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Congratulations to me for my 13,000th post in 2 years!!!!!

That averages to roughly 20 posts every day, continuously, for 2 years.

Even russian bots are jealous of my output and commitment!!!!!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

KrunosIav 7 Aug 4

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Interesting you made level 6 since joining June 16th 2022 with only 30 posts & 182 comments

I can see why "russian bots" would be jealous ~ guess you have been exercising your woke white privilege. Poor @krunoslav

This creepy stalker has been following me around like a bad breath.

And interesting logic he has. Wasting his time on trying to point out I'm wasting mine. [visibly confused].

@Krunoslav I get the same & its trying to discourage my efforts as well.

Did some reading on his other interlocutions and i am beginning to think he is trying to cultivate intel to incriminate with.

On some, he is very encouraging to provide the opportunity to boast and brag about quasi-insurrectionist stuff.

Reminds me of Stasi/KGB tactics.

Also, reminds me of the kjhljqtisgay stalker that I blocked twice.

Also might explain his/its problems with @farmerguy56 as I recall an ongoing validity issue of being a US Marine, which might also be indicative of 'its' issue with your Veterans post.

That interesting logic is manipulative specious reasoning with nefarious agenda. Makes it sound like its an entity lol [visibly confused] lol Have a good day my friend!! πŸ€– πŸ₯° πŸ€– 🀣 πŸ‘» πŸ€– πŸ€ͺ

@Weltansicht I doubt he is some kind of person with actual agenda, he seem to me like a desporate keyboard warrior with an IQ of a retard cactus. Someone trying his best to use the remaining two brains cells to prove he only in fact has, two of them.

His arguments are not arguments, but attempt to somehow bring other people down , trying desperately and unsuccessfully to mock, humiliate others. I suppose he picked me, because I don't fit into his narrow minded worldview, so he works over time, meaning he actually uses both brain cells to try "public shaming" campaign.

These kind of pathetic creatures do this because no one cares about them in the first place, and they crave send of self importance. Hence , they first well into bureaucratic systems, where someone so pathetic is backed up by big bureaucratic system and can channel his own frustrations onto others. This guy would fit into the new IRS type position to spy and harass fellow citizens, much like he is unsuccessfully attempting here.

This kind of pathetic creature would love a position as a guard at Auschwitz or Dachau. Although probably the Germans would demand higher level of intelligence. Hence if he actually has a job , probably it can only be in some bureaucracy apparatus, where social parasites and narcissists find their home. Possibly, he could not get even that far, so he ended up being a creepy stalker in an obscure website in the dark corners of the internet. I imagine eventually he will get board, because this only works if others accepts his fiction.


β€œThe neurotic is nailed to the cross of his own fiction.”
―Alfred Adler

@NewbieMAGA that's easy, it's because you don't think

@NewbieMAGA dream on moonpie dream on πŸ€£πŸ‘»πŸ€–πŸ«΅πŸ€₯😭🀬

3 responses after and still not reading YET you did read and RREEEEEEEEEing ~ predictable and forced you to respond AFTER you read it

I think your blood is boiling and you got triggered again LOL

@NewbieMAGA <yawn>

@NewbieMAGA πŸ‘» πŸ₯±

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