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Turbo cancers are exploding among the vaccinated according to leading medical experts and government investigators in the Philippines who have slammed the mainstream media and Big Pharma for covering up the extent of the medical crisis engulfing the world.
The Philippines government has conducted a review of Covid vaccine roll out and the findings were conclusive: birth rates have fallen off a cliff and experimental mRNA injections have destroyed immune systems and opened a Pandora’s box of autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and infections.
The Philippines has a dire warning for those in the West – do not listen to Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the mainstream media as they engaged in a eugenics and depopulation operation, and they must be bought to justice to account for millions of vaccine deaths.

1patriot 9 Aug 4

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Are the pacifist retards there going to do anything about it ? Didn't F think so.


Precisely 0% adverse reactions for the unvaccinated...

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