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UN, WEF push for insect meat consumption amid massive attack on global food supply

JohnBurke 9 Aug 17

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We need protein to live. Bugs have that. The whole reason for eating bug bits is that it potentially decreases the amount of beef you will need to consume to live (no, being vegan is not living).
Why all the hurrah? 'Cause cows fart and that makes global warming worse! Yeah, right, more of that scam.

why eat less beef?

@JohnBurke Umm, you missed my point? The global warming Aholes point at methane, farts, as the secondary culprit to global warming. And, cows fart. Just stand around one for a while.

@bobbo666 my father-in-law was a dairy farmer until he had to retire at 85.
I know what cows smell like, but here are the fact...


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