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Question... last election it was a huge shock that Trump won the election. People weren’t going out of their way to talk about voting for him... Will 2020 be different? Will people who already plan on voting for him be more vocal?

MommaDaggs 6 Apr 11

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Yes. Yes they will. I want shocked at the number of Trump yard signs in 2010 in my area which is very liberal. I never saw one McCain or Romney sign. It lead me to predict Trumps win even though my state did not go that way. I expect to see more signs in 2020.


When talking about politics it seems best to feel put the other persons views first and see of they are crazy or reasonable. Only after then is it possible to have a discussion; one that is either casually agreeing with them to hopefully change the subject, or actually having a genuine conversation where ideas are exchanged or shared.


Well, during the 2016 campaign, those of us that did not use the MSM as their source for news, noticed a clear difference in what we were seeing (huge Trump rallies), and what we were being told. Meanwhile, the MSM has been supplanted by alternative outlets, is losing market share, and gets outed daily for its outright bias. The other factor, there's not an even Republican/Democrat 50/50 split amongst registered voters, it's more like 32/33/35, with 35% registered as independent, with a steady trend away from Democrats (#Walkaway). Also consider, and this is where the original post seems to be going, the percentage of those that live in predominately Democrat enclaves, and continue to keep a low profile for reasons that have been made glaringly obvious to the casual observer over the last two years. There's those, like me, who voted for Trump, but weren't on fire for him, and are extremely pleased with their choice. I'm getting the feeling, considering the field of "potentials" throwing their hat into the ring, he's gonna pull it off again.


It wasn't really a shock. I looked to social media to see the popular opinion. At the time of the election, Trump's FB and Twitter had millions more followers than Clinton's page. NBC posted a "who would you vote for" poll. Trump swept that vote in spades with Amiri King coming in second! LOL. Clinton was a fair bit down. Obviously, it was not an "official" poll, but we all know how padded those official polls were. People stayed in and did not vote because the MSM kept pushing the narrative that Clinton had it in the bag by 90% surety. Social media indicators predicted a Trump win, and he would have crushed it if MSM hadn't lied. 2020 will be different in that people (hopefully) are disenchanted with MSM.

It won't sneak up on Democrats/anti-Trumpers this time. The crazy ones will be rabid, and the only-democrat voters who didn't vote in 2016 because they thought it was in the bag will vote this time. They won the popular vote with people staying home because they thought they had it in the bag? My hope is a lot who voted for Hillary will be so disgusted with the media and the activist zealots, they'll come over--knowing voting for Trump isn't exactly going all of the way over to the republicans.


I live in the UK and most of us love the man ?

That's good to hear. It's hard to tell sometimes. Thanks for posting 🙂


I also don’t think anyone but Dems and media were surprised. People weren’t exactly quiet where I live. On either side. I really can’t imagine Trump supporters being any kind of quiet this time after everything we’ve watched the last two years. I want to see and hear all the new Trump supporters out there this time. The ones who have been disowned by friends and family for simply considering Trump before.


My theory was and remains that we needed a blunt, confrontational (by design and with forethought), a**hole as a leader for our complacent, coward ridden, politically correct land of Nod. Russia had one, Islamic States all had them and so we got, duly and legitimately elected, a bigger, badder, totally brilliant and stealthy Donald Trumpledore...Will we embrace the maker of all American magic openly?...Not if we value our vehicles, windows, yards, houses, faces and are bound by ever-constricting gun laws in the interim. The element of surprise was tantamount to our victory - we have his back but like scheming and fiendish little house elves, our baser intentions will be "outed" the day after when we will grin broadly and flip them all off! Let them continue to dig themselves an interminable void of lies, corruption and deceit, brainwash the young and vulnerable onto their plantation, divide, instigate and lay themselves down on the track; the Trump train is coming once again and with Trumpledore genius and his electorate moving under the radar he will resume real man, myth and magic for another term. When the next four years are over and he becomes the agile painting on the wall in the White House, I for one, will be damned sure he'll be grinning from ear to ear when Candace moves that certain chair closer to the Victorian desk and smiles at the bust of Churchill! And yes, I'll vote for him again and follow him through hell if I must..we've got this!!!!


The media's the thing. They have such power. Even those knobs in Follywood have a platform. They're REALLY loud, and they have an impact. In my view, Hillary doesn't get close, let alone win the popular vote without all of the lies and corruption propagated by the media. Well, the media is no less formidable now, and they're no more ethical. It's going to be tough, and I'm not sure what will happen. I live in a city (not rural), and I listen to regular folks, and nearly all of them are dug in against Trump, and they repeat word for word every dishonest talking point in existence. It's not like the old moderate left--half of the silent majority--is teetering back to the middle around here. We may have to realize we may be in a bit of a bubble on this site. I want to believe THIS is what the country and world is like, but is it? Not in my case. This site is very different from the world I live in every day. I don't know. I know I'll be voting for Trump. I have to. Because I can't ever again vote for the way politics used to be done.


I believe people will. They are tired of the left’s crap specially their socialist Marx ideas.


We can only hope that the network of skulduggery does not prevail.
Dems had a grand crack at rigging the election last time, and have been relentless in their cheap shots since losing miserably.
I heard that Zionists didn't like Mr. Trumps directive to exit Syria, maybe we will need to watch this space?
God, please let Mr. Trump win office again, as the Left-lateral tsunami of gloating will repercus the whole world.


The mainstain media that was completely and openly in the tank for Clinton aside...nobody who was paying attention really was surprised. The dismissed and discounted silent majority is and always will be out there now matter what the idiots in the infotainment industry try to convince you of. There were a whole lot of pissed off people out there who were mad about a whole lot of things and DT knew it and tapped into that anger and rode it to victory over a huge republican field of primary contenders and the entire Clinton Machine in the general. And it doesn't matter how much lipstick the presstitutes and whorespondents tried to put on that pig, the Clintons have been around forever and America knows all too well who and what they are. She was literally the perfect candidate for Trump to run against. Like an underhand pitch he knocked it out of the park after she pissed off half the democrat voters with her blatant theft of the nomination. She never had a chance against Trump.

And the silent majority is still out there and they've been watching the whole democrat shit show since 2016. Dismiss them again at your own peril.

Had me at 'mainstain media'.


Given the Radical Left actually represents less than 10% of the population with the admix of the professional Victims, and Trump isn't running in a vacuum this time, he has a track record and the Economy is a winner, it his race to lose, and he hates to lose. It would also be fair to say Trump supporters are probably of the Stoic flavor, they don't feel the need to tell people, they just do it and get it done, with a feeling of contentedness, and some us Gloat. The Romans called them the Quietus, and Trump found a message they love.

Maybe. But he's also lost the element of surprise as well. And he owes some fair amount of his win to Hillary, the DNC and their slavish media lapdogs. Hillary was so assured of her win and so deeply connected with the existing (Obama) administration, and assured of her big money corporate backers and their dominance-- outright ownership-- of the bulk of the media, that she was careless-- reckless, a particular trait of hers you might have noticed...

She and her campaign actually directed CNN (who still had some viewers) to amp up the airtime on Donald Trump. She thought he was a buffoon-- and in fairness, he might have been (no offense intended) and that he was such a loose cannon that given the coverage, he could probably do her dirty work and clear the Republican deck (which he did).

What she didn't count on was him being the last man standing and making a deal with the Republicans to get nominated as their candidate-- one of the shrewdest moves that Donald Trump ever made in his life probably, IMO. And personally, I don' think that there was anybody more surprised about it than Donald Trump himself. I think he was originally in it for a lark and then started getting more serious about it when he began drawing crowds and resonating with the people-- that fed straight into his narcissistic ego-- again no offense intended. I myself voted for Trump as a protest vote against Hillary-- a 'Hail Mary' vote with the thought that she could potentially do some actual, real and long-lasting damage to the country and he would at least be entertaining. I have been SO EVER GRATEFUL that I was WRONG on that front and he has turned out to be, IMO, one of the ABSOLUTE BEST Presidents in the history of the United States. Whether he had it all along or just sort of bumbled into it, we may never know. But I will definitely sing his praises and give him all props for the way he has assumed the mantle and is busy kicking ass and draining that swamp. More power to him-- MAGA all the way! My next vote for him will be 100% on purpose, you can believe it.

Hillary's biggest problem is that she was so smug and sanguine about it. Like it was all bought and paid for, all she had to do is stroll in and claim it-- and that, most likely, is exactly what the scenario was. Why else would she have gone on her multi-year, multi-leg junket crying harm and foul all over the world??? She was a woman 'done wrong' and she wanted what was "rightfully" hers-- what she PAID GOOD MONEY for... ya know. That was why SHE never owned up or took any personal responsibility for what happened-- it couldn't have POSSIBLY been HER-- she BOUGHT IT, fair and square. It was obviously EVERYBODY ELSE, those despicable wretches-- that 'basket of deplorables'-- who STOLE IT from her. It was obviously THEIR FAULT-- the rotten dirty MISOGYNISTS.

So, (shrug) I think President Trump-- I so love calling him that if for no other reason than because I know it rankles the complete bejeezus out of Hillary, the Globalists and the mainstream media. I just adore watching their little pinheads explode daily.

But I think he's got a little more of a challenge this time. For one thing nobody is likely to give him much 'free' airtime like he got the last time. And what airtime he does get is likely to be all smear all the time. They'll misreport his positions, misstate his numbers, and concoct all sorts of outright lies and fabrications to broadcast about him-- "You say none of it's true? OOOPS, our bad..."

There are actually laws against 'Yellow Journalism' in the United States, which has kept our collective media outlets more or less in-check for approximately the preceding century. But of course as they themselves have so recently proclaimed when they were called on the carpet over the Mueller investigation-- They're NOT JOURNALISTS, they just say what they're TOLD TO SAY. And that's true, 100%. And it also very neatly and conveniently gets them off the hook and absolves them of any actual legal responsibility. They're not engaged in 'Yellow Journalism', they're 'Entertainers'.

This time though it will be no holds barred, all stops pulled-out, no trick too dirty and low-down. The gloves will be off and the Globalists will be circling the wagons, sending out their troops and calling in every favor to ensure that Donald-- President Trump-- doesn't win again. I hope he has gotten himself chromium-plated because he's gonna need all the help he can get when they come gunning for him. I think there is a very real threat to his safety this time around. Last time they considered him a joke and a side-show clown. I doubt they will make that mistake a second time around...

BUT-- the good news is WE'VE got Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Alexandria Occasional-Cortex on our side... 😉

Will it be enough? Dunno... better stock up on a mound of popcorn-- better yet, buy stock in the popcorn factory! This next election cycle is going to be a doozy.


I heard some time back-- around the time that Trump got into the running leading up to the 2016 election, that he was running on a 'party bet'. That the statement had been made in some swanky gathering that one couldn't win a high office in this country anymore without huge amounts in bankroll money.

The way I heard it, the bet was originally discussing the Governorship of New York. And as the story went, Donald Trump responded with something along the lines that HE could do it with almost no money, just by manipulating the media. Shortly after that he entered the running for President. And if you look at his speeches in the beginning, they were much more 'timid' and 'tenuous', IMO.

Then later, after Hillary and the MSM infamously turned up his airtime, he started obtaining real listeners and followers. He was originally out there 'playing to the crowd' and saying whatever he needed to say to get them stirred up. Somewhere along the line, he realized that they were real supporters-- people who were coming out to hear a new voice from a man who wasn't a politician-- and that he had accidentally hit a nerve and tapped into a deep-set resentment among a large swath of voters who couldn't stand the the Globalists, big banks, the alarming turn towards socialism-- and the way things have been going.

And the rest, as they say, is history. Personally, if the story is true, I'd say he won that bet in spades. And he'll be chuckling over it into his grave-- which I hope fervently for his sake and ours, is a long ways off.


@jwhitten I agree with most of what you said, except the "Narcissistic Ego" observation, POTUS Trump has a Strong Ego and he believes the old rule of Business "If you don't sell yourself, nobody else will do it for you", and he is a big advocate of Disproportionate Response to establish Deterrence, he reacts to what is thrown at him Hard and Fast and I love that about him. Obama was a Narcissist of the highest order with an over inflated Ego. Victor Davis Hanson just wrote a new book "The Case for Trump" and it is an exceptional dissection of the last 3 years as only a mind filled with Historical Context could offer, 5 Stars. There are many YouTube interviews with VDH about the book, and they filled with commentary that will make you Smile. I was for Trump on day One, 100% because I knew it would a man like that to save the Republic, VDH describes him as the Classic Tragic Hero, like Shane, Man On Fire or the Magnificent Seven, (I say Trump IS Batman) a man with a Skill Set that will do the job that needs to done in spite of the Sensibilities of the Pearl Clutchers. POTUS Trump is exactly what the founders had in mind, a successful Citizen who will take precious time out of his life to SERVE with a lifetime of accumulated Wisdom and then return to his life. MAGA

@jwhitten Yep... last election, our choice was between two incredibly flawed candidates. I decided that Trump was by far the lesser evil... but he certainly wasn't my first choice among the Republican field. In fact... I think the only republicans I liked less than Trump were Perry and maybe Graham.

Still... I'll admit Trump has done some good things in office, mostly for the economy,

I'm pretty sure the mainstream media was helping Trump in the primaries... they wanted him to be the republican nominee because they were absolutely certain that Hillary could beat him.
Some of Podesta's leaked e-mails show that the Hillary Campaign were scared to death of Rubio... they did not want to run against him.

Hillary ran a somewhat less than exemplary campaign. Again some Podesta's leaked e-mails show that even staffers in her own campaign weren't sure what she was running on.

I think Hillary viewed it as a Coronation not a Campaign. ("You might ask why am I not ahead by 50 points?! 🙂
And then... she made a cardinal sin. The worst you should ever say about your opponent's supporters are that they are misinformed. Deplorable and Irredeemable are right out.
So... she pretty much guaranteed a big "deplorable" turnout and then didn't even campaign in a couple of key states.

Btw I've been a big fan of Hillary's Loser World Book Tour. It's like the short story The Nine Billion Names of God. When she has completed the litany of the myriad reasons that she lost, the world may actually end. (Except that she'll never admit the prime reason... so we're probably safe.)
Hillary has made Al Gore look gracious in defeat.

I fail all the time... why can't I have a book tour? I think I might publish How To Be A Loser For Dummies.

After the election when Liberals were... not taking it as well as they might have... I just thought... well that's what you get for picking such a crappy candidate. (Hillary's trustworthiness polled low even among democrats.)
If Trump had lost I would have also blamed those who chose him from among a strong republican field.

I remember when Trump and the Pope got into a brief tweeting conflict. It was Battle of the Infallibles and I'd sell popcorn for that.

Still with all of Trump's flaws (foremost among them is his addiction to tweeting his opinion on everything) I'll vote for him against any of the democrat candidates.
I mean Harris, Booker, and Klobuchar actually argued that the Presumption of Innocence did not apply to Kavanaugh... I'm hoping no one forgets that.

@An_Ominous >> "Hillary ran a somewhat less than exemplary campaign."

To put it mildly... 🙂

>> "Btw I've been a big fan of Hillary's Loser World Book Tour. It's like the short story The Nine Billion Names of God..."

Hey, watch it! You almost made me spew my coffee there!

>> "I fail all the time... why can't I have a book tour? I think I might publish How To Be A Loser For Dummies."

Which is guaranteed to be a huge success, go figure!

Keep on rockin! We need more like ya!

@SIMONTACCHI I respect your opinion, and I don't think it's ill-formed either. But I, respectfully believe that President Trump is a bit of a narcissist, although that's not necessarily the worst thing. More than that though, he's smart-- very smart-- in 'sly like a fox' smart. And whatever got him into office, once he showed up he figured out quickly what needed to be done-- and then, after a couple of false starts-- he's been busy getting it done. And that's what really counts in my book. And while I do believe and agree that his perpetual tweets probably tend to work against him in many situations, on the other hand, I love the snark! Plus, he's the most common-- as in closest to 'having a beer with'-- President I think we've ever had. At least in recent times.

@jwhitten Btw Podesta's e-mail password, PleaseHackMe, was probably ill considered.

@jwhitten In likewise Hillary's e-mail server password Hillary_Is_God was also probably not the most secure choice.

@jwhitten The definition of a Narcissist is someone who "Needs" to be loved, that ain't Trump. He hired Peter Thiel to design his Analytics for his campaign, that is why he flipped those blue states red and won the election with the Electoral College, it was deliberate and focused.

@An_Ominous Actually Assange claimed Podesta's Password was {PASSWORD}


I'll be voting for him again. MAGA


With the amount of anger building on both sides, all the vote rigging being attempted, all the lies being revealed and cover ups, I just hope we get to an election quite honestly. But I hope and pray that it will come to good. If it does, it could well be more vocal. Although maybe the adults will do what they did last time and let the '' kids have their rebellion, until push comes to shove, then firmly lay down how its going to be. We shall see, its going to get interesting, thats for sure.


I think it could be an even bigger shock, to the liberals, this time. The economy is still doing great.. and all of the shrill left sky is falling screaming is really turning a lot of people off. The average person is turning off the news and the noise... sees their lives getting better and the issues that are important to them getting addressed (in some cases.. for the first time ever) and are prepared to vote to keep it going. They don't vote via megaphone or maga hat... they just go to the polls.


I think it was only a shock to media, who polled on the popular vote, and not the electoral college.

Many who were watching from outside, Myself included< in NZ were not at all surprised, I think many thought Obama was liked, but failed to account for the economy and also the distrust of clinton.

Its too early to call the next one, as we don't yet know who is running against him.

But on the economy, they will have a hard time, so they need to win on popularity.

So Clinton and Biden have no hope.

A Thinkers view from outside looking in.

As Regan Said, Its the economy Stupid.

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