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Historically, government assassinations are often carried out with a patsy to take the fall and a professional, or team of professionals, to execute the target. This ensures success and gives the appearance that there was no conspiracy. It all gets blamed on a mentally disturbed lone gunman.
Evidence of Multiple Shooters at Trump Assassination Attempt
More questions and no official answers

1patriot 9 July 20

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Are you suggesting there was a conspiracy to assassinate Trump? Really, all you need is rhetoric like we've seen from the Democrats (hard left Democrats), like equating Trump to Hitler and you can achieve that goal. They were just waiting for the inevitable to "release the whirlwind".
This first attempt was a long time coming, too long in their eyes.

Occam's Razor.

Barack Obama in a speech at Stanford April 21, 2022.
"You just have to flood a country's public square with enough raw just have to raise enough questions, enough dirt...plant enough conspiracy theorizing, that citizen's no longer know what to believe...once they lose trust in their leaders, the mainstream media and political institutions; in each other, in the possibility of truth - the game's won."

Stupidly, he thinks the game is won. But the leaders, the MSM and political institutions will have just started the scramble for power because no one still trusts anybody.
There are two ways to achieve coherence amongst people one is his way, destroying trust and employing using force. The other is instilling trust and maintaining freedom.

whitney Webb claims the deep state are funding both the democrats and the republicans that is why trump is aliening his cabinet with people that don't agree with his policies.

"The Deep State Mafia is running both political parties" Journalist Whitney Webb reveals | Redacted
many people don't want to hear it!
Journalist Whitney Webb investigates why Palantir Co-Founder Peter Thiel is donating millions of dollars to J.D. Vance and the Trump campaign. Read her latest article here: []

@1patriot Trump was a bit naive in his first administrtion. he thought politicians would straighten out and fly right with the proper leadership. He praised James Comey. Kept John Brennan and JAmes Clapper around too long and their were numerous mistakes like that. Even among Republicans although the most influential, like Paul Ryan and don't forget Mitt Romney was still around, Liz Cheney, and other Trump haters, some not as obvious.
Whitney writes some interesting stuff. I like to read her stuff.

@FrankZeleniuk yes she's my favorite investigative reporter. here in Canada all politician are related or under control of others been that way for 155 years so far. here it's Paul Desmarais, Jr.
an article written years explains he's Canada's Oligarchy and that Politian's that had married from one party to the other there children so arranged marriage's. we are still under the monarch King UPChuck. []

@1patriot You've read a lot of history. The Demarais family has anointed all the Prime Ministers since WWll, I think. I'm not sure about Harper though? And Poilievre? We may be seeing the end of Paul Desmarais' influence with the WEF pulling the strings - they are out and out communists. Any doubts as to why Trudeau is so tied into China.

Then there's that a**hole Maurice Strong who headed up the Power corporation until '96, I think.
Who went to the UN and started the Iraq - Oil for Food programme where politicians around the world skimmed millions from the programme. He got away with it scot free, moved to China and died there. Suitable, communist that he was.


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