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The World Economic Forum (WEF) is joining with many others attempting to control online free speech and any criticisms of its agenda. Reading through the text of its statements requires understanding the redefinition of many words and phrases that it employs. EVERYTHING that comes from the WEF needs to be reinterpreted to convey what it is really saying and implying. Trust nothing that it says

1patriot 9 June 20

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"The great enemy of language is insincerity" - George Orwell.

Orwell probably intended this for writers but it applies just as aptly to politicians. The communists at the WEF are quite insincere, being duplicitous and deceitful, and when questioned, evasive.

exactly you can't trust them and they speak with a forked tongue


We need some DDT made for these parasites

yea we can't use bullets we need to slow kill them like they are doing to us they will never notice! as they don't keep track of billionaire's death rate per year do they LOL

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