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Outrageous! Lindsey Graham wants to sweep it all under the rug. I said before we (the people) would never get the satisfaction of seeing the traitors charged and convicted for their flagrant and reckless attempted coup against the Trump Presidency. Now I believe more than ever that we shall never have satisfaction in the matter. Short vid - please watch, listen closely and tell us what you hear between the lines.

iThink 9 Dec 14

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I think it’s a masterclass in deception. What he’s saying sounds perfectly reasoned and truly heartfelt. Much like gun control nuts alway say, “But... but... the children! Think of the children.”

The trick is in what’s not being said. Or, more to the point, what he doesn’t want to be said. I’ve just started looking into this myself and have no sources I’d cite reliably, but I’m thinking Feely Joe and Cracky are the misdirection. The real story is the foreign aid that was delayed.

There is is massive industry involved in appropriating foreign aid allotments, distributing the, and providing oversight to the whole process’s the state department is involved, of course, but so is the senate.

Biden was mentioned over 200 times in the impeachment report. It’s as if the entire process was designed to protect him Or, rather, the corrupt game of bribes and kickbacks that make so many of our politicians rich


Is this guy really suggesting that the guilty Pedocrats should not be held accountable?

yeah - "for the good of the country" he says.
Anytime any politician (or anyone else for that matter uses the language "for the greater good" they need to be stopped immediately whatever it is they are trying to do..."for the greater good" can only mean one thing. It means that something morally (and probably legally) repugnant is being suggested in order to expedite an end to the matter.


The American people need to see the swamp getting drained!!

Yes - blood for blood. Punishment should be swift and true and fitting to the crime - fitting to the damage done. Punishment because it is deserved and punishment for deterrence.
I for one would be ok (more than ok really) to see those who meet the legal criteria for it in their crimes to be put to death.
This is not about Trump per se'. It is about preserving our US Constitution and our Constitutional Republic.
If it were a Democrat Administration and people inside the Justice Dept, the Dept of State...etc had done the crimes we are referring to I would be the same way.
"they say" that treason is punishable by death. I have seen no evidence or resolve to live up to that particular part of the law. I for one believe Death by hanging to be appropriate in the case of Treason.
This would send a very important message to every man and woman who has thoughts on committing such serious crimes - Not only Treason but every major level of criminal behavior.
IMHO there are crimes so egregious that they deserve the forfeiture of the actors lives.

@iThink there has to be a major deterrent so that this sort of nonsense never happens again. That is why the death penalty needs consideration. It is an act of war 2019 style.

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