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Because the climate is changing, wether we (humanity) fucked up our planet or not, know that were gonna have to give up some of our liberties, time, and resources to fix it, so that we as a species may live on? im not talking socialism or fascism, im talking about the total restructuring of societal responsibility. --------------------------------------------------------------------

does the public needs to be monitored to avoid pollution and subsequently, destruction? will it lead to anew form of government for these times of transition away from or directly into, deaths jaws?--------

we also need cheap labor (falls into liberties and resources) to harvest responsibly, produce renewably and effectively combat previously made waste. personally, i feel its a sacrifice we must make honestly, meaning that its going to hurt us all on a personal level, and make us watch our government closely to make sure they are achieving this with efficient, respectable behavior. ----------------------------------------------------------------

would, could, contractual volunteering be a thing that saves the planet? would it be seen as a new form of slavery? how could it, and will it be used to segregate and dehumanize people? --------------------------------------

is the idealogical comfort of being right, fair, and equal something we can afford at this pivotal point in time? how would we explain to those that survive, if anything does, that we sacrificed the only chance we had just to feel like we were being "humane" or "politically correct"?--------------------

what happens if the planet is just getting ready to get rid of its biosphere to begin with? what if its just a cycle in the birth of a planet? is all life we know of, just a skin fungus? are we prepared to literally, put chains and whips on mother earth herself so that we may live on in some sick, unnatural forceful balance of the ecosystem?

SpearCypher 5 Apr 15

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I have a lot of questions too, like aren't we all really just a bunch of clever monkeys on the edge of destroying ourselves with our stupidity and greed anyway? Is our self-destruction inevitable? Is it even reasonable to think that a few of the more "enlightened" monkeys among us can do anything whatsoever to stop the hoards from consuming things in the same way their previous generations have become accustomed... and even more? We love our plastics, our cars, our cheap disposable landfill-bound electronics... the products that make our lives comfortable. It's not likely that this will change. Not without a very large event. Ride the bomb, I guess.

ride the bomb, is a very good way of putting it. i only hope that we coalesce into a machinated species and intelligent life lives on and spreads from this planet. cuz its looking like noone has achieved that yet, im hoping its us that makes it happen even if its not us.


I have a real problem with your assertion changing climate which people have dealt with since the dawn of history means we have to devote more resources to it than we already do. Most of us heat and cool our homes now. We certainly shelter ourselves from the rain. We do that because of changing climate.

The assertion that we are headed for catastrophic warming is at best not proven and at worst a fraud. Certainly the predictions for the past 20 years haven't panned out and that doesn't lend confidence to the predictions for the next 100. Oceans haven't risen. There haven't been more extreme weather events.

There's no arguing with the idea that people must deal with a changing climate but, that's nothing new. It's always been changing. If you want to deal with something that is a LOT more likely, worry about the next ice age. Over the past 20 million years or so. We've had ice ages that lasted about 100,000 years punctuated by interglacial periods lasting about 20,000 years. We're about 18,000 years into this one.

I don't favor any of your solutions because they are tyrannical and I'm not convinced they are necessary. I'll also point out that the solutions you are suggesting, make it clear that you have little doubt that we have as you put it, "fucked up our planet" and you seem to be willing to impose draconian measures to address it.

People aren't likely to put up with those solutions and they'll never do it voluntarily.

excellent thinking


mostly ive heard a lot of no this isnt happening, panicked assumptions that it couldnt be happening to us, and a whole lotta we can't do anything about it if it were. i don't think this is a sustainable species, humanity, if all weve got is nay sayers and apathy. shit is changing people, get off ur high horse, hug the dirt, and prepare thy anus for mother earth cuz she wants to play rough tonight. whip whip XD (jk i hope) it might be scary, and the road may be dark and unseeable, but, metaphorically were blasting through this road at 70mph, and the driver just revealed himself to be this guy


We can not control this planet it's God's planet any changes are do to him he said it would change at the end of our time I believe we are getting close to it many things he said would happen have and are on a fast track to the end


Wow. Ok, I think it is arrogant to believe that we can "save" the planet any more than we can destroy the planet. So many natural forces are just bigger than all of us. Global warming theory is based on 1980s computer models. There are so many variables in nature that we don't know exactly how they all interact or even what they all are. Climate is always changing..... best thing we can do is to find ways to adapt to changes in any direction. I think taking away liberties is not justifiable .


Ummmm, no thanks. I will continue to keep my rights and be paid for my labor. Last thing I want to have happen is end up on a soviet style patatoe farm for something where the most damning predictions never seem to happen. I can tell you what will happen based off of historical data without building a model. There will be earthquakes, famines, tornados, hurricanes, floods, food shortages, disease, death and taxes regardless of whether the climate is getting better or worse. So best to enjoy your life and not forfeit any rights.


We cannot 'fix' climate change. The climate will change, as it always has.
We can alter how we use resources.


The climate of this planet has always evolved. It has three basic States: as we have been, substantially warmer, and Ice Age. I claim no expertise, but I truly do believe based on my research and reading that there are certain things we can do and far too many things we cannot to do. To some degree we can control man-made global warming. You cannot expect all of humanity to run out and get an electric car was in the next 12 years. You cannot expect to retrofit every building in the world within the next twelve years, suppose it has such as that are ludicrous at best. Further they do not take into account things that we simply cannot change. Scientists now believe that a lot of the polar ice melting is due two warming of the oceans by undersea volcanoes. As the oceans warm, air currents change. As air currents change climber's will eventually change as well. The ring of fire has been continually spouting smoking asked for a number of years now. No that does not equate to the total volume of pollutants put it in the air by mankind, however trying to get every member of every country on this planet to unite in the face of global issues is an impossibility at this time. One country alone cannot accomplish everything that needs to be done, and if you look at what is happening in much of Asia with China at the peak of that triangle, as their Industrial Revolution progresses like a runaway freight train, they are spilling more pollutants into the air than any number of other countries combined. It's an ugly situation and one that will only right itself when everyone realizes just how problematic this situation is.


The climate has changed numerous times, aint a damn thing we can do about it. The real scary part is some people think we can with geo-engineering . Spraying shit in the atmosphere to block sunlight. What if a volcano or 2 blow the hell up after they do that ? We freeze to death thats what


I guess I will go along with some of the supposition in this post to ask questions that might add more to the conversation.

First, what are the liberties that you feel we as humanity would need to give up? This obviously couldn't be just an American, or French, or Chinese, etc. focused issue. So what, as the whole of humanity, would you propose to remove from everywhere?

Second, if cheap labor is required to prevent extreme climate change, would you support slavery if that is what it would take? To go to a less explosive extreme, would technological advancement be the answer? What if that advancement meant the replacement of human workers as one of the most expensive aspects of any enterprise is the humans who work in that enterprise?

Third, I don't think "contractual volunteering" means anything other than slavery. A contract that locks in your effort towards something you may or may not choose would become slavery the moment that person would be forced to comply with that contract. This is assuming that the meaning of "volunteering" would mean the exchange of said services for no tangible exchange. If I am wrong, please explain. If I'm not wrong in that estimate, please see the above question about slavery.

Last, what guarantees that this is a "pivotal" moment for our planet. There are enough studies that point in both directions on the climate change arguement that support the idea that we (as people) may not be as infallibility correct as people would like our experts to be. If that is the case, then how can the projections of what could happen in a situation that has never been witnessed before (the end of our race due to extreme climate shift during an age of this level of technological advancement) be determined as guaranteed?

first of all, i wanna thank you for replying with something other than a whole lotta nope. this post was another one of those midnight smoke thoughts. the liberties we would need to give up, privacy for pollution monitoring, some would need to give up their right to choose the career they want to work, so that dedicated people would be assigned to necessary tasks. and yes, all over the world, we would need air filtering stations and ocean sustainability "police" to maintain our current technological advancements.

to clarify, i think humans are great as far as themechanical workings of the body, but your right in that human labor is expensive. i think that technology would be a great repacement of that, as it provides the cheap labor without the humanitarian crisis, and that also skips the "contractual volunterring" (except for the robots) **cues a robotic revolution.

as for the shift in climate being able to go both ways, i go by what i see, not by what im told. its getting hotter, and i don't think im going to like it if it KEEPS getting hotter. crops are gonna die out, people are gonna get hungry and vicious, they allready are. my real question is, are we gonna do something to continue moving in our direction, or do you think were just passengers on a rock?

@SpearCypher, I can understand most reactions to what you had posted. I also had many of those same reactions. That's why I like electronic responses as it gives me time to think about the other side and then respond. Also, this platform is much better than Twitter in this regard. Imagine both of us trying to have this conversation in that space...
Anyway, I think in this response I'll be taking a more opposing approach and hope to see your response to my statements, questions, and arguements.

I don't understand the statement of giving up privacy for pollution monitoring. If that refers to businesses, there are already a lot of those kinds of checks in place. But businesses have fewer privacy allotments than people do, so would that statement then be directed towards people? Then the issue becomes should all privacy be removed to allow for pollution policing? What is the penalty for disobeying? I assume that because it would be for the "good of mankind" the punishment would have to be quite severe. How long would it take before that punishment is death? After all, it's for the "good of mankind" that said person is being killed, it would prevent further acts of them disobeying?
Study after study has shown that satisfaction in the work place is among the greatest motivators towards great accomplishment in the workplace. A quick example would be the recent imaging of a black hole. The look on Katie's (I can't recall her last name right now) face shows her satisfaction with her career choice. Now to the questions. Would that accomplishment have happened if another person was assigned that position who didn't have the same level of satisfaction in that position? What about the man who discovered the polio vaccine and basically gave it away? Or the work of Gandhi, MLK, the black female mathematicians in NASA during the space race? We can almost guarantee the increased efficacy of the production of superior products (in whatever form those "products" took) from those people, and countless others, based on the sense of personal satisfaction they had in that work. If, instead, it becomes work assignment then we would likely see a dramatic drop in the efficacy of the work being done. I'm sure some type of progress could still happen, but how much longer would it take before that progress happened? In a collapsing world, could we afford that waste of time?
Also, there is the assumption that all peoples and governments across the planet would accept and support these restrictions and changes. Again if there is to be a rapid and radical change to combat an extreme global threat, it can't just be a few countries that would need to make the change. If only some changed and some stayed the same, it would be like trying to dig a hole faster than another person tries to fill that hole, and all while it's raining.

Technology replacement is always a good starting point for an arguement of this kind. It covers a lot of the negatives that people can bring up about "contractual volunteering" or whatever people want to call indentured service. However, there is a big flaw in it. Where are the robots? Unless something has happened that I know nothing about, we aren't using robots to do all of the work yet. We use machines yes. Specific machines, usually run by people in some way, are everywhere I will grant. However the idea of the robot from Wall-E is not here yet. How much longer will that creation take? Would it even come in time? What if the person who could have invented that robot was assigned to highway garbage cleanup instead? I won't even get into the loss of human labor arguement, because this comment will already be extremely long.

Last comment to your last paragraph. By going with what you see, I don't think you can get the full picture. Yes, you may be seeing warmer weather. But where I live, we just got several inches of snow in April (that's somewhat abnormal, but not surprising). Our two personal views are different...opposite in fact. Being opposite, however, doesn't mean they are unrelated. It just means our personal views can be limited. Therefore I think it is good to hear from people who study this kind of stuff, while also keeping your eyes and mind open to what you can witness and learn. My personal stance on the climate change goes something like this. Should people be required (by one act of force or another) to never perform a negative act towards the planet? No. There isn't a way to do that without infringing upon that person's rights. Should people try to do better at preserving our planet? Absolutely, as long as that doesn't infringe upon someone else's rights. It's similar to my view on my Christian faith. Can I run around committing sins and having a carefree time with my life? Yes. Would my God have forgiven me? Yes. Why don't I do that? Because I want to be better, and there isn't anything wrong with wanting to be personally better in my own eyes.

@CalebBaeten now this is very interesting, thanks for bringing up the point that i can't see everything from my porch. or even my computer. i agree that humans are basically the best machines we got yet, kind of like how nature did trees better than we can. and yeah, cultural change is necessary instead of structural / legal changes. i guess someone recognized this a few years back and started indoctrinating teachers with all the nonsense everyone is complaining about, kind of like how some parents need to pin their children down to get them vaccinated lol. not that i agree with the level of vaccination today, just that its necessary to begin with. just not 30 injections before your 2 years old

@CalebBaeten one thing you didnt reply to though, is the idea that maybe we should "put chains and whips on mother earth" similar to the idea of overclocking your computer, just optimize stuff to make it run smoother for a different performance level. based purely on humanities population, until we can start sending people interstellar lmao

@SpearCypher I, personally, don't like that teachers were "indoctrinated" as you put it. If people wanted to send their children to centers of indoctrination they would choose religious centers (which aren't a bad thing, just different). It's my opinion that a lot of the problems we are seeing stem from our schools not providing the education that we as a Nation deserve. School centers should be like this, the IDW. Where people who don't always (or sometimes ever) agree, but we can still talk, and learn, and share information and ideas back and forth. I don't see that now except in rare cases. I'm finishing up my undergrad right now, and I couldn't begin to tell you how many times I have been told WHAT to think, not HOW to think.

I don't even want to get into vaccination. That's a test tube full of issues that will take up the rest of my evening, and I just don't have the time right now ( though I'd like to talk about it another time).

@SpearCypher as to the whips and chains thing, I think the idea of trying to over-produce or purposely burn out Earth in order to try to get to interstellar colonization faster seems counter productive.
I will preface the rest of my comment with the caveat that I don't know what I don't know in this area (and many others).
My thoughts about it being counter productive are twofold.
First, and I understand this isn't a perfect connection, but I'll go with it. I view the population of other planets as inevitable and necessary, but much like the exploration of our own Earth, the explorers of the past didn't burn through their resources back home to go all in on trying something new. Now this doesn't take into consideration several things, but I think it's a good starting point for conversation from both sides. The other big thing my analogy does not allow for is the idea that the home location is dying and needs to be fled. That leads into my second point, but I'll address it now for a moment. The catastrophe of homeland death changes everything. If the choice comes down to life or death, choose life. It's the only logical choice in my opinion. Then the discussion needs to go in the direction of "is there a limit that we can't cross as a species to guarantee our survival?" Holy question Batman!
My second point that alluded to is this. As we (humanity) have never witnessed the extinction of all life on a planet due to the dominant species creating a catastrophic change to said planet, I think it is hubris to the extreme to think we know how/when/if this planet will end due to our involvement. Even studying other planets or climate shift threats on this planet cannot truly answer all of the questions that should be considered on this subject. I understand that this position inevitably leads to a Catch-22 situation in that we cannot "know" without experiencing the thing that would end it all and therefore we would no longer need to "know" because we would ultimately not care any longer. However, I do think it's a fair point to bring up.
The next logical step in this part of the conversation would be to bring it back to what we, as a species, should do now to prevent such a catastrophe. That circular arguement could go on forever, but it would also require all parties to accept the assumption that the world's climate is changing due to mankind, and I personally haven't seen enough data to sway me one way or the other on that subject.

Here's to a continued conversation. ?

@CalebBaeten hey woah, i never (did i don't remember) said that humanity caused this to happen, and either way if the planet is going out of wackand dying, we should be doing something about it anyway. even if it isnt happening,we should be preparing the human species as a whole for imminent destruction of all kinds

@SpearCypher if you got the impression I was putting words into your mouth, I apologize, that wasn't my intent.
I, personally, don't think I'm on the fatalism train yet of inevitable outcomes of destruction, however, as a thought experiment this has been fun.


First of all, I support environmental conservation.

Question for the OP: What is the most current, widely accepted, scientific report about climate change? More importantly, what is their worst case predicted scenario?"

Let's have a discussion armed with facts, not rhetoric.


I am not certain where you are going with this, asking questions for rebuttal, looking for feedback on directions to take, or trying to defend the above statements.

I will take a stab at general commentary and see where we go from there. So the science is far from settled on this matter, in fact science is NEVER settled on any's the nature of science to always question and learn from observations. I will stick to the first of your statements for now as I think and comment. You are making some grand assumptions without clarifying them and so far none of them are agreed to apart from the climate changes. The hard part is the climate had always changed from the beginning of time and will long continue to change long after we are dead. There is zero proof one way or another that we have influenced the weather and every model used to prove one way or another had bee proven false or incorrect given enough time.

You also try and divert away from political leanings and call out societal changes, however this seems to be disingenuous as it is only one political party that desires this, had been advocating for it, and written books about how to tear down alternative views. If I am mistaken about this please enlighten me and add to the pool of meaning. The underlying goal, as I see it, is the death of as many humans as is possible for the sake of "saving" the planet. Taking whatever steps as is necessary for this goal is on the table for this ideology, be it financial, energy use, political changes, or outright lies and deception. Take the green new deal for example, it would cost trillions of dollars, bankrupt states, and financially end up destroying lives that would end up with possible death.

It seems obvious to me, but as I said earlier I could be wrong and taking a wrong direction then you had intended.

i see you talk fancy but you do not know what i am trying to say. first off, the planet is getting warmer, fuck all the politically motivated scientist bullshit, i feel it, you feel it, weve seen record heat waves every year since 2010. societal changes are gonna happen wether you like it or not, the question is, is anyone gonna stand up and move humanity for its own benefit, or are we going to sit around and just be all willy nilly and crazy, letting the planet have its way with us. i don't give a fuck how much effort its going to take to survive, green new deal or not, something needs to happen so i do not fry like a fish on a skillet

@SpearCypher this seems to be an emotional issue for you as well and I can sense the urgency in your tone of voice and colorful language let's be frank. Yes the earth has been warming, since the last ice age...would you prefer that to where we are now? I am not speaking in hyperbole or fictional terms, go look up the global temperature over the Millennium as I have and see if that is the case. So to be clear none of us are that important in the overall view of the universe and that means the earth WILL have its way with us, adapt or die. You are not going to change the earth no matter how draconian you are with laws or outright murder 90% of the planets population to get down to some fictional number that someone thought the planet could support.

Just to be sure I have heard you correctly, you are stating the earth is getting warmer overall? You were citing the temperature you feel outside over time. Did you notice how NASA said we had our warmest year then quietly retracted that statement as it was false? Just wondering how much research you have done into the subject as I have been reading only a few climate journals on the subject and if you were more well red than I and could share some of what you have been reading?

@DaddyBob oh you got me, ive just been reading local weathe reports. all in all, good point. im not very educated on the subject, but also, education seems to have an "undesireable effect " on people i have just working off what im obvserving because ive been lied to by every profession in the yellow pages.

@SpearCypher Sarcasm is unbecoming...I am genuinely looking for more information then I have. If you have none to defend your point of view then I am either forced to try and research it on my own or ignore it as politely as I can and move on with my day. We only know what we current do by listening and gathering facts that are reliable. I have my doubts about the basis of your premise, buts let ls pretend for a minute that I agreed with you, on all points as I see them. Humans are wrecking the planet and we can fix it if we wanted.

So you clearly have some thoughts on what is to be done so stop being evasive and come out and tell us your final solution.


Wow . You drank really bad Kool Aid .

Try to be informative.... Making people feel stupid while trying to educate themselves is super counter productive Libtards sling accusations. Intelligent people inform and debate.

@Wolak ayy thanks,a fool is a fool until he asks his foolish question, he who doesnt is foolish forever.

@Wolak As long as you believe that human activity controls changes in climate , there is no conversation .

@Georgesblogforum oof. why does it need to, i mean, have you ever breathed in car fumes? its terrible. pretty soon we gonna have the whole planet on a respirator

@SpearCypher I've been telling people to get away from the cities for 35 years . Socialism is a bigger threat to life than exhaust fumes .

@Georgesblogforum you have a good point there


Sounds more like a NWO problem the climate change problem to me

what is wrong about uniting under a single banner anyway? what,you think your culture is gonna be erased and were all gonna be clones? nah our family and anscestral ties will remain. but moving forward into the future united as one, sounds like a better idea than having aliens drive by earth and lock theire doors, saying shit like,we thought they were intelligent cuz of nuclear radiation, but then we noticed they had it pointed at each other.

@SpearCypher well i will not give up my Grandchildrens ability to be individuals just because some in power believe they should not be. And one banner of who should i be required to salute to? I think not a relgion of government? Government can not be of religion. Idol before Creater ( GOD) NOT GOING TO HAPPEN TO AMERICA MY FRIEND.

@Gerri4321 ooookay. so. here iz ze earth.lmao, but seriously, i don't like the idea of the current governemtn being a world government either. who said anything about your grand children not haviung identities that is exactly the opposite of what i said. you think were all gonna zap ourselves with a magical fart ray and become robots dude?


You are good with the buzzwords but very scattered. I suggest you go easier on the caffeine etc. and maybe put down the pipe?

haha possibly. midnight smoke thoughts manifesting my fingers. idle hands


Solution? Private property


Well, I love the buzz words like harvest responsibly, produce renewably, meaningless phrases that all defined to suit the argument rather than a universal definition. And I love the thought of combating previously made waste, that extra meaningless adjective - previously. So climate is changing, it always does. The current real science shows that we may be headed into another mini ice age of 100 to 600 years duration. It's not official yet, it will take a few mores to confirm. Will this be an event that must cause us to give up our freedoms, liberties, and the like? Will we now require the government structure of Big Brother to watch us and govern us? I suppose under the watchful eye of big brother we my be directed to literally put chains and whips on mother earth is some weird and sadistic show or eroticism although how that would produce a sich and unnatural forceful balance is beyond my imagination. So no, ain't going to happen, no way, no how.

apathy is death!!!!!!

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