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I started out with nothing and I still have most of it.

The great tragedy of life is not that men perish, but that they cease to love. ~ Somerset Maugham

To do 3 dimensional chess mind games with me, you will need to study up on The Art of War by Sun Tzu, and throw some Nietzsche on there.

You will need to contemplate the root word of assassin, where it comes from, and Hassan-i Sabbah.

Knowing some Marcus Aurelius philosophy and Tacitus quotes. Consider Kahlil Gibran ~ 'Defeat' among other poems.

Immanuel Kant ~ Critique of Pure Reason. Baruch Spinoza. Maimonides ~ the Mishneh Torah and The Guide for the Perplexed.

Plato ~ The Republic. The Code of Hammurabi.

Miyamoto Musashi ~ The Book of Five Rings.

Gerald Schroeder. ~ Nikola Tesla & 3.6.9. ~

Carlos Castaneda.

Full Bio


If he loses his sense of smell he'll be devastated.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 30, 2022:
reminded me of Fearless Leader talking about Foggiest leader lol
Hot of the transitory press.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 30, 2022:
The Sowell quote/meme on shameless liars is somewhat my view/reasoning on the demonstration of getting the jab by Fauci & Biden. *IF* you have to demonstrate to me that you got the jab regardless of the alleged innuendo rationalization of promoting public confidence in the safety/efficacy of it; *ONLY* tells me that you yourself know that your own words are full of lies & half-truths *BECAUSE* if you truly had honor & integrity in your words and *BELIEVED* them, then there would be *NO NEED* to demonstrate the veracity of your comments.
The logic checks out!
Weltansicht comments on Jul 29, 2022:
Liberals are like Chicken Little and the sky is falling because of Climate Change that was Putin's fault because Orange Man made a collusion treaty with him. Black gay rifles are just as scary to a liberal as the pink ones owned and used by baby deplorables.
Back to the future! And by "future," I mean 1960.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 29, 2022:
woo hoo Political Correctedness Segregation and one more way to stomp out White Supremacy, next it will be DNA vaccinations
Hot of the press.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 29, 2022:
smokin' hot!
Italy’s Political EARTHQUAKE as Patriot Right Poised for SUPERMAJORITY [youtube.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 28, 2022:
let's see, hmmmmmm who has resigned recently..... Boris Johnson Gotobaya Rajapaksa Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh Steven Del Duca Magdalena Andersson and I can think of quite a few others in the last few years, and I am sure I left out some.....
Democrat Catches Monkeypox After Banging Randos During Pride Weekend.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 27, 2022:
*A public health expert and director of the George Soros' Open Society Foundation* ~ what? does not seem to be very health conscious at all.....textbook definition of hypocrite as for the free love for everyone everywhere of the pre-1980s, well....that may be but there were plenty of celibate people who were very afraid and respectful of not wanting to catch a disease that there was no name for let alone a cure, many folks coming back from tours of duty in SE Asia would attest to that monkeypox is just subliminal reinforcement of evolution theory carnage in Arkansas, one of our politicians said 'may a pox be upon your house' (from Shakespeare ~ I believe) when admonished for referring and calling the corona pandemic 'the plague' & refusing to accept the MSM narrative by the democrat liberal leftists....who knew he had prophetic vision or gifted insight lol
Hot of the press.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 20, 2022:
There's no need to fear, ALL those banking institutions have provisos with the US Government under the umbrella ownership of BlackRock, got bailed out before 2008-2009 even though they were engaged in criminal activities & paid fines with the taxpayer monies. They engaged in manufacturing & manipulating the housing market and interest rates fluctuations and WROTE the textbook on predatory lending from their empirical perspective in action. The Federal Reserve is a privately held institution not a governmental agency.
I find it interesting there has been zero news on catching the person in the silver SUV/sedan ...
Weltansicht comments on Jul 14, 2022:
I thought on the time stamp it was 10 minutes after the explosion. I thought maybe somebody drove over to see what happened, maybe was just driving around booze cruising or something. Never seen any evidence of perpetrators planting anything there either before the explosion.
They never could have guessed where it would lead to.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 13, 2022:
I met John Bardeen at an event on campus in 1980s. He was the 2nd person to tell me about Nikola Tesla's work.
Reasons Why The US Military Is Facing An Extremely Severe Recruiting Shortage In 2022.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 12, 2022:
They have other problems exasperated by 'wokeness'; it existed before but at least it was dealt with.
While web searching for Bonhoeffers treatise on stupidity I came across this short essay on "The ...
Weltansicht comments on Jul 12, 2022:
I am familiar with Bonhoeffer and some of his books/quotes. Like *Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than evil* and the stupid person follower that led to the rise of Hitler. Are you familiar with Carlo Cipolla & The Five Fundamental Laws of Stupidity? Always and inevitably, everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation. The probability that a certain person (will) be stupid is independent of any other characteristics of that person. A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses. Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular, non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places, and under any circumstances, to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake. A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person. Corollary: A stupid person is more dangerous than a pillager.
German Interior Minister of Thuringia Calls for the Confiscation of Firearms from Alternative for ...
Weltansicht comments on Jul 12, 2022:
all I can think of is the guy from the movie *Stalag 17* "und be gudt little nazis"
PJMedia: RaymondIbrahim: President Erdogan Celebrates the 569th Anniversary of the Sack of ...
Weltansicht comments on Jul 12, 2022:
The Rebels have the babes!
Weltansicht comments on Jul 12, 2022:
We have milk and cookies on the dark side too.
See? See? What did I tell ya? 😆
Weltansicht comments on Jul 10, 2022:
Better get help, your work load is going to get busy.
What is it with black women that they can talk about hair all day?
Weltansicht comments on Jul 10, 2022:
her quote ~ *I'm a mixed breed....Versions of Black & white.* What a poodle! As for the *hair enthralling mystery* try following their conversation smack on redbones lol and for that real good hair mixture, my 1st question to her would be how many miles does she travel before she has to change the oil? Just speaking from my very thick straight Sephardi strands empiricism and being sarcastic ;-) I think she is a Joy Behar wannabe and to misquote Sleepy Joe 'if you aint got nappy hair problems then you ain't black'
It sure is looking this way
Weltansicht comments on Jul 9, 2022:
I think it has something to do with the EU protocols and compliance to that agenda AND being told they are the proletariat to the ruling Marxist class of elites.
Don't let your demons take over your life!
Weltansicht comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Strangely reminds me of/makes me think of Diogenes for some reason. hmmmmmm
It's all just a social construct!
Weltansicht comments on Jul 9, 2022:
I think the lefties were calling Justice Thomas "Uncle Tom" and saying its a abbreviation of his last name, and further proof they have never read a history book on racism.
Country Living In Bible Prophecy (15:21) I don't know about Chad Kreuzer's exegesis, but he may ...
Weltansicht comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Not sure about his exegesis either but the hermeneutics might be more accurate. My personal experience ~ plenty of city people come here, thinking they are going to do this or that, and *show us* a thing or two; the usual arrogance and condescension. Typically think we are lazy ect., lay around a lot because of the heat and that we are good for nothings. Well, usually they do not last more than a year or two here. This year the weather has been extreme and excessively hot, but not record breaking either. Also, it can get cold here as any place up north, and as much snow, not usually but possible. Does not take long, usually a day when they get out there going to work the place and get infested with ticks & chiggers. Most are not aware of the poisonous snakes like copperheads or timber rattlers or cottonmouths. We also have scorpions. They usually have a delusion dream of living off the land with no practical experience, maybe gardening from where ever they are from, maybe some experience hunting a little bit. But no idea usually of the insects we have here, and IF they are going at it economically or organically, they are always in for a rude awakening of the amount of intensive work involved. If they are not good and practical at management of time and energy resources, they are sunk. As for growing food for profit to make money, you might get some competition at the farmers' market. Also certain crops, you have to give a certain portion or amount to the government, and others are highly regulated. As for the biblical exodus, you can take the people out of Egypt but you can not take Egypt out of the people. As in the verses of let's go back where we had plenty of food Exodus 16:3. The forty years was a massive die off, simply because they refused to adapt or change, even after witnessing all those miracles first hand. You have to consider the assimilation of the Israelis in Egyptian society, it was nearly total. Then consider the facts of when they came to Egypt by Joseph's hand and shepherds were an abomination to the Egyptians. Genesis 43:32 or Genesis 46:34. I chuckled at the Isaiah 33:16 We have plenty of ammo in rocks here. If you are willing to work at it, plenty of curly dock to harvest, grows wild. Along with a buckwheat. This year acorns are scarce, maybe the wild persimmons too. Wild pecans are usually plentiful because they grow by water usually. We also have chinkapin/chinquapins. Plenty of food, just have to work at it, process it. I have had those city slickers say to me that it was too much work, too hard, *we'd never do that*. My response was 'well maybe you don't get as hungry as I do'; ...
the irony of it all
Weltansicht comments on Jul 5, 2022:
well, so did Lori Lightfoot, mayor of Chicago, to take up arms, against the Supreme Court of the USA
The Constitution is ingenious.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Quite correct. The Ninth Amendment is specific about the rights retained by the people even if not enumerated and others can not be construed against unnamed rights either. You have the right to just say "NO".
CNN be like...
Weltansicht comments on Jul 5, 2022:
James Earl Jones voice (or think of Darth Vader voice lol) ~~ *CNN The Most Trusted Name in News* lol
and if the mode is 90% low you are just making things up now
Weltansicht comments on Jul 5, 2022:
if that was in my face and the finger was off the trigger, I'd pop that right out that hand no problem; of course, then the gangbanger might find out about gender reconstruction theory and there are only 2 despite how many they claim there are lol
To paraphras Hank Hill, "That boy ain't right." []
Weltansicht comments on Jul 5, 2022:
the power of christ compels that s.o.b. lol where's the guacamole vomit ? lol
Democrats eating each other: "'You F%cking Colonizer': Portland Man Screams At Leftist White Woman ...
Weltansicht comments on Jul 3, 2022:
yeah shame on him...he should have called she/it a birthing meatbag of gender non-construction because that was discriminatory of interest convergence and was differential racialization with the intersectionality of the voice of colour.
The Left is doing a full-court press for abortion, and it’s evil.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 3, 2022:
Its pretty sad, but Oregon *STILL* has full access to the full procedure up to the last minute before birth. Washington state it is still legal ect. If they want their abortions *SO BAD* go there. If it is en masse as they claim, take a bus or charter a plane and fly there all together. Flying should be no problem there since they are all vaxxed, right? And since all those airline companies are so woke with rainbow flags and rights, I am sure they would not mind providing an extra free flight or two. If they truly really cared about the health of these women, would not Planned Parenthood for birthing meatbags have stayed open, instead of closing their offices, so they could co-ordinate the safe passage for all these oppressed victimized gender non-binary transhumans ?
Bette Midler calls for a ban on viagra as it's 'God’s will to have a limp dick’
Weltansicht comments on Jul 2, 2022:
Viagra?? sheesh....she turned Barry *You Deserve A Break Today* Manilow gay in 1971. He was her piano man. She performed on Johnny Carson and Johnny pointed him out doing that job on a recollection show in the 1980s. His first hit song was *Mandy* I think....several years after that. BAH!! Her manager was Aaron Russo, made the movie *The Rose* and he went on to make several well know movies, like *Trading Places* and *America: Freedom to Fascism* I think Her Divine Madness is a putz & a schmuck. A true meshuganah. I'll download her celebrity opinion like I do Alyssa Milano's.
They’re really not hiding it anymore. They hate white people so much.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 1, 2022:
sounds like they are trying to blame the economy recession on white people, but who listens to the propaganda lies of CNN the sock puppet of BlackRock? I reaaly like the CNN posted 366,000 up 25% = from 274,500 to 366,000 = 25% ~~~ 274,500 + 91,500 = 366,000 or for the racist indoctrinated it means 91,500 as 4 quarters (25%) added together......
“Man is diminished if he lives without knowledge of his past; without hope of a future he becomes ...
Weltansicht comments on Jul 1, 2022:
strangely reminded me of the words & voice of Thulsa Doom: *My child, you have come to me my son. For who now is your father if it is not me? When I am gone, you will have never been. What would your world be, without me? My son.*
Putin says Western leaders would look 'disgusting' topless after they mock his shirtless pictures
Weltansicht comments on Jul 1, 2022:
if Boris released the secret web cam footage of their shindigs I am sure we would be purveyed into more than topless shenanigans & hooligan miscreants
Weltansicht comments on Jul 1, 2022:
I remember some of his videos, I thought he was older. The cancer must have been....not even sure what word to use....ravenous?
Built by a Roman emperor in the Sixth Century, Istanbul’s sublime Hagia Sophia is deteriorating ...
Weltansicht comments on Jun 30, 2022:
I have loved that place since seeing it in James Bond movie *From Russia with Love* ~~ antiquating myself lol
Aliens have their own conspiracy theories.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 30, 2022:
I think the Galactic Federation needs to put a quarantine upon the earth, as a infectious culture upon itself. Only allow hunting parties of Predators and very strict decontamination procedure afterwards.
My Response to the Most Absurd Reactions to the Overturning of Roe v.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 30, 2022:
only odd view and peculiar because it is not known in other words as the Eugenics Society the children if reproduced by the aberration protesters that he mentions @4:30 ~ those people WANT the state to raise the children, they WANT the state to take the responsibility, they WANT to own nothing and be told they are happy doing the correct thing, they WANT to be transhumans, and they WANT your acquiescent acceptance of their deviant behaviour because deep down they know they are wrong, somewhere subliminally subconscious, otherwise there would not be such a strong urge to 'prove it' to you, that it is their 'right' to go against the fundamental laws of nature
Weltansicht comments on Jun 30, 2022:
makes me want to consider investing in the Japanese sex robots for men also brings to mind *The Stepford Wives* and that irrefutable dark logic
California DOJ Breaks Silence After Massive Leak Of Gun Owners’ Private Info | The Daily Caller
Weltansicht comments on Jun 30, 2022:
Thanks for sharing!! I missed this one and just goes to show me how badly I am shadow banned. I think MS-13 was/still is, importing weapons to their big city affiliates, of types and styles we as Americans are not even legally allowed....don't remember where I read it/seen it
J6 Committee HUMILIATED as Star Witness Testimony IMPLODES [youtube.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 29, 2022:
They will never learn, they refuse to learn because then that upsets their apple cart of reasonings. They can never be wrong because it is your fault. They will twist it that they are the victims of the scenario they created and you are the perpetrator. Basic pretzel logic of Narcissistic Control 101.
Giorgio Vasari.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 29, 2022:
when you said *Inside, it was packed with biographies of artist that Vasari admired* I suspected it probably got embellished some lol
Pass. 😆
Weltansicht comments on Jun 29, 2022:
at first I thought it was Burt Reynolds and was calculating a sarcasm trying to remember if it was Gator or the Longest Yard & the doing it standing up w/Bernadette Peters scene (and I like Burt ever since his blacksmith character days on *Gunsmoke*)....but then I looked again and realized it was Tom Selleck & *Magnum PI* and started thinking *Quigley Down Under* lol thanks for making me laugh and getting me out of the dark zone I was stuck in!! @sqeptiq don't look, you'll go blind!!!
Cornell library removes Gettysburg Address, Lincoln bust
Weltansicht comments on Jun 29, 2022:
it would appear the democrats did win the Civil War, just took them 150 years or so to launch the counter-attack offensive.....also explains the mental social conditioning of colored people = people of color; and be sure to attack whitey along the way, so future dark miscreants can be identified and herded up to be shot as an example to the relatively peaceful compliant sheepies & that if we do this to and decimate our own soldiers, undoubtedly we will enforce draconian measures against the herd. Fear Control 101.
See any entertaining Covid caution cultists recently?
Weltansicht comments on Jun 28, 2022:
not since Bubba from Tadpole and the little woman said to him~ "is that all you wanted me to get out of my shorts for?"
Hot off the press!
Weltansicht comments on Jun 28, 2022:
addressing the Sari Beth Rosenberg one ~ overlooking the cases of violation of trust by teacher abuse of sexual exploitations and pregnant teachers by 7th and 8th grade students.....WHO told them to teach CRT? WHO told them to groom children with LGBTQ+ indoctrination? Probably the same WHO telling them to protect their asses and their students....WHO by the way were all getting shot in mass school shootings BEFORE they were being told to arm themselves ~~~~ you obviously are a conceited moron I can eviscerate the rest of them just as well, like your sophistry of Lauren Boebert and 'take your children to church' doesn't mean leaving them unattended with pedophiles such as yourself
This is Justin Trudeau's mother. It answers a lot of questions
Weltansicht comments on Jun 28, 2022:
off side screenshot ~~ cats were looking for the tuna
Anything Goes: Sex Strike! Your terms are acceptable. []
Weltansicht comments on Jun 28, 2022:
Promises, promises. What's new there? were they not complaining awhile back that straight men would not date them because they were transgendered into women? so I thought they were not having sex anyway except Jeffrey Toobin style to begin with, which I don't care about either way none of my business, voyeurism and exhibitionism and riding their bikes naked at Seattle pride parade is their *business*, too. Sex strike? HA! sounds like the feminism rhetoric of the bra burners & streakers from last century. Thought only unions went on strike? Is there something going on there that they have not been reporting to the tax authorities? LOL *business* wink wink
Still no "customers"
Weltansicht comments on Jun 28, 2022:
maybe Canada Day July 1 to show Turdeau how its done since he missed that class at the WEF for the Leaders of K.A.O.S.
The greatest Troll []
Weltansicht comments on Jun 27, 2022:
I'd make a snide remark but I am afraid I would be appearing in His Honor's Court lol
Never trust a Clinton - ALLMoneyMatters - How to be an $$$$$ Opportunist! []
Weltansicht comments on Jun 27, 2022:
yeah chip in and get free tiktok exclusives too
Great reason
Weltansicht comments on Jun 27, 2022:
especially when men can get pregnant
Here's the latest meme from the Babylon Bee:
Weltansicht comments on Jun 27, 2022:
high decibel noise canceling headphones may become an optional wardrobe selection ;-) RRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
She is one screwed up flog! Stacey Abrams Calls For NO LIMITS on Abortion — Including Up To ...
Weltansicht comments on Jun 27, 2022:
that she/it be one the worst hypocrites they got and she/it did it without enabling Affirmative Action entitlements, that I am aware of.....
Trigger Ball.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 27, 2022:
RRREEEEEEE seems a strange sound from bowling
Weltansicht comments on Jun 27, 2022:
aahhhWWOOOOOO 'werewolves of london' aaahhhwwwoooooo
The hypocrisy is gobsmacking!
Weltansicht comments on Jun 27, 2022:
the she/its want women's rights but can't define what a woman is.....
Full list: Abortion is now illegal in at least 10 states, more to follow []
Weltansicht comments on Jun 26, 2022:
Arkansas tops the list!! woo hoo!!!
Pelosi WHINES About The Supreme Court's Decision In Cringeworthy ...
Weltansicht comments on Jun 24, 2022:
What a macaroon! Won't California be getting all the abortion business now? just pure demagoguery to distract from the Biden regime agenda of implementing American destruction goals for the liberal marxist socialist democrats
BREAKING: ROE V. WADE OVERTURNED, Clarence Thomas Opens Door To END Gay Marriage Next - YouTube
Weltansicht comments on Jun 24, 2022:
*Are you ready for the fires, death and destruction?* you mean like the *peaceful protests* of the liberal marxist socialist democrats? eh, what's new? if a teenager in Waukesha can take out hardened criminal psychotic felonious communists, by himself....then all I can say is that they better have proper identification upon their bodies with notifications of next-of-kin updated if they do not want to fed into the liberals' soup kitchen menu
In Boebert's District, as Elsewhere, Democrats Surge into GOP Primary (This new approach is also ...
Weltansicht comments on Jun 24, 2022:
when I worked as an election judge in illinois during the 1996, 2000, 2004 could only vote your party candidates in the primary, general election vote across the board.....but some offices only had 1 candidate running, usually the republican because he was the best democrat on the ticket....
yea well he should stay away from fireworks
Weltansicht comments on Jun 24, 2022:
pew!pew! PTSD *Press Traumatizing Stories Dysfunction* pew!pew!
Second Amendment opponents up in arms about Supreme Court ruling (6:28) Is this what it boils ...
Weltansicht comments on Jun 24, 2022:
*Democrats forcing what they want on the nation's throat by force?*
Australian Greens Lidiot Thorpe - claims she does NOT identify as Australian.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 23, 2022:
creepy.....spookiest face I have seen since Omar, Beezleboob Lightfoot, AOC & Scary Poppins
What does gene therapy mean for people like me that don't understand []
Weltansicht comments on Jun 23, 2022:
it suppose to be for people with serious problems like MS multiple sclerosis or Muscular Dystrophy or diseases that have caused damaged and can provide a cure look into CRISPR technology and people can cure themselves but like everything else beneficial invented for the betterment of mankind it has that sword of Damocles for abuse of everyone hanging overhead to be used/abused by those corrupted by/with power
J6 Committee IMPLODES as Live Hearings SUSPENDED Indefinitely [youtube.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 23, 2022:
going the way of the Disinformation Governance Board
Clearly, Taylor Lorenz is as lousy at ordering food as she is at journalism.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 23, 2022:
I think its missing the hockers n goobers and being bred/mated by a food sex addict
DIVERSITY IN ACTION: Baltimore Changes Grades of 12,000 Failing Students to Graduate Them
Weltansicht comments on Jun 23, 2022:
when they have been in HS for 6 or 7 years, you kind of have to push them out the door..... does the *'culture of fear and a veil of secrecy'* include the transhumanism indoctrination that they told the kids NOT to tell their parents about ? and does the fear include the CRT time wasted, instead of time on readin', ritin' & rithmatik' ? and was the *'culture of fear'* included in the prerequisite antiwhiteism BLM Marxist training bootcamp procedures? did they have their free iphones from Obama administration of the Lifeline Assistance program? did they get their free crack pipes from Biden to prevent drug overdoses? do they have their George Soros funded automatic weapons being muled across the border by *Mara Salvatrucha* (gang of Salvadoran army ants) a.k.a. *MS13* yet?
Weltansicht comments on Jun 23, 2022:
they need to watch *Love, American Style*
Pretty much. Degenerate pedophiles are woke. I just hope more people are awake.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 23, 2022:
Just scrolling through again, and just happened to notice Mickey's *man bun* isn't that term a form of toxic male masculinity? ;-)
Weltansicht comments on Jun 23, 2022:
Affirmative Action in action
Toxic Femininity - too harsh?
Weltansicht comments on Jun 22, 2022:
Mother Russia ~
TEXAS GOP Calls for Vote on SECESSION [] I'll believe it when I see it.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 22, 2022:
I do believe Texas *has the right* to create itself into 5 distinct states according to its Treaty of Annexation agreements & principles but I don't think it has the right to secede anymore, and if it did, it lost that after the Civil War....but I thought there were certain obligations the federal government was to maintain, and they failed at that or deliberately ignored, and that contributed to joining the Confederacy. But who knows? They got so many liberals there from California and elsewhere, and booming job market ect.
I thought this was interesting.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 22, 2022:
Very interesting. Very insightful & thoughtful. Thanks for sharing it, had to go look up Mr. Ghosthorse too!
Don't shove your religion down my throat, bro!
Weltansicht comments on Jun 21, 2022:
and yet all those companies are quite prim and proper in the Middle East
Texas DPS director calls police response to Uvalde massacre 'an abject failure' The DPS Officer...
Weltansicht comments on Jun 21, 2022:
*an abject failure* or a deliberate one
Kavanaugh Assassination Attempt Reveals Dangers of Democrats’ “Rule or Ruin” Rhetoric ...
Weltansicht comments on Jun 21, 2022:
I am still quite offended and literally shocked at the audacity of Mad Maxine and her *make a scene, gather a crowd* mob incitement diatribe rant, not to mention her quote of *God is on our side* stamp of approval mnemonic device OR Beezleboob Lori Lightfoot and the *call to arms* on her gun controlled city & upon the nation because she was in disagreement with the US Supreme Court and abortion issues, and this violence and communistic insurrection attempt instigated by her/she/it.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 21, 2022:
MGTOW the marriage license is like government permission to have a dog license or any other license permissions if those women are lonely & miserable they would just be projecting that on to their victim in their presence of their containment field beware of succubus and incubus
Mark Dice: Liberals Get a Taste of Their Own Medicine! And They're Not Happy About It! ...
Weltansicht comments on Jun 20, 2022:
if you see/hear lil Brian now for real, you think, what happened to his voice
more shit from the liberal left!
Weltansicht comments on Jun 19, 2022:
not a hate crime if they are punching my fist with their faces .....very cool indeed
Looks like the state university's gender studies department needs a new professor.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 19, 2022:
well... the cats favorite food was fish
The values of the Biden administration
Weltansicht comments on Jun 19, 2022:
I wondered who Karine's partner was
A stranger was seated next to Little Johnny on the plane when the stranger turned to Little Johnny...
Weltansicht comments on Jun 18, 2022:
22 Democrats Who Voted Against SCOTUS Security Bill Voted for More Protection for Selves After ...
Weltansicht comments on Jun 17, 2022:
reminds me of when Congress refused to raise the minimum wage in the mid 1980s but gave themselves an cost of living increase that exceeded what most people made in a year, I do believe it was
Spelling Bee Contestant Asks The Definition of “Woman” [youtube.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 17, 2022:
the 'uhs' remind me of the WH press secretary Karine lol
Nearly half of Canadian women say they'll quit rather than return to office: Survey [torontosun.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 17, 2022:
woo hoo!! now get em barefoot & pregnant and we'll return to normal civilizations lol <---just being facetious, sarcastic, and diabolically evil provoking the feminazis lol on the serious note, they are probably a bit sick of the government edicts and why do stuff when they will lockdown your money accounts for questioning the author-i-tie
No one ever accused Sloppy Joe of being very observant.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 16, 2022:
*Shanksville Vikings* lol & *Proud to be an American* unicorn & Trump hat & *MAGA* shirt kids with *Eat Sh@t and Die* grins lol looks like the Secret Service agents photo bombed the historical moment too lol they need an updated photo with *UltraMaga* lol
US Federal Reserve raises interest rates by 75 basis points to 1.75%, the largest hike since 1994.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 16, 2022:
largest hike since the Clinton Administration, impressive that's what 'popped' the housing bubble and speculation investments and new home construction from the 1st Bush era and despite his lie of read my lips *no new taxes*
Progressive NY Democrat Predicts "Civil War" if GOP Takes Control in Midterms - YouTube
Weltansicht comments on Jun 16, 2022:
warns of civil war, yeah right pun intended. Civil war vs what? Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, NYC....take away the democratic city shitholes strongholds from the violence demographics and the rest of America is a very peaceful place on the earth compared to other nations. Just like emboldening far left radicals and racist superiority complex individuals of alleged social justice movements.....yeah right claims of Trump in cohoots with Russia, yeah right, and who was involved with Uranium One again? and 'pushing for a civil war' ? you mean like Mad Maxine and gather a crowd make a scene in a restaurant, a gas station, a store....or Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot and 'a call to arms' after all the disarming rhetoric of law abiding citizens? that alone should be *SCREAMING* volumes at everyone with common sense that if they are willing to treat you this bad when we *ARE* armed what the hell do you think they will act like if they have everyone passive and hopelessly submissive?
Ever listen to Steely Dan? Now you know why papa don't live in New York City no more.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 15, 2022:
Dirty work do it again reelin' in the years & don't lose that number ~ just off the top of my head
The California Homeless Industrial Complex [youtu.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 15, 2022:
Never ceases to amaze me. they always complained about the homeless & the drug addicts using the bathroom in the streets publicly defecating/urinating and yet they have a very simple politically correct solution in their possession. Now *'but keep in my mind, CHILDREN were inside of that room'* cognitive disconnect there for sure, with draqs, who probably were not vetted for child sexual predatory crimes, but the at least 5 men 'stormed' the event wearing offensive t-shirts & shouting anti gay anti trans slurs, and probably wearing more clothes than the Pride Pervs & Perps. And used the dreaded secret hand signal of the loyal order of white people; *HOW DARE THEY!!!*
Monkeypox to be renamed in the interests of political correctness (from Politico)
Weltansicht comments on Jun 15, 2022:
I'm all for Bidenpox and taking one for the team
The TRUTH just leaked out in Ukraine and it's worse than we thought | Redacted with Clayton Morris ...
Weltansicht comments on Jun 15, 2022:
The truth has been there for some time, just the very short attention span of the masses minus the m.
Okayyy, i did not see the mature part of the nsme of this group, we will have to see out this pans ...
Weltansicht comments on Jun 14, 2022:
welcome I guess....not sure what to say about your introduction paragraph.....are you panning for gold? personally my first thought was ~ you bring in what you take out in learning or experience BUT I am not sure that applies to the *we will have to see*
American system of politics sucks as it gets progressively worse.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 13, 2022:
yet so far away from understanding...
How is this for gaslighting?
Weltansicht comments on Jun 13, 2022:
The mental cases are really multiplying, these days.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 13, 2022:
and these will be the people they send after you to make you comply
Weltansicht comments on Jun 13, 2022:
"and there he was" Biden doing his Cheney impersonation
Remember when liberal media personalities behaved more honorably?
Weltansicht comments on Jun 13, 2022:
and that's the way it is.....
I want my old world back!
Weltansicht comments on Jun 13, 2022:
in his case he was playing with monkey bananas
I get the impression looking at this lady and where she lives she’s probably “white trash ...
Weltansicht comments on Jun 13, 2022:
if it was me, and I got accosted with an argumentative person telling me to put on a mask, I would start with the government's own web sites and that proof, that it doesn't work, in fact, causes more health issues and germ growth to others around you and *how dare they* be a carrier spreader BUT you can't reason with the unreasonable when their reasoning is bassed only on ideological principles of groupthink & herd mentality. they have to give you the attitude lecture because its psychological endorphin release for sanctimonious smugness of complacency basically patting themselves on the back as a reward because they *told* you
From Odessa's Telegram "Liberty Talk Canada": Liberty Talk Canada I am going to LOSE MY MIND!!! ...
Weltansicht comments on Jun 13, 2022:
to confuse and make one question reality is a common tactic of brainwashing, socialism indoctrination, and a narcissists' control tactic of supply


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