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What the Real Stats Say About Black and White Crime: The Woke Crowd Will Hate Every One of These via @WestJournalism []

JohnBurke 9 June 10

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@JohnBurke @TimTuolomne

High schools matter. The quality of your high school is important. Parents that are choosing a place to raise kids should nest in the district of a good high school. High school is 4 critical years in the development of a kid. Parents care about high schools. Democrats want to cripple schools. Democrats destroyed accelerated learning, and they forbid high schoolers from learning the Calculus. Democrats are the Khmer Rough.

The film "Mean Girls" shows the coolness of high school. In the opening scene, we are showed the high school safari. There are kids that are into sports, acting, journalism, etc. There is a niche for all of them.

Every high school in Baltimore sucks. Get out of Baltimore. Don't subject your kids to Baltimore schools.

Back in the day, state college was cheap. It was $3000/year at Wisconsin, and rent was $200/month. You could work part time and easily afford college. Most state colleges are good. You can get a good education from them if you study hard.

I laugh at kids that went to expensive elite schools and studied dumbass stuff. They voluntarily signed up to be a plantation slave, and they are slaves to politicians that promise college debt forgiveness. They are slaves to their debt, and they did it to themselves.

America is full of people who went to state college and studied hard, and got legit STEM majors. They have no college debt and their knowledge led to legit jobs that improve America. Snotty leftists college humanities majors majored in bull studies, they overpaid, and they demand money from people who have no college debt. No. People who have college debt must learn respect for people who don't. Instead, people with college debt consider their debt to be moral superiority, and they insist that anyone that doesn't pay their debt is morally inferior. They are slavers.

Today, state colleges cost $15000/year, which is too much to afford with a part time job, and most of the money is wasted on administration. The way to promote opportunity for the poor is not to give them free college. It's to strip away the unnecessary administration at state colleges. State colleges have great professors, and that's all you need. Keep the beef and cut the fat. A state college can be a steakhouse. STEM departments should secede from the university and establish an Institute of Technology.

The Baltimore high school system spends $20000/student/year, and almost none of them can pass an algebra test. Baltimore is worse than a bad school. Baltimore wastes money that could go to better schools.

The duty of a state is to produce good state colleges. There are states that produced mighty state colleges, capable of standing up to elite private colleges. These states include California, Wisconsin, Michigan, and North Carolina.


Someday in my ideal World, headlines like these will read "What the real stats say about socially disadvantaged versus socially advantaged crime."

Now I'm not trying to condemn any kind of speech. Just consider how much stuff like this thoughtlessly refers to skin color, which is completely irrelevant - except to the very few ignorants who have not caught up with the fact that human genome sequencing has proved it.

What is relevant is that the socially disadvantaged, of every skin color, opportunity, culture and creed will miss the boat for all kinds of reasons under no one's control. They will be the desperate who conclude that crime pays, or will not think at all about what they are doing.

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