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Ok so first, I just joined this site and welcome any suggestions or critiques on something I'm not doing right or anything like that.
Second, now that the Ma'am craze is kinda old news I want to ask rational people about trans issues without worrying about being attacked for being honest about your thoughts. I'm 37 and have been in transition for about a year now (so not a minor or in favor of minors going through transition) I want your opinion on someone deciding based on their own happiness to go through with transitioning from identifying from one gender to the other.

Gilmore22 5 Apr 10

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Personally I'd say 'you do you' and fuck anybody else who tries to bring you down over it. Which is not the same thing as people who are well-meaning (whether actually informed or not) who try to give you 'advice'. You just gotta take that kind of stuff as it comes, I think. Let it roll off your back if you don't like it. Just smile and keep on chuggin'. That's my philosophy.

I love your philosophy and appreciate it. Respect of course is necessary from my side of things but a willingness to let me make my decisions goes a very long way. Thanks, friend


My first thought on reading this is that you actually initially come across as "accepting" of your personal choice of direction and action. There are many that talk about the "suicidal ideology" for transgenders. Your body, your choice is my opinion on transitional transgender. However, It does bother me that I am to acknowledge the fact that you wish to believe that you are female in mind and wish to make your body match your thoughts. I am supposed to believe the lie that you were not born male, and that I am to address you as a female. Compelled to do so by law. I will not criticize your choices, but the long term impact may prove more harmful than good, and I mean the surgical alterations being possible to be life threatening over time.. One of the biggest problems that I see for men changing to women is that more likely than not, the masculine traits will not be lost. You will look like a man dressing as a woman. Not as a woman that is homely. There is only a small margin of men that transition that have the femininity to pull it off and appear to be female with some level of belief. Generally, of the tranny's I have seen, they just look "odd" and because they look "odd" they draw attraction to themselves that is often that of incredulity or astonishment or dislike. Further I worry about your ability to date or find a partner, IMO hetero males will not accept a trans as a female partner as it is in opposition to their desires, and if you are homosexual you may find a homosexual partner but then isnt it a waste to have gone through the transition? Then I think that if you like women, are you a lesbian but are you a true lesbian as you were male that is now female and it starts the whole debate again. At the base of it, I just wonder if it is truly worth all the pain, the changes, the costs, the emotional impact, possible depression, lifelong medications?, Do you see yourself as being truly happy through all this?.. I only ask to understand better from a first person point of view.. Even Bruce Jenner has now verbalized that he may have made a mistake becoming Kaitlyn.

This is exactly why I wanted to bring this here. I want to address some things you said here and hopefully open up some lines of commission and at least find some common ground between where I stand and where you are.

First, I do not support forcing anyone to call me by anything they don't want to or using the law to make anyone say things that go against their beliefs. I do, however, think a little kindness and patience from others' perspective does go a very long way. By that I mean asking questions instead of immediately using birth pronouns as an insult, things like that.

Second, I know what you mean about looking the part. Only a few trans people end up paying as the gender they want to look like and that's a tough thing to deal with. Sometimes people have to find another way too Dell with their gender dysphoria or whatever causes then to want to transition. I know dressing modest is key for some people...More than less. Also being kind and creating a sweet personality can go a way too. That's why I brought up the "Ma'am" from game stop, (I'm going to use the pronouns people want though I don't expect or demand you to. I was born a male and will not say a word if you say 'he/his' about me unless you do it just to insult me. Then I might say something once) she made herself look like a monster and that made her look so much uglier.

About dating, personally I've decided not to be with anyone since I don't think religiously that I could date AND transition. This is purely about me only but I was not happy pretending to be okay being a 'bro' or a 'guy' which made it impossible to be in a relationship so I made that choice and I've been happier than I ever have been since starting.

With every single decision there are doubts and/or fears about making the right choice (I'm not going to say Caitlyn Jenner made the right or wrong decision, I don't know her personally and that's not for me, some shlub to judge from tv) but I can say I know that even my worst days since starting my transition have been a world better than even my best days living as a male.


Hi. I have zero experience with anyone transitioning at all, so I won't try to be an armchair quarterback about this important issue you are facing. I do want to commend you for not being of the mind to promote this to minors, I respect that very much. I have been very concerned, as a parent, that children are being misled, misinformed and even coerced to believe they are trans, when they're really not, and to seek life-changing treatments that can wreck their health and that they are not mature or wise enough to make. That being said, if you were my personal friend, I would ask you - Are you prepared for the very real dangers of surgery and lifelong hormonal treatments? Some people are more sensitive to side effects than others, but the danger, especially long-term to your health is very real. Also, in the relationship realm, it is difficult to find a good partner, these days for everyone, but even more so for the trans community, per several articles I've read. Anyway, your post caught my attention, both it's tone and humility? (I think is the vibe, I got). I wish you well and pray you find peace.

Well thank you very much for taking the time to respond. I'm not a parent but I have a few friend who have kids; kids I love as much as I'd they were my own. And I completely agree with you, people (especially kids) are being misled to think they are or might be trans just like years ago everyone seemed to have A.D.D. or O.C.D. in like the 90's. It's not okay to put that kind of mentality in kids' heads.

To answer your question, I'm very aware of taking needles for the rest of my life. It's already routine to me. My doctor keeps a close eye on my heart, blood pressure, and all the other numbers that I don't understand, if any of them dip or get too high, I would have to find another m treatment or stop and surgeries are something I'm excited to do in the future but I can't afford right now.

I don't really have any trans community friends right now mainly because my morals and beliefs are much closer to Ben Shapiro or Blaire White than to anyone in the LGBT community. I also just recently stopped going to my church over my decision but keep in close contact with some very life long close friends, most woo don't agree with my decagon to go through with transitioning.

And finally thank you so much for any week wishes and prayers. They are needed and very very appreciated


Happiness is an elusive butterfly, as the song goes. We all seek approval for our choices in life and find to our surprise that many times approval is withheld or that disapproval is given instead. That is a basic fact of life we we learn (or should learn) from life. You have made a choice and I expect that you will continue with the choice in you life. I will caution you that it is not the choice that will bring you happiness but how you live that choice. Become that gender you wish by being that gender, that in itself will bring you a measure of happiness. I wish you well.

?? I could not agree more!

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