence for vote fraud....lololololoololololohahahahahahaahahahahah
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 5, 2020:
You need help.
Why was the popular vote so close in the US presidential election?
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 5, 2020:
Biden tried to persuade the vanishing share of the electorate who are white swing voters rather than seeking to expand his base by mobilizing the diverse working class, young people, and progressives who make up much of the 100 million non-voters. Meanwhile, Trump did exactly that, drawing still predominantly white but more diverse working class non-voters who the Republicans seek to integrate into white supremacy and patriarchy, with his tally increasing from 2016 by 2 million non-whites and 1.5 million working class white women. This allowed him to cancel out Biden's advantage at the Texas border, for example, and contest it in Black communities in North Carolina. I expect the polls simply did not account for enough non-voters, or at least not the fact that only Trump would seek them out. The lesson is that the Democrats need a strategy for the working class--however, that is counter to their interests. Therefore, the larger lesson, if you believe they are complicit in forever divided government with a Republican Party that must be defeated, is an indictment of the Democratic Party and the US's political system.
Remember that gut feeling you got when that second plane hit the twin towers and you realized what ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 5, 2020:
Somebody call the wahmbulance!
Watching the election results is like waiting to find out "who is the father' of a DNA test on Court...
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 5, 2020:
Give President Camacho a chance! What do you have to lose, Dems?
The struggle for the Oval Office is just beginning, and it won't be pretty- [redstate.
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 5, 2020:
How about Brooks Brothers Riot but five states instead of one, you have dueling strategies (count in the states Trump is losing, stop the count in the ones he's winning), you have QAnoners at the polls instead of future Supreme Court justices, and it's all headed up by Giuliani and a Trump son? Yeah, good luck with that one.
I feel crazy every time I have this thought but I wonder if anyone else sees the grubby little hand ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 5, 2020:
More DIA.
Share This Link: Trump Must Declare Total Victory to Stop the Steal WATCH LIVE: [newswars]
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 5, 2020:
Oh Alex, it will be fine. You're more suited to opposition anyway.
So once again Trump loses the popular vote, but if you take California out of the mix, he wins.
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 5, 2020:
Numbers aren't your strong suit.
US news: Cities around the nation prepare for riots pending Election results- ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 3, 2020:
Right wing business people have lost their minds. Countless threats of violence in my neighborhood today based solely on the fact that a post-election rally is planned.
Sadly, this is often that way it goes here in Illinois, especially up in the Chicago area ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 3, 2020:
People are saying!
[] I thought Obama only invoked KARL MARX????????????
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 2, 2020:
You did??
She Said What?
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I wish!
Why you can't have a disagreement with Democrats.
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 2, 2020:
Blue lives are real!
Daisy, in 24 hours it begins here in the US
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am seeing more and more of "THIS POST IS NOT AVAILABLE", are WE becoming face book or Twitter????
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I didn't block you!
Check out the MAGA Hulk. Could you imagine this guy visiting the White House? []
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 2, 2020:
Kamala Harris came out four square for unqualified socialism, where “we all arrive at the same ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 2, 2020:
Can I have what you're smoking?
We chose him, elected him 😎 This is a lighthearted support for Trump based on an Egyptian song...
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 2, 2020:
Hooray for murderous dictators!
The equality.
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 2, 2020:
Can you please put this in English?
Champagne Socialism?
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 2, 2020:
How dare she not purchase her own dress for a photo shoot!
Why does this 'Warminister" guy have SO MUCH to say on Tucker sight?
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 2, 2020:
Why not ask him? He's one of the most prominent members of this community.
This black Trump supporter hilariously mocks 'woke' white family- []
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 31, 2020:
The only thing more embarrassing than the "woke" white moderate is the reactionary who thinks they are cool in comparison.
Rudy Giuliani lays out the RICO case against the Biden crime family.
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 30, 2020:
He knows it inside and out, if you know what I mean.
A few hours ago the ghouls and goblins were walking up and down my street.
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 30, 2020:
I thought you meant the pigs!
After only four nights of mostly peaceful burning, looting, and assaulting of police?
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 30, 2020:
By shitbags you mean PPD, not the people who live there, no?
Should white people consider identifying as non-whites for personal gain?
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 30, 2020:
Should people lie on their resume? It might work for a while, but it could eventually backfire spectacularly. This sort of thing requires a level of performance toward very limited applications, not to mention a potential loss of the privileges of whiteness, that most white people would not find attractive. But it's a free country.
WalMart removes guns for fear mobs will loot stores and shoot people- [redstate.
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 30, 2020:
Who's more unhinged around here?
Donald Trump's Path To Victory - YouTube
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 30, 2020:
Condolences to your grift.
Okay, we are definitely going to lose because one side is actively doing something.
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 30, 2020:
Is this about a poor WalMart in Pennsylvania?
Might this US election really be about voting for the rulership of God or satan? Your thoughts?
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 29, 2020:
Jesus Christ, Superstar!
The Democratic Party: An Existential Threat to America The Dems have been wicked evil for decades...
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 29, 2020:
No group think but what JESUS THINK!
Do was discussing political yard signs and a friend of mine who lives in nyc said her street is ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 29, 2020:
Long Island (certain parts)? Staten Island? Nothing new.
Is the censoring of conservative news on Twitter a form of domestic terrorism?
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 28, 2020:
PR is terrorism.
The Honorable Amy Coney Barrett was just confirmed as a United States Supreme Court Justice! 👍...
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 26, 2020:
Long live the gerontocracy!
Seven open leftist threats that political terror is coming to America whether Trump wins or not- ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 26, 2020:
"Terror." You mean mean words from pundits and empty threats from random people on Twitter?
Where do you get your news?
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 26, 2020:
Always be a critical media consumer. E.g., NYT is biased in favor of the foreign policy establishment, The Atlantic is propaganda for neoliberal elites (not unlike The Economist), Politico is access journalism (e.g. they may get scoops but may be beholden to their sources), teleSUR is biased in favor of the Venezuelan and Cuban governments, Al Jazeera is biased in favor of the Qatari government, Vox represents the center-left establishment, Jacobin leans toward class-reductionist Marxism, and The Marshall Project advocates for criminal justice reform on behalf of its funders. The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Intercept, Financial Times, The Guardian, AP, Reuters, AFP, NPR, Axios, Politico, BBC News, teleSUR, Al Jazeera, The New Republic, The American Prospect, Vox, Boston Review, The New Yorker, ProPublica, BuzzFeed News, Democracy Now!, New York Magazine, The Nation, Dissent, Jacobin, The Baffler, In These Times, Current Affairs, The Atlantic, Sludge, The Marshall Project, FiveThirtyEight, CIR, PRI, Type Investigations, ICIJ, The Center for Public Integrity, Chicago Sun-Times, WBEZ, Chicago Reader, Block Club Chicago, The Chicago Reporter, South Side Weekly, Crain's Chicago, Injustice Watch
Far left anti-semitic protesters.
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 26, 2020:
Are "Jews for Trump" the same folks who attempted to lynch a Jewish journalist the other day, waving Trump signs? Tell me now, what exactly does the left have to do with this?
The mostly peaceful left.
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 25, 2020:
Not a fan of due process, huh?
That's kinda how things go when Identity Politics rules your life.
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 25, 2020:
Because patriarchy (of the rapey kind) is the same thing as sexual freedom.
I wonder how many devoted Democrats are not going vote at all, because they will not cross lines, ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 24, 2020:
Doesn't seem like a whole lot this time. I voted for La Riva though, in a blue state, and some will vote Hawkins.
I’m curious if the proactive liberals here were having any sense of remorse for sending in their ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 24, 2020:
I voted for La Riva, but then I'm in a safe blue state. Biden hasn't sent one meaningful signal to the left in terms of policy or personnel. The message is that they don't need or want the left and younger people. And I'm not watching the debates. Neoliberals like Biden have their problems, but fascists like Trump and Pence aren't acting in good faith. It's too exhausting to watch their clown show, especially after four years of it. Biden is set to win easily and then we can try to move on from the white identity politics of the elderly right and have a real political debate.
Are we living in a communist America?
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 24, 2020:
As much as you'd love to distort reality, Trump is still Trump, and Biden is still Biden. Fascists and neoliberals love their fantasies, but most people know who these people are.
I'm sure that Facebook would object to me posting this video on their platform, but I tend to ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 23, 2020:
You think Peter Thiel would OK that?
Barack Hussein Obama’s Crowd vs President Trump’s Crowd Trump2020Landslide
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 22, 2020:
His dick is bigger!
Lauren Southern SMEARED By Male Feminist Journalist - YouTube
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 22, 2020:
The switch from "share holder capitalism" to "stake holder capitalism" it's tie directly to agenda...
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 21, 2020:
I'd prefer voter or even resident capitalism.
There reportedly has been pics of underage girls doing very inappropriate things on Hunter Bidens ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 21, 2020:
Rudy Giuliani*
CLOCKS GO BACK NOVEMBER 1 I'm setting mine to 1775 That's when the country had balls and women ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 21, 2020:
Enjoy your powdered wig!
Biden/BLM supporter arrested for shooting at Trump supporters- []
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 21, 2020:
Oh, a rare Biden/BLM pokemon!
New Republic writer Osita Nwanevu calls for abolishing The Constitution Nwanevu argued that the ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 21, 2020:
Coney-Barrett is the harbinger of revolution.
Dr. Peterson is back!
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 20, 2020:
Zizek really did a number on him.
This is why we need Amy Barrett on the Supreme Court.
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 20, 2020:
We need GEE-ZUS!
The Plot Against The President Full Documentary (1080p)
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 20, 2020:
Does anyone really have time for this shit, though?
Vote Trump To Stop The Destruction
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 20, 2020:
Who knew Trump would lead to so much losing?
Research shows critical race theory is actually making people more racist- [thefederalist.
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 19, 2020:
Too much talk just creates space for racist backlash. Time for another military reconstruction.
this could be true lol
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 19, 2020:
Are you sure this photo of Trump is not Photoshopped? He's never been caught smiling let alone with a dog!
this could be true lol
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 19, 2020:
Trump: first President in a century not to have a dog!
This is terrible, no?
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 19, 2020:
Does it?
Trump claims Biden will cancel Christmas - despite inauguration being in January
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 19, 2020:
The endgame of the War on Christmas is at hand!
Trump has been the best possible thing for spoiled entitled woke youngsters.
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 19, 2020:
OK boomer.
Saturday evening (Oct.
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 18, 2020:
Because they are hosted by different entities, for starters.
Why the left needs us all to believe the United States is racist forever- [thefederalist.
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 17, 2020:
When was racism solved?
You will smile about this one []
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 17, 2020:
That "thin blue line" doesn't do what they think it does.
as the boss i say
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 17, 2020:
The chad.
Leftist attack ad calls symbol popular with gun rights crowd racist- []
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Yeah those folks are usually Nazis.
A Trump Supporter Is DEAD, Where's the Media?
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 15, 2020:
And these hacks are still trying to pin it on the left after getting the story wrong. Countless views for the false accusations, hardly any for the correction. The shooter was a literal Pinkerton private security officer. The Trump supporter had pepper sprayed him, not that that justifies it.
The New SJW Religion: Same Old Original Sin Tricks I'm beginning to grow weary of the idea that ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 15, 2020:
How about: it doesn't matter what you think. It matters what you do and how much power you have to do it.
Seige is a book about a race war in modern America. Check it out for a glimpse into our future.
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 14, 2020:
Is this you (with the sign)?
Same Old Story
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 14, 2020:
Same Old Story
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 14, 2020:
I miss these Republicans.
Same Old Story
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 14, 2020:
The Republicans in the 1920s. The Republicans in 1964 as conservatives supplanted liberals in the party.
Same Old Story
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 14, 2020:
Finally a brand that isn't "woke."
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Mercedes Benz, welcome to the Intellectual Dark Web!
Any takers?
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Did Mother approve that joke?
Any takers??
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Did Mother approve that joke?
Mugshots of ANTIFA/BLM 🤡🌏 - YouTube
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Hint! Hint!
Barbie Is Radicalizing Your Children - YouTube
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 12, 2020:
No, Trump's Covid-19 treatment didn't come from aborted fetuses- [redstate.
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 10, 2020:
Did somebody say adrenochrome?
Weed Stocks Surge as Kamala Harris Vows To Decriminalize Pot in Debate
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 9, 2020:
About time.
With every riot, support for the Second Amendment grows- [bearingarms]
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 8, 2020:
America loves irrational fear.
Will she get reelected?
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 6, 2020:
Are you kidding?
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 6, 2020:
Rule one of racism: anyone who mentions systemic racism is a racist!
‘Don’t Be Afraid Of Covid!’ Trump Announces Before Departing Walter Reed Hospital To White ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 5, 2020:
He's in tip-top shape! Physically and mentally!
shifty looking to hide
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Good old Shifty Schiff!
Aleksandr I.
WilyRickWiles comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Is this about Biden?
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