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Davos elites warn nations not to resist 'painful global transition' []

JohnBurke 9 May 25

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The gross incompetence of the management of the "transition" to alternative energy sources is worse than arrogance, hubris and indifference to suffering that the members of Davos display. Like every authoritarian movement in history those selected to implement policy are not the best or the brightest. They are selected based on loyalty to the elite not merit.

The only way to make such a transition is to maximize the current energy sources to rebuild the infrastructure needed. It really is a "let them eat cake" moment such as precipitated the French Revolution.


@JohnBurke @dmatic

We resist, and furthermore, we're throwing a party, and the theme is resistance. We're throwing a tea party.

Resistance is fun!

Democrats hate parties. Democrats are unfun. Democrats poop on parties.

Republicans should launch a charm offensive, and out-party Democrats.

Happiness is either attractive or offensive to the disenchanted.


God laughs at these imposters that think they control the world.

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