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But this is a façade since this report can be run without anyone being able to ensure that the results weren’t prematurely published since there is no evidence in the system log files.

Colorado County Clerk: Shocking "Feature" on Dominion ImageCast Central Tabulators Allows Mail-in Ballots Results to Display BEFORE Election Day | The Gateway Pundit | by Brian Lupo

1patriot 9 July 30

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Immediately after the stolen election of 2020, like within days, a techie testified and produced evidence that Dominion machines had physical connections to modems -- providing access to WWW and control by outsiders. He was ignored.

I find that many of that stuff is missing for WWW tech companies have been deleting quite a lot to make us look like conspiracy theory. Yet I read them 2 years ago and can't find them today. Like Rockefeller say back in 2010 the predict covid-19 but that not what I read I read all the shit they planned to impost on us.

@1patriot Have you tried the Wayback machine : []

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