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JohnBurke 9 Nov 17

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Once upon a time, a rural county in Tennessee was ruled by a corrupt Democrat party machine.

Most of Democrat territory is ruled by a corrupt Democrat party machine.

The corrupt machine used their power to steal the ballot box and stuff it with machine ballots. Because they can.

The only way to stop them was to rebel, with force. The patriotic citizens of Tennessee gloriously rebelled, and they won. The corrupt Democrats used the full power of their corruption to hold the ballot box. They refused Republican requests to observe the ballot box.

This irreconcilable difference led to actual battle. Democrats put the ballot box into a bunker and refused Republicans access. Democrats lined up to hide the ballot box.

The Dukes of Hazzard won.This is the Battle of Athens. They courageously fought for the ballot box, and they won it.
They opened the box and it contained massive fraudulent Democrat ballots.


The Battle of Athens is a repeat of the Battle of Lexington and Concorde.

If you find yourself in an argument with a Democrat, ask the Democrat for a comment on the Battle of Athens. He won't even know what it is. Ram it up his ass.


Its sad when a 3rd World country shows more courage and takes more responsibility for their government than Americans, who prefer watching TV, TicTocing, Facebooking, traveling in their RVs, and outfitting their giant pickup trucks. Only when they lose their rights and everything they own will they realize that their chance to prevent it has already passed.

A lesser soul aspires to watch TV and to witchhunt Republicans.

A greater soul aspires to have a bigass pickup truck and to use it to get stuff done.

Spock: "It's easier to destroy than to create"

Republicans can virtue signal that they create.

Democrats use political power to destroy. Hilariously, they consider destruction as virtue. Republicans differ. Democrats can't handle Republican free will. Therefore, Democrats are wrong.

If you give a Democrat a glorious pickup truck, he wouldn't know what to do with it. Lame!

Unleash the hounds! Unleash Republican trucks!

@jaymaron Yup. Empty giant pretty pickup trucks are dumb. Single cab beat up trucks obviously used for stuff are virtuous.

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