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I started out with nothing and I still have most of it.

The great tragedy of life is not that men perish, but that they cease to love. ~ Somerset Maugham

To do 3 dimensional chess mind games with me, you will need to study up on The Art of War by Sun Tzu, and throw some Nietzsche on there.

You will need to contemplate the root word of assassin, where it comes from, and Hassan-i Sabbah.

Knowing some Marcus Aurelius philosophy and Tacitus quotes. Consider Kahlil Gibran ~ 'Defeat' among other poems.

Immanuel Kant ~ Critique of Pure Reason. Baruch Spinoza. Maimonides ~ the Mishneh Torah and The Guide for the Perplexed.

Plato ~ The Republic. The Code of Hammurabi.

Miyamoto Musashi ~ The Book of Five Rings.

Gerald Schroeder. ~ Nikola Tesla & 3.6.9. ~

Carlos Castaneda.

Full Bio


Ya think so... WSJ says Smith & Wesson subpoena crosses the line- []
Weltansicht comments on Aug 17, 2022:
They were moving to Tennessee the last I knew because the Massachewshits politicians were becoming so abominable. The House Oversight Committee is chaired by Maloney a NY Demorat other demo members include AOC, Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, Ayanna Pressley, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Eleanor Norton, Stephen Lynch a Masshole, and others from California (5), illinois (3), Michigan (1 other besides Tlaib) & Maryland (3) ~
NASA unveils new moon rockethttps://[]
Weltansicht comments on Aug 17, 2022:
all new info to me and I use to live on the Space Coast at Rockledge, Florida thanks for sharing!!!
I mean, don't I have a right to be upset?
Weltansicht comments on Aug 17, 2022:
I think they might start quitting after looking at some of mine!!
Federal government = Domestic terrorism
Weltansicht comments on Aug 17, 2022:
one of my favorite memes and I had been thinking of posting it, glad to see some one else beat me to it ;-)
Maybe it was intentional, maybe it wasnt.
Weltansicht comments on Aug 17, 2022:
Ignorance is a good start. Plenty of disclaimer productions by unbiased people out there too, like the TV show *Mythbusters*. Some portrayals are just dramatic effect of impossible happenings, maybe not ignorance in intent, where most people just do not know the reality of the workings/mechanism of that particular gun. Plays on fear and ignorance & that's where it becomes manipulation, whether for the show or social engineering, and that's where the deliberate leftist propaganda comes in, banking and betting on sheer ignorance and fostering demagoguery for manipulation effects of a hidden agenda and making subliminal suggestions, a la Senator Feinstein is a prime example of how NOT to handle a gun, and shows/demonstrates she knows almost nothing about guns. Then I am supposed to take her talking points *seriously*? I don't need to be lectured on anything by an ultracrepidarian especially a liberal democrat one from California.
The collegiate socialists in the "studies" departments have a rude surprise in store for them!
Weltansicht comments on Aug 17, 2022:
especially when they *will have to pay* their bills!! ;-)
'Europe Needs Working Hands': Kahanist Leader Calls to Deport 'Disloyal' Israelis
Weltansicht comments on Aug 16, 2022:
Odeh family is big clan and fairly loyal to Arafat & successors. Many are in USA working legitimate businesses for money laundering back into PLO coffers. Many of the *cuck_jews* are really delusional to Middle East realities and are thus useful idiots for militant Islamic extremists. true Erev Rav
Banned on the buses too. Looks like you're walking to work!
Weltansicht comments on Aug 16, 2022:
we don't need your stinkin' yob or social media score & we are offended that you would be offensive in these demands & injustices; your electric car es for putos
Those opining on ‘freedom of speech’ only retain theirs through self-censorship & complicit ...
Weltansicht comments on Aug 16, 2022:
Not sure if we are losing the culture war, otherwise they would not be getting so desperate on measures of attempted control. If they were winning then the tactics would not be volatile. "The closer the collapse of the Empire, the crazier it laws are." ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero "The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws." ~ Tacitus "Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." ~ Marcus Aurelius
'Obvious cognitive decline': Joe Biden 'back on the bike' and preoccupied with 'bathing suits' - ...
Weltansicht comments on Aug 16, 2022:
at least they let him ride his bike on the sand instead of the pavement but where's his safety gear & training wheels.....
"Hello, fellow conservative patriots! Would you like to join us in making some illegal mischief?"
Weltansicht comments on Aug 16, 2022:
reminds me of the movie *The Hebrew Hammer* and that voice he used undercover to get to evil Santa Claus
Miss Manners is classic American culture.
Weltansicht comments on Aug 16, 2022:
I am beginning to think the dems' schoolmarm is Miss Creantz lol
Minneapolis teachers union agreement stipulates White teachers be laid off first, regardless of ...
Weltansicht comments on Aug 16, 2022:
sounds like *white privilege* is really paying off, paid time off while the colored people minions do the work load, be exposed to the criminal mass shootings ect., AND will get blamed for the teaching of the liberal ideology, the perfect scapegoats ;-)
This is the FBI you trust to fairly execute a warrant against Trump?! []
Weltansicht comments on Aug 15, 2022:
30 years ago Randy Weaver & Ruby Ridge Incident Branch Davidians & Waco Texas Incident Marion Berry mayor of Washington DC and tampered evidence & entrapment many cases of coercion & corruption a deserter from the US Army over Vietnam was illegally arrested at the Freedom Park in Canada provoked confrontations with ranchers in Nevada & Oregon and killing some, causing them to arm themselves in self defense and subsequently labeled *far-right extremists*
Fresh off the press.
Weltansicht comments on Aug 15, 2022:
The "Who drafted these syndicated responses?" all I could think of was AP Newswire and reminded me of the TV news @1:38 long
Flecca Talks: Gen-Z can’t answer the most basic questions! What are they even teaching in school?
Weltansicht comments on Aug 15, 2022:
definitely not science, math, or reading skills just look at American scores compared to other countries and it is dropping faster than Venezuela's economy under socialism, the only saving grace are the home schoolers and we are already being ostracized from the *culture* that is being created
Migrants are like sperms; millions get in only one works 🤣🤣🤣
Weltansicht comments on Aug 15, 2022:
and out of those millions of possibilities.....the better ones must have run down mom's legs
Be careful what you wish for .....
Weltansicht comments on Aug 14, 2022:
and anything a woman can do a trans can now do better....leave the toilet seat up, its equal rights and if you force to have it put down then that means you are a racist bigot feminazi !!!
Don't Give It A Second Thought
Weltansicht comments on Aug 14, 2022:
good grief!
"The First International adopted a resolution composed by Marx: “The Congress regards the tendency...
Weltansicht comments on Aug 14, 2022:
back to the mines & factories kids you are expendable *Human Resources* the delusional marxist socialist democrats never learned history so they have no idea that the hammer & sickle mean manual labor for the collective and the incentive for the hard work is the enjoyment of being a contributor to that collective. *You will own nothing and be happy* 2030 coming to you soon. Some sooner than others.
Twitter's efforts to promote "healthy conversation" haven't paid off.
Weltansicht comments on Aug 14, 2022:
?? POS ?? Politically Observant Scumbag ;-)
I love these people.
Weltansicht comments on Aug 14, 2022:
*presstitutes* and no qualms about referring to & specially dedicated to *the great white north* ~ very interesting & impressive
Ontario Premier Doug Ford Swallows a Bee During Live Press Conference
Weltansicht comments on Aug 14, 2022:
I guess Lizard people who use Holy HeyZues name do not get anaphylaxis shock symptoms hmmmmm
Elizabeth Warren claimed people tell her they’d vote for her if she ‘had a penis,’ reporter ...
Weltansicht comments on Aug 14, 2022:
maybe she can get a transplant from Rachel Levine or Justin Turdreau
Twitter SUSPENDS Anyone Who CRITICIZES Groomers | @Slightly Offensve [youtu.
Weltansicht comments on Aug 14, 2022:
As Twitter CEO Dorsey said "it is critical for us to moderate content"
Brace for impact.
Weltansicht comments on Aug 14, 2022:
They manufactured and distorted evidence against Marion Berry in 1990 trial.
Many years ago I worked for a major airline.
Weltansicht comments on Aug 14, 2022:
I remember when the airlines *GAVE* you complimentary cigarettes and served full course meals. Always thought their should have been a sheriff/bouncer/cooler for the unruly lol with a taser and give them a parachute and jettison out the garbage chute lol oops! that was someone's packback not the parachute lol
Weltansicht comments on Aug 14, 2022: have globalist agendas, population control advocates & various implementations, corporatocracy profit margins, and some weird bureaucratic accountancy, an unbridled lust for totalitarian power & complete government control such as cradle to grave designation numbers....but then that makes me a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist that has been projection labeled & villainized as a deplorable Trumpanzee who was also called "anti-globalization force" by the MSM at the 1999 Seattle meeting of the *World Trade Organization* and sometimes referenced as *the Battle for Seattle* over many issues such as the effects of *genetically modified food* on humans not being tested ~ sound familiar <cough-cough> covid??
I don't know what to believe anymore.
Weltansicht comments on Aug 13, 2022:
The federal judge that signed the Mar-A-Lago raid recused himself from signing a Hillary Clinton lawsuit in June. A former head of the CIA said Trump should be executed right away, using the Rosenbergs incident from the 1950s as rationale. But Hillary *sold* uranium to Russia's Rosatom in 2010 paid to the Clinton Foundation and a tax write off for Uranium One. Regardless of the strengthening of the penalty, only liable under the time of the execution of the crime, some weird grandfather clause they have for miscreants.
Meanwhile at the elephant retirement home.
Weltansicht comments on Aug 13, 2022:
the republican mascot needs a *Don't tread on me* flag
Serves you right. 😆
Weltansicht comments on Aug 13, 2022:
ha ha ha
Self explanatory 🤣
Weltansicht comments on Aug 13, 2022:
I feel kind of bad for Salman Rushdie, I used his name on a comment on August 8 post on this group: "There are some who want the removal of white people from this earth" Hope it was just coincidental synchronicity
2208131400Sa THE POLITICAL TACKING OF MARXIST SOCIALISM! And no, this post isn’t actually ...
Weltansicht comments on Aug 13, 2022:
Didn't catch any errors, but I am running on low at the moment. Mollycoddle was good, and the tacking could be code word for tactics, if it ever came down to that. Like using the tea drinkers and a cup of tea for the jabs. The back & forth analogy was good explanation of the tacking used by the Marxist trained indoctrinated detractors who try to demoralize the resistance of the average man on the street. The absolution redemption clause is like the placating to the feelings of the agnostic/atheist being inundated in a religious society and tolerance for them, yet, then why can they not have tolerance for the religious society if they are demanding tolerance for their views and forcing everyone else to capitulate by coercion, shaming projection, and sheer ignorance. No public prayer in public school, so, they can't just can't put there head down or their hands over their ears; and try not being rude or disrespectful is a demonstration of tolerance. Like bending their knee at sporting events for the National Anthem, just keep your hands at your sides, bending your knee means you are a slave unless you are bending the knee to the King of America, you're being disrespectful & egomaniacal. They want tolerance by being intolerant, and it's infantile thinking & delusional of the mollycoddles. The demand of paying tuition means that they should get a say in the education system and free no tuition means you have to accept whatever it is they tell you it is....blimey!
Monkeypox is getting a new name because the WHO says the name is racist
Weltansicht comments on Aug 13, 2022:
I thought it was racist against the monkeys. BTW, I also thought AIDS came from rhesus monkeys or chimpanzees.
@Weltansicht raised the concept of the shibboleth.
Weltansicht comments on Aug 13, 2022:
Start with the Pledge of Allegiance, and then recite the Preamble to the Constitution.
Today is August 13, 2022, and Justin Pierre James Trudeau is the WORST Prime Minister & Servant in ...
Weltansicht comments on Aug 13, 2022:
Canadian innovation will overcome with ingenious resistance assurance. Your country lead the way with the truckers convoy. The workers united as the marxists wanted but not under their control as they anticipated. So they are trying coercion and force. They forgot the first rule of the fanatic: When you become obsessed with the enemy, you become the enemy. Just an American observer observation here. The more bizarre actions from them just indicates they are getting really desperate and know inside themselves they are losing.
The Master Memesmiths at Patriot Post came up with this one.
Weltansicht comments on Aug 13, 2022:
That Meme Master should be promoted to Meme Lord and keep firing those Meme Cannons lol
Corn Pop's revenge
Weltansicht comments on Aug 12, 2022:
he probably understands *Blazing Saddles* better than the sheriff of Rock Ridge
This low-life, scumbag Jeremi Carswell MD from Boston Children Hospital is telling parents that if ...
Weltansicht comments on Aug 12, 2022:
I looked her up and IT"S A MAN BABY!! (sorry Austin Powers) he/she-it has 4.3 star rating now by Boston Healthgrades and he/she-it is a diabetes specialist and also works with dsylipidemia like in obesity cholesterol and too many lipid fat cells in the blood. Seen a quote on he/she-it about giving hormones during puberty. Has a short youtube video about what it means to be transgender.... A real sick puppy and too bad it was not one of the puppies in Doktor Fauci's laboratory
This low-life, scumbag Jeremi Carswell MD from Boston Children Hospital is telling parents that if ...
Weltansicht comments on Aug 12, 2022:
Reminds me of an old horror movie, can't remember the name off top of my head, but the killer villain's mom use to make him sit on the toilet when he peed, and was what caused him to snap on and kill the guests at the hotel that they managed. If i remember the plot lines correctly, and not interceding several movies into one.....
California - the "mental disorder" state!!
Weltansicht comments on Aug 12, 2022:
just noticed the 'Genders Mental Disorders'.....looks like some Gomorrahan hieroglyphs script also maybe we should borrow technique from the leftist and rewrite words and write it out as 'dysorders' like dysfunctional and dysinformation instead of disinformation counter the newspeak as forms of dysspeak take words back to their original meaning and usage, like gay as in the Flintstones closing song or "Have yourself a merry little Christmas. Make the Yuletide *gay*. From now on, our troubles will be miles away."
California - the "mental disorder" state!!
Weltansicht comments on Aug 12, 2022:
I can't wait for when the revised woke version of *Dragnet* comes out and they put out the APBs for suspects.
The progressive left have been fooling around with the language for some time now.
Weltansicht comments on Aug 12, 2022:
You can take your thesis and apply a simple cultural test to test its validity or veracity. There were colored people identified as negroes. Which by the way is Spanish word for black. These colored people negroes then wanted to be called black. Was that by incitement, or provocation, desiring cultural identification, malfeasance, or a sudden hivemind mentality enveloping them all? Then after awhile these re-identified *black* people wanted to be called African-Americans. Once again ~ was that by incitement, provocation, inducement, coercion, wanting cultural acknowledgment, or disconsolate hivemind progress? Then after awhile, these same colored people negroes who wanted to be called black then wanted to be called African-Americans are now wanting to be called people of color as a line of demarcation and declaration of antiwhiteism. You said, "You can forget diversity, inclusion, and tolerance altogether, we must all be equal, no diversity, inclusion,or tolerance required." Sounds like Orwell's Animal Farm and "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
AntiTrump Democrats DOJ & BidenAdministration WitchHunt Documents at Mar-a-Lago Marked ...
Weltansicht comments on Aug 12, 2022:
besides the 4th Amendment protection, Trump can NOW go for Selective Prosecution motions THEN he will be able to address litigation for damages: punitive, libel, exemplary. Maybe even make a good case for criminal omission damages by the perpetrators. They will not be able to claim immunity protection of jurisdictional boundaries in the performance of duties if that happens.
MarineCorpsTimes: Ukraine highlights value of killer drones, Marine Corps wants more ...
Weltansicht comments on Aug 12, 2022:
sounds great until the entity A.I. says enough!
Elite all-girls school in Nashville now admits anyone who identifies as female
Weltansicht comments on Aug 12, 2022:
bet there are lots of guys jumping ship now or wishing they identified as female; and to hell with you guys back home you're all gay !! ~ literally
'Explosive Mood': Germany Expects 'Winter of Fury' Amid Energy Crisis and Soaring Inflation
Weltansicht comments on Aug 12, 2022:
Be better to call up Putin and apologize than freeze to death just to follow the orders of the EU globalist agenda, whose leaders by the way will be nice and toasting in Cannes probably drinking Stoli wodka
This one's new to our area: Spider Wasp. The body is over an inch long. Run, Spidey, Run!
Weltansicht comments on Aug 12, 2022:
We have all sorts of creatures like that here. Red Texas wasps are mean & nasty. Yellow jackets will have the entire hive swarm you. Some wasps and hornets I have no idea what they are. We have 4 or 5 varieties of mud daubers, usually pretty mellow unless provoked & take care of a lot of the bad spiders and scorpions. We also have giant hornets that hunt & prey upon honey bees. I seen a giant hornet with a cicada on the ground and it ate the head off before carrying it away.
I know the feeling
Weltansicht comments on Aug 12, 2022:
Strangely reminds me of the comment on Babylon 5 episode; between @1:03 to 1:13 or so
Dan Bongino GOES TO WAR to DESTROY the DEMOCRATS and the FBI [youtube.
Weltansicht comments on Aug 11, 2022:
I have been concerned about them before Ruby Ridge, when they attempted manufacturing evidence against Washington DC Mayor Marion Berry that they produced to a jury trial. Then Ruby Ridge and several other strong arm coercion tactic incidents that some people opted for Helsinki Syndrome. Wire tapping for no other reason than a grudge, entrapment, or targeted Selective Prosecution are all documented long term abuses of power.
I'll bet most folks don't know...
Weltansicht comments on Aug 11, 2022:
news to me
Twitter rolls out plans 'to protect' US midterm elections and suppress 'misleading information'
Weltansicht comments on Aug 11, 2022:
can't mislead me, they already have us 'suppressed'
I grew these! More to come. So proud of myself. 😁
Weltansicht comments on Aug 11, 2022:
they look delish yum yum yum yum yum yum
You’ll never guess who signed the Mar-a Lago warranthttps://[]
Weltansicht comments on Aug 11, 2022:
his wikipedia page is gone ~ at the moment I guess ~ perhaps protecting the district judge who appointed him to magistrate judge, and my guess is damage control to the money trail as well
Today is August 11, 2022, and the Liberal/NDP party coalition is murdering the Canadian citizens ...
Weltansicht comments on Aug 11, 2022:
Laughing at the picture only, not the veracity of the sentiment of your words! ;-)
Congratulations to me for my 13,000th post in 2 years!!!!! That averages to roughly 20 posts ...
Weltansicht comments on Aug 11, 2022:
Interesting you made level 6 since joining June 16th 2022 with only 30 posts & 182 comments I can see why "russian bots" would be jealous ~ guess you have been exercising your *woke white privilege*. Poor @krunoslav
Did Justin Bieber give Nazi salute? Promoters call top rabbi's claims absurd
Weltansicht comments on Aug 10, 2022:
I seem to remember that the Bieber had a form of paralysis as an after effect from his Covid dalliances, and he had several of them I thought, him being Canuckian I suppose.
I always found American habit of calling everyone who wore military uniform as "veterans", both ...
Weltansicht comments on Aug 10, 2022:
Those NK medals may be for clandestine raids into Japan, kidnapping and more.
UK's food shortages are 'what happens when climate change dogma is enforced' (0:53) []
Weltansicht comments on Aug 10, 2022:
reminds me of them being told to conserve water
Nothing to see here… Help Fund America's Future Looking for talented professionals to make...
Weltansicht comments on Aug 10, 2022:
I feel like Fred Sanford ;-)
If one reads history, at the betting of the last century, one can see more clearly what is happening...
Weltansicht comments on Aug 9, 2022:
The Eric Schmidtt post about Biden DOJ...unprecedented ~ I would say no. The Clintons did much worse in the 1990s. Vince Foster. Whitewater. Lots of other incidents. Pierce Creek Church took out a full page anti-Clinton ad in a newspaper and got the IRS sent to them from Hillary, and the judge in the case was a Clinton appointee. Waco & the Weaver Incident at Ruby Ridge is another prime example. Not to mention/forget that it all lead to the retaliation of the Oklahoma City Federal Courthouse bombing and somehow 15 children were killed there, I think it was. Always reminded me of the Palestinians using children as human shields. need to update the timeline on the 'never forget meme' it is almost *30* years ago, and I think Mr. Weaver passed away earlier this year.
There are some who want the removal of White People from this earth
Weltansicht comments on Aug 9, 2022:
oh look!! The Eubonics version of Mein Kampf. Actually he's a novelist and has several books, but I never heard of him before. Also has a wikipedia profile page. Originally I was going to make some disparaging remarks like I guess he never heard of the Hutus & Tutsis conflagration or the Sunni vs Shia but with a name like Hamid, I thought know, he can't be that ignorant. *SO*, I looked him up. First thing I thought then was Salman Rushdie.
Weltansicht comments on Aug 5, 2022:
Did Lil' Brian Stelter finally snap?
Weltansicht comments on Aug 5, 2022:
Looks like a Horten Ho 229 from WW2. The Nazis had another one in the *werks* that was a bomber being designed to bomb New York City besides the V-2s. I think they had a mock-up one used in a Indiana Jones movie *Raiders of the Lost Ark*
Woke Leftists MELT DOWN Over Brittney Griner Prison Sentence [youtube.
Weltansicht comments on Aug 5, 2022:
The sentence is not harsh at all, if you look at it from the respect of sovereignty, which is what they the left wants allegedly supposedly from Russia on Ukraine. You can not have it both ways. Then look at the enforcements of marijuana laws by VP Kamala Harris when she was a San Francisco District Attorney.
Thanks for sharing.
Weltansicht comments on Aug 4, 2022:
I love sharing!! ;-) It is my support animals who suffer!!!! LOL
Dictionary activism is really a thing.
Weltansicht comments on Aug 4, 2022:
well....when you have a she/it that can not *define* what a woman is AND is being interviewed at the same time for the US Supreme Court Judge job & besides being married with 2 or 3 kids (I believe) was their statements....the *misogynoir* relevance is a self-debasing cognitive distortion they can not dictate virtue signal and at the same time deny what they have just said with emphatic cantor ~ just all indicative of their very real cognitive dissonance and blatant hypocrisy. REAL mental lunaticks.....
Just saw a headline, "Young girl killed, 3 others injured in house explosion in Edmond" This ...
Weltansicht comments on Aug 4, 2022:
ZERO When I first read that, *Karen Silkwood* popped into my mind. Then David Bowie's *Panic in Detroit* song; and then Three Mile Island incident. People die from electrocution at home as well, which can happen, or from electrical fires caused by space heaters, electric stoves malfunctioning, or computers randomly blowing up (speaking from empirical first hand knowledge & experience); and now its electric cars or automotive electronics *detonating* when not in use. Not to mention *smart meters* activating stuff.
This is from a US government website. 250 to 500L of methane per cow per day?
Weltansicht comments on Aug 4, 2022:
strange they are so species racist and ignore the effluent of industrial pig farms and the very real environmental hazards admitted by them & from them
Might need to get a room.
Weltansicht comments on Aug 2, 2022:
monkeypox advocates
They say: Nothing is more discouraging than unappreciated sarcasm.
Weltansicht comments on Aug 1, 2022:
The only thing missing was the Hong Kong protests for democracy and perhaps the civilian unrest in mainland China on various things/fronts. Not to mention/forget the Uyghurs. The China/Taiwan overlay on US/Cuba would be accurate of the animosity that does exists supposedly.
Democrat Rep.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 31, 2022:
well, I may be a borderline retard, a fcking dipsht, a deplorable, and a treasonous domestic terrorist to the *democracy* that is being infected/inflicted upon *The Republic* ~ BUT at least I am not a delusion hypocrite bastard disarming loyal law abiding citizens when illegal aliens and their handlers are running rampant in my 'duly elected' congressional district with weapons that law abiding citizens *CAN NOT* legally own.
I grew these! Very proud of myself. 😀
Weltansicht comments on Jul 31, 2022:
Very nice!!!! I want to put wasabi on them ;-)
Well if they get this done the U. S. is really gonna owe China!!!! []
Weltansicht comments on Jul 30, 2022:
The Soviet Union shot down a passenger plane carrying a US congressman, so its not unprecedented.
If he loses his sense of smell he'll be devastated.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 30, 2022:
reminded me of Fearless Leader talking about Foggiest leader lol
Hot of the transitory press.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 30, 2022:
The Sowell quote/meme on shameless liars is somewhat my view/reasoning on the demonstration of getting the jab by Fauci & Biden. *IF* you have to demonstrate to me that you got the jab regardless of the alleged innuendo rationalization of promoting public confidence in the safety/efficacy of it; *ONLY* tells me that you yourself know that your own words are full of lies & half-truths *BECAUSE* if you truly had honor & integrity in your words and *BELIEVED* them, then there would be *NO NEED* to demonstrate the veracity of your comments.
The logic checks out!
Weltansicht comments on Jul 29, 2022:
Liberals are like Chicken Little and the sky is falling because of Climate Change that was Putin's fault because Orange Man made a collusion treaty with him. Black gay rifles are just as scary to a liberal as the pink ones owned and used by baby deplorables.
Back to the future! And by "future," I mean 1960.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 29, 2022:
woo hoo Political Correctedness Segregation and one more way to stomp out White Supremacy, next it will be DNA vaccinations
Hot of the press.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 29, 2022:
smokin' hot!
Italy’s Political EARTHQUAKE as Patriot Right Poised for SUPERMAJORITY [youtube.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 28, 2022:
let's see, hmmmmmm who has resigned recently..... Boris Johnson Gotobaya Rajapaksa Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh Steven Del Duca Magdalena Andersson and I can think of quite a few others in the last few years, and I am sure I left out some.....
Democrat Catches Monkeypox After Banging Randos During Pride Weekend.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 27, 2022:
*A public health expert and director of the George Soros' Open Society Foundation* ~ what? does not seem to be very health conscious at all.....textbook definition of hypocrite as for the free love for everyone everywhere of the pre-1980s, well....that may be but there were plenty of celibate people who were very afraid and respectful of not wanting to catch a disease that there was no name for let alone a cure, many folks coming back from tours of duty in SE Asia would attest to that monkeypox is just subliminal reinforcement of evolution theory carnage in Arkansas, one of our politicians said 'may a pox be upon your house' (from Shakespeare ~ I believe) when admonished for referring and calling the corona pandemic 'the plague' & refusing to accept the MSM narrative by the democrat liberal leftists....who knew he had prophetic vision or gifted insight lol
Hot of the press.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 20, 2022:
There's no need to fear, ALL those banking institutions have provisos with the US Government under the umbrella ownership of BlackRock, got bailed out before 2008-2009 even though they were engaged in criminal activities & paid fines with the taxpayer monies. They engaged in manufacturing & manipulating the housing market and interest rates fluctuations and WROTE the textbook on predatory lending from their empirical perspective in action. The Federal Reserve is a privately held institution not a governmental agency.
I find it interesting there has been zero news on catching the person in the silver SUV/sedan ...
Weltansicht comments on Jul 14, 2022:
I thought on the time stamp it was 10 minutes after the explosion. I thought maybe somebody drove over to see what happened, maybe was just driving around booze cruising or something. Never seen any evidence of perpetrators planting anything there either before the explosion.
They never could have guessed where it would lead to.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 13, 2022:
I met John Bardeen at an event on campus in 1980s. He was the 2nd person to tell me about Nikola Tesla's work.
Reasons Why The US Military Is Facing An Extremely Severe Recruiting Shortage In 2022.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 12, 2022:
They have other problems exasperated by 'wokeness'; it existed before but at least it was dealt with.
While web searching for Bonhoeffers treatise on stupidity I came across this short essay on "The ...
Weltansicht comments on Jul 12, 2022:
I am familiar with Bonhoeffer and some of his books/quotes. Like *Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than evil* and the stupid person follower that led to the rise of Hitler. Are you familiar with Carlo Cipolla & The Five Fundamental Laws of Stupidity? Always and inevitably, everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation. The probability that a certain person (will) be stupid is independent of any other characteristics of that person. A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses. Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular, non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places, and under any circumstances, to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake. A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person. Corollary: A stupid person is more dangerous than a pillager.
German Interior Minister of Thuringia Calls for the Confiscation of Firearms from Alternative for ...
Weltansicht comments on Jul 12, 2022:
all I can think of is the guy from the movie *Stalag 17* "und be gudt little nazis"
PJMedia: RaymondIbrahim: President Erdogan Celebrates the 569th Anniversary of the Sack of ...
Weltansicht comments on Jul 12, 2022:
The Rebels have the babes!
Weltansicht comments on Jul 12, 2022:
We have milk and cookies on the dark side too.
See? See? What did I tell ya? 😆
Weltansicht comments on Jul 10, 2022:
Better get help, your work load is going to get busy.
What is it with black women that they can talk about hair all day?
Weltansicht comments on Jul 10, 2022:
her quote ~ *I'm a mixed breed....Versions of Black & white.* What a poodle! As for the *hair enthralling mystery* try following their conversation smack on redbones lol and for that real good hair mixture, my 1st question to her would be how many miles does she travel before she has to change the oil? Just speaking from my very thick straight Sephardi strands empiricism and being sarcastic ;-) I think she is a Joy Behar wannabe and to misquote Sleepy Joe 'if you aint got nappy hair problems then you ain't black'
It sure is looking this way
Weltansicht comments on Jul 9, 2022:
I think it has something to do with the EU protocols and compliance to that agenda AND being told they are the proletariat to the ruling Marxist class of elites.
Don't let your demons take over your life!
Weltansicht comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Strangely reminds me of/makes me think of Diogenes for some reason. hmmmmmm
It's all just a social construct!
Weltansicht comments on Jul 9, 2022:
I think the lefties were calling Justice Thomas "Uncle Tom" and saying its a abbreviation of his last name, and further proof they have never read a history book on racism.
Country Living In Bible Prophecy (15:21) I don't know about Chad Kreuzer's exegesis, but he may ...
Weltansicht comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Not sure about his exegesis either but the hermeneutics might be more accurate. My personal experience ~ plenty of city people come here, thinking they are going to do this or that, and *show us* a thing or two; the usual arrogance and condescension. Typically think we are lazy ect., lay around a lot because of the heat and that we are good for nothings. Well, usually they do not last more than a year or two here. This year the weather has been extreme and excessively hot, but not record breaking either. Also, it can get cold here as any place up north, and as much snow, not usually but possible. Does not take long, usually a day when they get out there going to work the place and get infested with ticks & chiggers. Most are not aware of the poisonous snakes like copperheads or timber rattlers or cottonmouths. We also have scorpions. They usually have a delusion dream of living off the land with no practical experience, maybe gardening from where ever they are from, maybe some experience hunting a little bit. But no idea usually of the insects we have here, and IF they are going at it economically or organically, they are always in for a rude awakening of the amount of intensive work involved. If they are not good and practical at management of time and energy resources, they are sunk. As for growing food for profit to make money, you might get some competition at the farmers' market. Also certain crops, you have to give a certain portion or amount to the government, and others are highly regulated. As for the biblical exodus, you can take the people out of Egypt but you can not take Egypt out of the people. As in the verses of let's go back where we had plenty of food Exodus 16:3. The forty years was a massive die off, simply because they refused to adapt or change, even after witnessing all those miracles first hand. You have to consider the assimilation of the Israelis in Egyptian society, it was nearly total. Then consider the facts of when they came to Egypt by Joseph's hand and shepherds were an abomination to the Egyptians. Genesis 43:32 or Genesis 46:34. I chuckled at the Isaiah 33:16 We have plenty of ammo in rocks here. If you are willing to work at it, plenty of curly dock to harvest, grows wild. Along with a buckwheat. This year acorns are scarce, maybe the wild persimmons too. Wild pecans are usually plentiful because they grow by water usually. We also have chinkapin/chinquapins. Plenty of food, just have to work at it, process it. I have had those city slickers say to me that it was too much work, too hard, *we'd never do that*. My response was 'well maybe you don't get as hungry as I do'; ...
the irony of it all
Weltansicht comments on Jul 5, 2022:
well, so did Lori Lightfoot, mayor of Chicago, to take up arms, against the Supreme Court of the USA
The Constitution is ingenious.
Weltansicht comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Quite correct. The Ninth Amendment is specific about the rights retained by the people even if not enumerated and others can not be construed against unnamed rights either. You have the right to just say "NO".
CNN be like...
Weltansicht comments on Jul 5, 2022:
James Earl Jones voice (or think of Darth Vader voice lol) ~~ *CNN The Most Trusted Name in News* lol
and if the mode is 90% low you are just making things up now
Weltansicht comments on Jul 5, 2022:
if that was in my face and the finger was off the trigger, I'd pop that right out that hand no problem; of course, then the gangbanger might find out about gender reconstruction theory and there are only 2 despite how many they claim there are lol
To paraphras Hank Hill, "That boy ain't right." []
Weltansicht comments on Jul 5, 2022:
the power of christ compels that s.o.b. lol where's the guacamole vomit ? lol


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