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What is Purpose of Chemtrails and Who Benefits?

JohnBurke 9 June 13

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There is little water vapor in cold air at high altitude, partly because it's cold, and partly because the air density is low. Most of the water vapor comes from the exhaust. Hot H2O from exhaust condenses upon getting chilled.

Kerosine + Oxygen -> CO2 + H2O


No such thing. How do you think they'd keep it secret when there would have to literally be thousands of ground crew, airline personnel etc etc involved. They can't even keep a SCOTUS decision under wraps.

and this is what???

@JohnBurke BS


not chem trails - what you are talking about are called Contrails - short for "condensation trails" - you can read all about it with a simple web search:

Contrails form when hot humid air from jet exhaust mixes with environmental air of low vapor pressure and low temperature. The mixing is a result of turbulence generated by the engine exhaust.

Never understood this one.

It's possible however that contrails do have some environmental effects similar to clouds.

@wolfhnd Jet engines in flight are hot - at altitudes above 30k feet the air is very cold and when an object moving along at about 500mph at 35k feet that cold moist air is sucked through the hot engines and rapidly generates condensation leaving that white trail streaking along behind the jet airplane.
I never quite understood why so many people are hooked on the theory that our Gov't is seeding the atmosphere with harmful contagions to fall upon the population...

@wolfhnd beautiful 'contrails' for your viewing pleasure

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