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Wasted my first opportunity to vote on George McGovern. Been spending the rest of my life atoning for my sin.

Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump are the two greatest presidents in my lifetime, and possibly the past century.

Barak Obama was the most corrupt in history.

There. That should set the record straight.


Several days ago Washington Post got a lot of well deserved grief for saying that Baghdadi was "an ...
Edgework comments on Oct 30, 2019:
Fascinating cross-section of history. Although the music made me want to cut my throat.
seems about right - right?
Edgework comments on Oct 30, 2019:
Could there be a better example of the power dynamic between them? Trump does what Trump does, not always graceful, seldom pretty, but oh-so-effective. Pelosi and her minions complain, gnash their teeth, hatch plots and try as mightily as possible to not be irrelevant. But Trump just keeps on winning.
Guess what Webby Dark Intellectuals, clinical psychology has no more answers to humanities ills than...
Edgework comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Didn’t you get the memo? It’s settled science.
I found this posted from a dear friend on FB .
Edgework comments on Oct 21, 2019:
Alex Jones is a blowhard, no doubt. But the guy scores points. Why else the drive to silence him?
Tom Arnold tweets about assassination, he deletes comment himself after world has seen it.
Edgework comments on Oct 20, 2019:
Are you ready to believe that it really is a planned and organized assault?
Edgework comments on Oct 19, 2019:
Do you mean the original interview?
"However, the trump card in sucking nations like Nepal in, is to create conflict like the Cold War ...
Edgework comments on Oct 17, 2019: Really? Personally I am quite receptive to the content. However, were the CIA to subscribe to such topics, they damn sure wouldn’t advertise it
Written by a lovely young (millennial) woman and posted on Face book: Her name is Alyssa Ahlgren.
Edgework comments on Oct 16, 2019:
Brilliant. Kudos to the author for surviving the indoctrination machine that now defines American education. It’s taken a half-century for the socialists who emerged in my generation to have become so firmly ensconced in the pivotal bastions of cultural power and influence that they’ve managed to brainwash her generation. She is proof they haven’t been nearly as successful as their propaganda organs would have us believe. So too, the fact that as of yet, no one is saying President Hillary Clinton. It’s always easier to defend your territory than to have to reclaim it, but that is the task before us and the price we must pay for not being more vigilant in protecting what those before us bled to create and preserve. But the task is not as daunting as a cursory examination of CNN and MSNBC might suggest. Love, respect and appreciation for this country and it’s exceptional place on the world stage still resonates deeply throughout the land. Our elite masters may have deluded themselves that such sentiments have been swept away by the inevitable dialectic of history’s grand march forward, but in truth, they still thrive, they’ve been there all along, and those that feel them in their blood are waking up. And they are pissed. The left has proven it does a credible job of playing the long game. But when properly motivated, Americans, real Americans, play a damn good short game, and they’ve demonstrated again and again that, whatever it takes, they’ll get the job done. One of those times is again upon us. This writer. and the many like her in the new generations, give me hope that the glorious Socialist utopia is not yet a done deal.
The American relationship to guns is "constitutional", fetishistic thoughts and feelings about ...
Edgework comments on Oct 12, 2019:
I beg to differ. What’s “constitutional,” as you so quaintly attempt to marginalize the term, is The Bill of Rights, which is unlike any other such founding document of any other government in history, having been fashioned, as it was, by men with a profound distrust in governments of all stripes. It’s actually misnamed: the document doesn’t address our rights as citizens, which are, as The Declaration of Independence states, inalienable and a given, as much as it sets out in clear, unambiguous language, what government cannot do to encroach on those rights. It is cleverly deceptive to focus on the 2nd Amendment, when it is the entire Bill of Rights, and the freedoms enshrined therein, that are under constant attack. The freedoms that have made this country, yes, exceptional. It’s why Barak Obama complained that The Constitution was a document of negative liberties, setting out what government can’t do, while ignoring what government must do on our ‘behalf.” Duh. In other words, a little freedom’s okay, BUT... That’s the whole point of freedom. There is no BUT. As an Irish Socialist Republican, a left wing libertarian and citizen of Europe, I wouldn’t expect that notion to resonate with you: it’s not in your DNA. You are content with government that has a say in all facets of your life; that will put you in jail for your ideas and the words you speak. The DNA of this country derives from men and women who said, for myriad reasons, “no thanks, I’m outta here.” I don’t expect you to defend the “constitution,” having nothing like it in your own society. Just know that over here, it doesn’t just resonate, it defines. So whine all you want about unnecessary freedom. Truth is, we expect it of you.
Trump strategy.
Edgework comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Your punch list on gaslighting is Schiff, Nadler and Pelosi’s playbook. Thanks for giving us a first-hand experience of the phenomenon.
Today I heard about a story on you tube (have not seen it myself) where Hitlery is planning to make ...
Edgework comments on Sep 29, 2019:
If there’s one thing she’s proven, over and over during her “career,” it’s that she has a tin eat where politics is concerned, her timing is atrocious, she deceives no one as much as herself, and she has a rabid lust for power. So, yeah, she’s salivating at the prospect. I guarantee you, her minions are compiling opposition research on Warren right now. One stumble and Hillary will announce to the accolades of no one that, for the good of the country, she’s going to run. With any luck, Barr will announce her indictment the next day.
A fair question....Who's is paying for all this who hah ? []
Edgework comments on Sep 24, 2019:
These people
Only a narcissist tweets something like this.
Edgework comments on Sep 18, 2019:
So what? He’s succeeding where others in both parties failed. He wants to toot his horn, go for it. Whenever he seems to edge close to the line, and I start to think, “Ok, this time he’s going too far,” I just close my eyes and repeat three times, “President Hillary Clinton.” Puts things perfectly in perspective.
Damned straight
Edgework comments on Sep 18, 2019:
The one place left where uncompromising standards are taken for granted.
I love this meme
Edgework comments on Sep 17, 2019:
How did we so completely lose control of the narrative that such obvious common sense thinking is today considered extreme?
The Entrapeneurial Presidency I read an article by Peggy Noonan on Sunday.
Edgework comments on Sep 16, 2019:
I find it difficult to comprehend how all the people whining about Trump not fitting the expected mold could possibly look at the Insane Clown Posse assembled on the Democratic debate stage last week, and not realize that their attitudes, their willingness to fit the mold is what has brought us to this point: where ten candidates for the presidency from a major party actively push policies that would destroy the country they wish to lead. Are we still pretending that his approach, while chaotic, unpredictable, even crazy at times, has not accomplished the first major resistance to the encroaching leftist agenda in 60 years? Joe McCarthy was considered an uncouth ruffian who horrified the establishment on both sides of the aisle, but who delivered the kind of body blow to the left that set them back long enough to allow Ronald Reagan to be elected. As Ann Coulter demonstrates in her book, “Treason,” McCarthy’s biggest failing was the degree to which he underestimated the threat to the country. After all is said and done about how he was a thug and how he trampled on the human spirit, the question remains: were there communists in the State Department? As she documents conclusively, the answer is a resounding “yes.” The question today is, “Has the Democratic Party become the party of treason?” Clearly, the answer again is yes. The Democrats simply cannot be trusted with our country. For God’s sake, get behind the only politician in a position to fight back, who has the will to do so.
PARKING TICKET: My wife and I went into town and visited a shop.
Edgework comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Old joke. Never stale.
'Cowards run from fights': GOP challengers to Trump blast state parties for canceling primaries, ...
Edgework comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Did you ever read “Great Moderates In History?” Neither have I. Don’t spend a lot of time looking for it. When I think of moderates, at their best, I envision forming a link between factions, diplomacy, compromise to get a deal signed, the whole “reaching across the isle,” thing. In a less favorable light, I think of someone with a crease in their ass from sitting on the fence. It’s all well and good to see problems with Trump and the direction of Republican Party, but I’m far more concerned with the problems in what once was the Democratic Party. There are no moderates left, and the fanatics in charge now abandoned politics long ago. For them it’s a religious war, something the Republican moderates can’t even recognize, let alone respond to. Trump is like Patton, an embarrassment to diplomats and professional politicians everywhere. But he fights and he wins, and right now, if you ever want our political landscape to again have a place for moderation, we need someone like him to begin reversing the trend. Otherwise, you’ll get eaten.
Beto O'Rourke: Trump is a "white supremacist.
Edgework comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Yeah, they can. It’s not an accident. They mean it. Maybe not the leftists in the think tanks who set the agenda and issue the talking points, but the useful idiots are true believers, the original 2+2=5 club.
I’m sure when Bernie contemplates population control, stories like this dance in his head like ...
Edgework comments on Sep 12, 2019:
This is what happens when your ideology is concerned wholly with “ the people,” but you can’t stand individuals.
Edgework comments on Sep 12, 2019:
They want our guns because they won’t be able to impose their agenda on an armed population. It won’t happen. We still have a constitution, and a Supreme Court that takes it seriously. None of the rhetoric is really intended to change that. It’s simply a means for useful idiots to feel morally superior. The clown who wrote the article might actually tell himself it’s about THE CHILDREN, but the bottom line is that as long as there are 300,000,000 legally owned firearms out there, they will have to initiate some serious bloodshed if they want to alter the equation. And it will go badly for them.
I think we should drop the name "muslim' because that is "offensive" to me!! Whenever you go to a ...
Edgework comments on Sep 11, 2019:
When you’re dealing with what is essentially a 14th century culture, factions of which feel perfectly justified in committing mass slaughter it they feel the slightest offense, it tends to make people reluctant to offend. We in the west have spent over six centuries evolving beyond those visceral reactions. We’re proud of our intellects. Our tradition of law. Our civilization. They could care less. If we want to reverse the process, we’re going to have to recognize that our methods are impotent against raw barbarism. We’re going to need to dust off some techniques and behaviors that we told ourself we’d moved beyond.
TownHall: Odessa shooter bought his gun from another criminal.
Edgework comments on Sep 6, 2019:
So, of course, the first thing Beto chirps up about is punishing all the people he aren’t criminals. He makes me embarrassed to be a Texan.
This was shared to me by my husband thought yall might get a kick out of it.
Edgework comments on Sep 3, 2019:
They forgot the Airspace Offset Waiver, the Post-Survey Land Surface Integrity Verification Inspection, and, last, but certainly not least, Background Checks for all involved.
Latest U.
Edgework comments on Sep 1, 2019:
You make a serious blunder when you project future events based on current circumstances, particularly when those circumstances are the result of Trump’s intentional disruption. There was really only one calculation to work through: either continue with the status quo... or not. Trump’s approach is to throw big rocks onto the placid surface of the status quo until all prior assumptions are wrecked. Only then can something new emerge. Don’t assume China can withstand the economic pressure of a trade war. Their economy’s a mess. Exports are crucial. If Trump manages to isolate them with a series of trade deals like the one with Japan, the status quo would be doomed
More wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh about the electoral college. []
Edgework comments on Sep 1, 2019:
The left hasn’t been able to win by following the rules for several decades. The agenda was always a non-starter at the ballot box, which is why they consistently lie about what they stand for. For years, they used the courts to legislate their agenda from the bench, but after Trump and McConnell have been fast tracking conservative appointments, that’s no longer much of an option. So the only path left is the one they’ve preferred all along: change the rules. Stack the Supreme Court, kill the Electoral College, open the borders and give illegals free stuff, then give them the vote. It’s time we stopped letting them brand us, and instead apply our counter brand: treason. The Democratic Party, what’s left of it, has become the party of treason. Never let them set the terms of the debate. Never defend yourself against bogus charges of racism. What is being attempted is the destruction of the country. Call it what it is. Treason
From Pamela Geller: With all the hatred and incitement to violence being exhorted by Democrat ...
Edgework comments on Aug 31, 2019:
Pamela Geller’s take-no-prisoners approach enrages many, particularly since she exposes inconvenient truths the media lies about. I was present at the final event for her “Draw the Prophet,” contest in Garland TX, when a traffic cop dropped with headshots two clowns who’d come to shoot up the crowd as they were leaving. Of course, Pamela was blamed for being “unnecessarily inflammatory.” This, by conservatives as well as leftists. The rot extends right and left. Three years into the age of Trump there appears to be signs of revival, but I don’t think the Republican Party will ever be comfortable fighting. Losing is in their DNA. Something new will rise to take it’s place, and the first signs that it is happening will be when the likes of Pamela Geller are given the respect they deserve.
I offer this listing with great concern .
Edgework comments on Aug 24, 2019:
I think a more reasonable approach for conservatives would be to compile a list of reputable sites on the left. I’ve long been a fan of The Nation, not because I agree with them all that much, but because they take their arguments seriously and back them up, to the point that I often come away thinking about some issues in a new way. During the peak of the Russian Hoax, they were the only news source that published hard evidence totally squashing the notion that Russians ( or anyone outside the country) hacked the DNC emails. The rest of the left still hasn’t gotten the memo. Jordan Peterson makes a compelling case for why the left and the right need each other. In today’s toxic, combative environment, that seems to be the last thing anyone wants to hear. But exposing oneself to reasoned thought from the other side would seem to be a good starting place.
You know, it’s funny.
Edgework comments on Aug 22, 2019:
Not sure what you’re thinking when you say pause the progressive agenda. Assuming such a thing is remotely realistic: what then? A pause... for how long? Which parts of the progressive agenda would they be expected to set aside for however long the “pause” is in effect? Why would they in the first place? The whole point of the progressive agenda is confrontation. Unrelenting confrontation, until the opposition gives up in exhaustion. You are suggesting a political resolution to an opponent who lives on religious ground. Compromise is not possible. They really believe that all opposition is evil and must be stamped out. You may think, “That’s just extreme,” but I’d ask for any evidence that they believe otherwise. In fact, all evidence points to a complete unwillingness to compromise, for to do so grants a validity to your opponent’s position that is in clear violation of Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals. They set out the parameters of the confrontation 50 years ago, in what was simply an updating of Lenin’s tactics 50 years before that. That’s a lot of time to acquaint ourselves with their thinking. Maybe it’s time we took them at their word.
Epstein--think about his secretary/procurer for the last 30+ years.
Edgework comments on Aug 21, 2019:
My only question regarding such a doomsday device is why Epstein himself didn’t have one. If Maxwell could rig such a set-up, surely it was in her mentor’s scope. I’m thinking of a couple ways to resolve this apparent conundrum: 1) he’s not dead. He served his intelligence masters well and was whisked away out the back foot while some wino look-alike was allowed to be photographed on the gurney before sipping up the body bag. More than one comparative analysis commented on the difference in the shape of the nose against known photos of Epstein. Or, he was never more than a pawn, and the avenues through which such damning evidence would flow are locked up tighter than a sphincter. If an event takes place, and no media reports it, did it ever really happen?
In the weather forecast we have increasing racism towards evening and ever increasing racism into ...
Edgework comments on Aug 20, 2019:
“Racist” is the new conversation stopper, right out of Alinsky’s playbook: never debate issues, demonize your opponent and invalidate him. Donald Trump was successful in New York City for thirty years, and got along with everyone. Never a whiff of racism or anything like it. His construction sites were notoriously egalitarian. Then he ran against Hillary Clinton and suddenly he’s the next Grand Wizard of the KKK, even though all those guys have traditionally been Democrats. I don’t think anyone really thinks he’s a racist. It’s politics, pure and simple, albeit a smarmy, disgustingly low-level brand of politics, which is already a low-level game to begin with. However, when they talk about his base, I think they believe it: we’re all ignorant, knuckle-dragging, Bible-thumping, gun loving meth cookers who hate all minorities and want to turn the country lily white. They believe that. Why not? They’ve never tried to know what goes on between the coasts. Surely there are no ideas coming from that fetid backwater worthy of attention. Trot out the racist label and make certain they’ll never have to actually think; and certainly don’t ever grant genuine humanity to those you’ve decided to hate. There’s no arguing with them. They abandoned rational discourse decades ago. We have to stop letting them set the parameters of the conflict. They try to brand us racists because that’s how communists trying to take over a government always operate. If we’re going to come out of this intact, we’ll need to be as committed to destroying them as they are to destroying us.
This is community spirit, no?
Edgework comments on Aug 18, 2019:
Epstein autopsy report reveals cause of death - YouTube
Edgework comments on Aug 16, 2019:
I’m shocked, shocked, to discover that the autopsy supports the official narrative. Who thinks the ME got a 4:00 am visit from a couple of soft-spoken guys who were quite persuasive.
Edgework comments on Aug 15, 2019:
They’re in a vault with the ones on the Las Vegas “massacre,” Pizzagate and Sandy Hook, right next to Anthony Weiner’s laptop.
Electronics Were Removed From Epstein’s ‘Pedo Island’ Before FBI Raid – Summit News
Edgework comments on Aug 14, 2019:
Move along, nothing to see here. (Because we got there first!)
your real rulers can do anything including murder - YouTube
Edgework comments on Aug 13, 2019:
“Conspiracy theorist” is the term the CIA coined in 1964 to ridicule nuts and kooks who questioned the Warren Commission Report. In the ensuing half-century, they’ve gotten no better at manufacturing their fake official narratives. What’s changed is the grip they have on public perception. We don’t believe them any more, and they know it. Hence, we have to be vilified and shoved to the margins. Guess what, guys. Pretty soon, the only ones left who will be buying the bullshit are the media shills paid to parrot the party line. Gonna get pretty crowded here on the margins. Are they desperate enough to go full Soviet on us? Oh yeah. Count on it. Are they dumb enough to think they can get away with it? Yep. Gonna be one hell of a party.
Everyone Is A Conspiracy Theorist After Epstein, Fake News Has Become Blatant - YouTube
Edgework comments on Aug 12, 2019:
Given that every official narrative for the past 60 years has more holes than a colander, I prefer the designation “Conspiracy Researcher.”
Epstein Suicided : RED-PILLING the Masses - YouTube
Edgework comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Excellent assessment. He’s right: no one believes the narrative anymore.
Finally, a Democrat worth supporting - spiked
Edgework comments on Aug 2, 2019:
She is liberal to the core. But my biggest complaint is she’s not ready for prime-time. Think of the successful candidates in the past couple of decades: Clinton, Obama, Trump, and to a lesser extent, George W. Not commenting on policy or how successful they were as presidents, but as candidates they managed to connect on a visceral level with people, going beneath the head and hitting right in the guts. Gabbard doesn’t come close. Neither do any of the insane clown posse, but when she had to read from notes as she hammered Harris’ career as California AG, whatever points she made were lost in a sea of yawns. She’s about done with her fifteen minutes of fame.
Since I did not watch the dog and pony show tonight I am wondering if anyone knows how many times ...
Edgework comments on Aug 1, 2019:
“Trump” made quite a few appearances, but Don Lemon asked one candidate a question about Trump’s racist tweets about Elijah Cummings and Baltimore. So good of Lemon to clarify that for us.
Ive been wondering about the Trump racism thing?
Edgework comments on Jul 29, 2019:
“...his obvious racism...” Guess what? Black people can be stupid. Black people can be incompetent. Black people can be utterly corrupt. Black people can be misguided. Black people can wish you harm. Happens with white people all the time. Hispanics too. And Asians. Calling attention to those regrettable qualities has nothing to do with race and throwing the term around so carelessly and dishonestly is nothing short of immoral and a low cheat. We’re in the process of watching the politically correct gospel being turned on it’s head. It can’t happen too soon.
Edgework comments on Jul 29, 2019:
“Recognizably European.” In other words, bold statements followed by empty posturing followed by capitulation.
There seems to be so much garbage in the Russia investigation, that we may never find out what ...
Edgework comments on Jul 20, 2019:
“If either side would have just approached this honestly...” Drop the moral equivalency bull shit. A few points to consider: Whatever Russia may or may not have done, it happened on Obama’s watch. Rinse, spin and dry it how you wish, you can’t escape the iron grip of the calendar. What do we actually know? Well, Russia may have meddled. Gasp. Horrors. Shock of shocks. Duh. Like this was the first time such a thing ever happened! Oh, wait: Obama sent his paid political operatives to Israel to work with Netanyahu’s opponent in their election. Oops. As for telling the truth: Donald Trump’s campaign and administration were the focus of a concentrated coup attempt unlike anything this country has ever had to withstand. One side claimed this was the case from the outset. The other side laughed at the charge. Guess which was which.
Trump Goes Full Idiot: Hot Take Episode 18 - YouTube
Edgework comments on Jul 16, 2019:
So, what are you saying? You accept the left’s attempts to frame every discussion as racism? No? Well than stop acting like it. Unless you buy the BS that any time you disagree with a “person of color” the only motive can be racism, you’re ceding the argument before you begin. Trump said what normal people think: they are radical leftists. Regardless of how they try to sprinkle glitter on a turd, their agenda is the “fundamental transformation of The United States of America” (it’s destruction). They are worthy of contempt, all the more so because they pretend they love this country. Bullshit. Yeah, Trump’s crude and ham-fisted and doesn’t play nice in polite society. So what?
Edgework comments on Jul 10, 2019:
The horror. The horror.
A country that let Bill Clinton off the hook for his “I smoked pot but I didn’t inhale” ...
Edgework comments on Jul 9, 2019:
I find the timing of this revived case against Epstein suspicious, mainly because the media came out of the gate trying to link him to Trump. If this is the kind of arrows they have left in their quiver, they’re in trouble. Nonetheless, watch the talking points fly. They’ll flog this one for a few weeks until they realize that, once again, they have nothing. Then it’ll be on to something else. It really is time to start thinking seriously about hitting back.
What films would you suggest young Liberals watch to better appreciate classical liberal values - ...
Edgework comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Rambo; Live Free Or Die Hard; JFK
Would you vote for someone with low moral fibre, whom you would not normally trust, if they were the...
Edgework comments on Jul 3, 2019:
Apparently many would. A lot of people voted for Hillary Clinton.
Not Islamic and don't understand much about it, but do understand why this woman is mad about people...
Edgework comments on Jul 2, 2019:
Opposition to Sharia law does not necessarily imply hatred of Muslims as a group. It is, however, important to keep in mind that adherence to Sharia Law does bring with it a hatred of all that western civilization has evolved over the past five or six centuries. The problem with Muslim culture is it never had a Renaissance. Prior to that watershed development in the west, our culture was as bigoted, narrow-minded, intolerant, brutal and intentionally cruel as we find in most Muslim societies today. Keep in mind: the Renaissance didn’t just happen in 1450, like turning on a light switch. Giordano Bruno was burned as a heretic in 1600 for espousing sound scientific principles. Darwin finally released scientific inquiry from the clutches of the church over 150 years ago, but the matter is still unsettled in many quarters. It’s true that Darwin has many problems, but for most of us, these days, the Book of Genesis isn’t among them. Nothing of the sort has modified mainstream Islamic thought. We think of religious belief as falling on a sliding scale, from personal and private, to demonstratively public, to fanatical. There is no sliding scale in Islam. One adheres to the faith, or one is a heretic. We keep hearing so much about the myth of the moderate Muslims, wondering when they will take a stand and recapture their faith from the fanatics who hijacked it. Notice it’s only western politicians like Barak Obama and George Bush who spout such ideas. There are no moderate Muslims. That’s why we haven’t seen them. A serious mistrust of such a culture, vocal in its opposition to all we stand for and all we have accomplished over the centuries, is no phobia. It is self-preservation and common sense. You know the difference between a radical Muslim and a moderate Muslim? A radical Muslim wants to cut your head off because you’re a heretic. A moderate Muslim wants a radical Muslim to cut your head off because you’re a heretic
So, about the concentration camps on the border. []
Edgework comments on Jun 28, 2019:
criminey359 You would have effortlessly fit into the leftist clown car on display the past two nights. Like all of them, you simply posit the “border crisis” as an act of God, like a tornado wiping out a small town in Oklahoma or a passenger jet crashing on takeoff, events calling for a humanitarian response from all who aspire to a standard of good will. God had nothing to do with this. This “crisis” is the product of the cynical, radical left, willing to create and exploit any measure of human suffering, as long as it furthers the political narrative and their agenda. The list of fallacious premises upon which your position rests is both exhaustive and indefensible. A few of the more egregious offenders: * These migrations are nothing more than a spontaneous, grassroots movement of huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Bullshit. This is classic Cloward and Piven. (Look it up if you don’t know who they are.) By your own definition, they are the poorest of the poor, the genuine wretched of the earth. So who’s footing the bill, and why now, at this point in history? Who is orchestrating these mass movements? * It doesn’t matter how they got here. They’re here now and we have to do something. The children, the children, the children!! If the intended result is to overwhelm the system (see the aforementioned Cloward and Piven), and said system is, in fact, overwhelmed, and you now use the situation that you have carefully put into place, as a political club to further your agenda, you are immoral and your claims of compassion are revealed as lies, pure and simple. * They all have a right to be here. In other words, we as a nation have no right to control the integrity of our borders. Why don’t you just say it: you want to eliminate borders, which, is to say, you want the United States to cease to exist as a nation. This has always been the ultimate goal of the left, regardless of whatever “crisis du jour” onto which you piggyback your agenda. Come on: say it; I dare you. * Disagreement with any aspect of the agenda can only be due to racism, bigotry, xenophobia and all round nastiness. I’ll respond to that in the only way it warrants: go fuck yourself.
So about the border concentration camps, just wanted everyone quick opinion on them.
Edgework comments on Jun 27, 2019:
It’s not a concentration camp if you can avoid it by simply walking in the other direction. That’s not a poll. But nice try.
Will President Trump be able to drain the swamp?
Edgework comments on Jun 12, 2019:
It’s always a mistake to predict the future based on circumstances in the present, particularly when the present is in the midst of chaotic transition. Never mind the wins Trump’s already put on the board, the obstacles he still must overcome. When these times are viewed from a distance, the meta story will be that this was when Trump managed to disrupt the status quo so carefully put in place by the left for the past 60 years. Topics ignored for decades are now on the table for discussion. The left has been forced to crawl out from behind the facade that theirs is the true patriotism, and stand unmasked as the Marxist/socialists they’ve always been, with their treasonous intent on full display. In the heartland, a slumbering beast has been shaken awake, and it is in one hell of a bad mood. Jump to no conclusions. The show’s just starting. Now’s when things get interesting.
Anyone ever notices when you GOOGLE White couples,the pictures that come up are overwhelmingly mixed...
Edgework comments on Jun 5, 2019:
Yeah? You surprised? Google “white inventors” and click on Images. I won’t blame you for being confused.
Edgework comments on May 18, 2019:
I love nothing more than watching total frauds like Don Lemon trip over their smug smirks and do a head plant right right on the studio floor. (Is it just me, or does he look like he needed to cook for a few more weeks? Like a pod person who hadn’t gotten all his human features up and running yet.) They keep shooting blanks. And they don’t know it. Please, don’t anyone tell them. It’s too entertaining to watch.
There is still some on the left who just dont get it. They keep asking "Why do you need an AR-15?
Edgework comments on May 10, 2019:
“Why do you need a gun like that?” whines the SJW. “None of your damn business,” comes the only acceptable response.
Character Development Fleshing out believable characters can add unanticipated nuance to a ...
Edgework comments on May 6, 2019:
I think it’s important to know who your characters are, but for me, that involves “seeing” them in different real world settings and forming their personalities that way, rather than answer a template of questions about who they are. They can sit on their front porch sll day long and be who they are. Unless they have the imbalance to their status Quora existence engineered into them from the start. Uou’ll Struggle to find things for them to do, or else you’ll just start grafting plot points onto them without connecting them. For me, this imbalance comes down to two choices: fight or flight. Either the want something or they want to avoid something. Either way they have a reason to get off their butts and make decisions, take actions and cope with the unintended consequences. Plot points tend to attach themselves to characters trying to reestablish balance in their lives.
Is RBG alive?
Edgework comments on May 2, 2019:
Was she ever?
The craven political smear job on Bill Barr will go about as well as the one on Kavanugh.
Edgework comments on May 2, 2019:
They’re screaming for him to resign, because they see what’s coming. Sad to say, they expended all their ammunition on trump, and there’s nothing left but the threat of violence in the streets. Good luck with that.
There used to be a Mutual Fund called vices or something like that.
Edgework comments on May 2, 2019:
If that includes the porn industry and online gambling, I’m In. No one goes broke investing in recession-proof industries
Hello! I am not PC.
Edgework comments on Apr 28, 2019:
I follow Ben Shapiro’s way of thinking: if you must debate a leftist (because that’s what PC drones are), your only purpose should be to humiliate them and make them look as ridiculous as possible. Given that nothing a leftist believes is grounded in logic or objective fact, this is usually like shooting fish in a barrel. Of course, your invitations to parties will shrink, but you didn’t really want to hang out with those brain-dead people, did you?
Bouaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha ! Nononononono REALLY !!!! BOUAAAAAAAAHAHAHaHAHAAAAAA !! []
Edgework comments on Apr 27, 2019:
Harry’s. Great product. Great price.
Can anyone explain the alternate reality that Democrats live in ?
Edgework comments on Apr 27, 2019:
Stop calling them Democrats. They all crossed the line years ago. They’re hard left activists following the Alinsky playbook. Just because we normals didn’t notice doesn’t change the fact that we’ve been playing the wrong game; bringing philosophy texts to a knife fight and losing as a result. For the left, the agenda is everything. Objective truth has no meaning. All that matters is political truth, which is anything that advances the agenda. For us, it’s a conversation over different points of view. For them, it’s a religious crusade. We seek to win elections; they seek to burn us at the stake. The hatred they express for Trump is because he chooses not to be complicit in our own destruction. He chooses to fight back. There will, perhaps, be time again for diplomacy, decorum and collegiality in our political discourse. But for now, we’re at war. We need to recognize that whatever they think, do or say, their one overarching priority is destroying us. Once that is recognized, all the questions about why they behave the way they do become easy to answer.
Investigation Discoveries will merge with Conspiracy Research soon Admin is running around like a ...
Edgework comments on Apr 27, 2019:
I wondered. Glad to know it didn’t get Phantom Zoned.
Why Do they Hate Us and How can We Change?
Edgework comments on Apr 24, 2019:
The best change would be to stop agonizing over stupid questions like why “they” hate us. The next best change would be to stop apologizing for the unparalleled success of our culture. The third best change would be to collectively grow a spine and defend a way of life that has resulted in greater freedom from oppression, poverty and ignorance than at any time in history. From time to time I find cockroaches in my house. I don’t worry about how the feel. I spray them.
Can we please have a discussion about the Electoral College?
Edgework comments on Apr 18, 2019:
Just to bring it back to the numbers, the left loves to harp on the fact that Hillary won the popular vote by 3,000,000. But she won California by 4,000,000 votes, which means the tally in the rest of the country puts Trump ahead by 1,000,000. Unless you want California to choose our president for the rest of time, you will see the genius of the structure created by all those “dead, white, land holders,” so many tears ago.
Thoughts on the John Birch Society?
Edgework comments on Apr 17, 2019:
Everything they predicted has come to pass.
The Fountainhead What can I say about Ayn Rand that won’t start an avalanche of hair-pulling on...
Edgework comments on Apr 16, 2019:
Ayn Rand was an interesting kind of triple threat: a clumsy writer, a naive economist and a somewhat inconsistent philosopher. And yet, somehow the result was far more than the sum of its parts. I always thought she was too early for her own good. She existed in a world where academic argument and presentation was the accepted context for ideas such as hers. She would have fared much better in the est/Forum environment of transformational workshops. She was trying to do through intellectual interaction what is essentially a paradigm shift in worldview, something that is achieved much more successfully in the confrontion with self experience of such seminars. I too was affected by The Fountainhead, but moreso by Atlas Shrugged. While she never created real characters (if your characters are all bad or all good, you haven’t done your job as a writer), but she serves the necessary function of defining the black and white poles, for only the do we have an accurate scale to evaluate the myriad shades of grey in which daily life actually takes place.
Edgework comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Metadata from the email dumps proves they did not get uploaded from a foreign server. (Bye bye Russian hackers.) It’s impossible to state conclusively since the FBI never actually examined either the DNC servers or John Podesta’s system (your tax dollars at work), but if the emails had been copied directly onto a flash drive, they would have presented the same profile. And with Seth Rich’s murder, no more infodumps were forthcoming.
Edgework comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Until the fabled “moderate Muslims” stand up to publicly disavow the extremists (who they are so fond of assuring us represent a small minority), they’re indistinguishable from one another. When Jerry Falwell said 9/11 was God’s punishment for our tolerance of the gay lifestyle, public leaders both secular and religious couldn’t scream loud enough that “That’s not my God.” That’’s how you tell the difference between the crazies and the sane: you listen to what they say. It’s a self selecting process. Omar has been clear about what she’s been saying from the start. No one—not moderate Muslims, not moderate Democrats—has attempted to separate themselves from her. Draw what conclusions you will, from that
In a nation torn by conflict by the extremes, the United States needs a push toward moderacy.
Edgework comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Did you ever read the book, “Great Moderates In History?” Neither has anyone else. I get your point, but sometimes standing for something and being willing to defend it, even fight for it, is considered extreme.
Ya know.
Edgework comments on Apr 6, 2019:
Every time she opens her mouth, another Democrat decides to vote for Trump
Well I did stop to buy ANY Gilette product.
Edgework comments on Apr 6, 2019:
Placed my first order with Harry’s. Better product, waaay cheaper. Use the app and shave care free for the duration
Is it time to try something new?
Edgework comments on Apr 4, 2019:
How about we find new ways to cross-section the political landscape that aren’t rooted in 20th century Cold War oppositions. It’s happening anyway, as a natural process of the onward March of history. When change is on the table, resistance is futile. It will happen, and it won’t have a lot to do with the ideologues who are only too willing to take credit. No one knows what it means to be Republican or Democrat any more, only that the parties bear so little resemblance to the parties of the 80’s and 90’s that the designations are little more than a technicality. Our problem right now is that most are thinking in terms of what they are not. When someone defines what we really are, and have become, discourse might begin to take place.
I find it harder and harder to find someone who is a true moderate.
Edgework comments on Mar 30, 2019:
I don’t think you are describing a moderate. Just because no one’s coined a label for your positions doesn’t mean they’re not strongly held. Or consistent. When I think of the term moderate, I imagine someone with a crease in his butt from sitting on the fence. As Rush Limbaugh used to say, you’ve never seen a book titled “Great Moderates In History” I think a problem with our political discourse is that we are saddled with categories that date from the Cold War era, or even earlier. I tend towards conservative/Libertarian myself, yet I grant that many of the positions and priorities of the left have merit. Just because they argue for them as ineptly as possible doesn’t alter that. What’s needed are new way to cross-section political thought and a new sense of what the categories are. Until then, the OP will wonder where he belongs. I’d say he belongs right where he is.
USA Today blacklists The Federalist for the crime of getting the Trump-Russia story right- ...
Edgework comments on Mar 29, 2019:
I don’t believe anyone “got it wrong.” That sounds like an “Oops, my bad,” moment. This was a two year+ calculated lie designed to first corrupt an election, and then take down a legitimate government. Everyone lied and told themselves it was for a higher calling: history had clearly made a mistake and history had to be put back on track. True, the useful idiots dutifully believed whatever they were fed, but the abandonment of objective truth in favor of political truth— whatever furthers the agenda—was no oversight, no act of carelessness, no well-intentioned goof. It was treason designed post-election to cover the treason committed pre-election. The stakes were high, but if they’d faced anyone besides Trump, someone who would have folded like a cheap camera and resigned, they’d have gotten away with it.


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