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German Politician Convicted of ‘Incitement to Hatred’ For Citing Migrant Rape Statistics

🤔SO stating FACTS, of migrant rape crimes, cause by leftists mass migrant policies, is now a 'hate crime'

Are you SEEING what the leftist/globalist plans/motives are yet???😈😈


1patriot 9 May 8

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Germany gave up on free speech when they decided that denying the holocaust was illegal speech. Even idiots (like those denying the obvious) have the human right to say any da##ed silly arshed thing they want -- that is one of the ways you spot the idiots. Another way is to elect those who censor.

This is not WEF crappola. It is Germany having been run by idiots for decades. This sort of crappola is precisely what happens when you base your gov'mt on denial of a human right -- to say any da$%^d thing.

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