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Dandelion root far more effective in fighting cancer cells than chemotherapy
*Roasting Dandelion Root
Dig up the dandelion roots. This can be challenging because they have a stubborn taproot. When they're out of the ground, rinse them outside with the hose until the water runs clear. This will probably require some rubbing, particularly if you have clay soil.

Chop roots into thumb size sections and soak them in a sink full of cold water, shaking occasionally. The roots will release any remaining dirt.

Remove roots to a cutting board and rough chop them.

Once the roots have been harvested, cleaned, and chopped, roast them on a cookie sheet in a 150 to 200 degree F oven for two to three hours. You can also dry them in a dehydrator then roast them at 300 degrees F for 10 minutes.

The most productive way to do this is to make a large batch and then use it throughout the season. Dandelion root is surprisingly tasty. To spice up the tea, add *cinnamon bark and a little grated nutmeg.

1patriot 9 June 30

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Cynical, cynical me suspects that y'all are just trying to get folks to go over your lawns and dig the little bastids out. 🙂

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