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Freeland is now saying that the middle class should be forced to “donate” to pay back the government for the Covid output. Trudeau saying carbon tax going up by 450% in the next few years. Bet its all in place already, likely buried in another omnibus bill. So happy to be Canadian (NOT)!!!!!

Aaharwood 7 Jan 9

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Is "donate" Freeland’s euphemism for empty our retirement funds? We know, she is chomping at the bit to access the liquid assets stuck in Canadian’s savings accounts!

You wonder about TFSA’s? Government already clawed back on Old Age Security. If businesses go bankrupt , pensions go bye bye.

Trudeau has also handed over retirement healthcare to Blue Cross, because they are doing such a bang up job in the USA!


Canada is dead. Our only hope of freedom is Trump's Patriot Alliance.

I thought hope relied on each individual, and each minor choice cumulatively

@MichelleD Reality is reality. Canada has fallen too far into the enemy's hands. We also have way too much land and resources for the world to allow 37 million unarmed people to control it any longer.

@jakuboj I see your point

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