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"Like a bird on the wire,
Like a drunk in a midnight choir,
I have tried in my way to be free."

You were the poet’s soul, Leonard...


They deserve to see everything
WorldSigh comments on Sep 11, 2021:
Where only truly dedicated perverts and air headed paranoid urinators dare to go!!
Text FUCK YOU to 30330
WorldSigh comments on Sep 10, 2021:
Umm, should I text or “go to” 30330? Will this cost me $3.00? If the answer is yes, what percentage of my contribution will go to the CCP? Is the second laptop legit? 🤡
Never argue with a fictional character Their minds are completely made up
WorldSigh comments on Sep 10, 2021:
Does this mean that snowflakes are fictional characters? ❄️
I’m getting a strong vibration…never mind…
WorldSigh comments on Sep 10, 2021:
I guess, she didn’t see that not coming!
Spencer Fernando: The Danger Of Canada’s Increasingly ‘Managed’ Democracy There is supposed ...
WorldSigh comments on Sep 9, 2021:
Our free-wheeling system is completely rigged. We have a uni-party.
This has such truth to it, and for so much more. []
WorldSigh comments on Sep 9, 2021:
I had burgers and hotdogs grilled over an open fire tonight…. Little did I know, I was also SAVING HUMANITY!! 🐂🔪🤓
BREAKING: Rebel News wins case against Trudeau gov't, will send ELEVEN journalists to federal ...
WorldSigh comments on Sep 8, 2021:
YESSSSSS!!! Now, we can watch the circus clowns dance around some real, non-propaganda department, (CBC/Global/CTV, etc.) questions!!
The US standard railroad gauge (distance between the rails) is 4 feet, 8.
WorldSigh comments on Sep 8, 2021:
And so, it remains true: all roads lead to Rome…
I fucking hate it when I go looking for a video I love on YouTube and can't find it.
WorldSigh comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Now, that is some sound business advice! 😂
Is Trudeau trying to balance his persistent abuse of women by hauling out his estranged wife?
WorldSigh comments on Sep 5, 2021:
Is it my imagination or does Sophie look like she is considering chewing her hand of at the elbow?
Is there any way we can encourage new comers and timid ones to post their stuff and drop comments ...
WorldSigh comments on Sep 5, 2021:
Before, the, now useless, private messaging system ceased functioning about two months ago, for me @Admin, I used to give out coins and greet newer members, while encouraging them to post and welcoming any questions. Now, all I can really do is always comment and thumbs up posts by new members.
"I'M FROM TEXAS!" Based Mama BLASTED Woke California School Board In EPIC FASHION! - YouTube
WorldSigh comments on Sep 3, 2021:
“I’m from Texas!” Beautiful!
Some ZZ Top. Love these guys. RIP Dusty. []
WorldSigh comments on Sep 3, 2021:
You are missed, Dusty…
Pfizer Announces Twice Daily Pills To Fight COVID, Says You Need Vaccine AND Pills, It'll NEVER End...
WorldSigh comments on Sep 3, 2021:
Trust your doctor? The doctors are the ones that told our leaders to shut down the economy and lockdown the population! The doctors are the ones that are advising us to put oxygen depriving, brain damaging, masks on elementary school children for six hours a day at school! Yeah, trust your Pharma Industrial Complex bought, trained, and paid for doctor! Good luck with that!
The FACTS about Ivermectin for COVID-19 below: -IVM was isolated from soil bacteria in Japan ...
WorldSigh comments on Sep 3, 2021:
All of this may be true; however, I believe since Ivermectin is used on livestock, also using it on humans is RACIST! 🤡
The two CNN dins, they are both leaning into the wind.
WorldSigh comments on Sep 1, 2021:
Your dependable MSM, can’t even report the weather without lying! 🤡
A rapist, a paedophile and an unvaxxed person walk into a bar….
WorldSigh comments on Sep 1, 2021:
Of course, no one would know the first two were a rapist and a paedophile, because that would be a violation of their right to privacy…
Shout out to the people asking what the opposite of in is.
WorldSigh comments on Aug 31, 2021:
Umm.. is the opposite of shout out, shout in?
If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?
WorldSigh comments on Aug 31, 2021:
Lingerie is like gift wrapping. It looks good, but what really matters is what’s inside!
TrialSite News Roundup | Prominent Indian Physician Talks Impact Of Ivermectin In Home Medicine Kits...
WorldSigh comments on Aug 31, 2021:
There is nothing happening in India. Just take your experimental injection. All is well…
New Video Appears To Show Taliban Fighters Joy-Riding In American Black Hawk Helicopter ...
WorldSigh comments on Aug 31, 2021:
Weeeeee! Thank you uncle joe!!
Here are more teachers who said they would violate the law to teach CRT. Is your town on the list?
WorldSigh comments on Aug 31, 2021:
These so called teachers (political activists) are breaking the law and have publicly declared their intention to continue breaking the law! Why are they not being criminally charged? Why are they not behind bars, right now??
The dog breakfast []
WorldSigh comments on Aug 31, 2021:
My head hurts! Tim, can I borrow your tuque?
Called my stockbroker this morning and asked him what I should be buying?
WorldSigh comments on Aug 31, 2021:
Am not sure this should be in the Jokes Group. It sounds more like current events!
WorldSigh comments on Aug 31, 2021:
California is in urgent need of this sort of radical course correction!
Left-Wing School Board Gets Trolled Hard During HILARIOUS Meeting []
WorldSigh comments on Aug 31, 2021:
Phil Mckracken! Wayne Cur! 🤣🤣🤣
Word “refugees” is euphemism for either economic migrants, or social parasites.
WorldSigh comments on Aug 31, 2021:
The invasion continues apace!
REPORT: Pfizer Vaccine Confirmed To Cause Neurodegenerative Diseases – Study []
WorldSigh comments on Aug 31, 2021:
This begs the question, is the injection deliberately designed to cause permanent neurological damage that may occur long after being administered?
rough times
WorldSigh comments on Aug 30, 2021:
R2 finally got canned! And, C3PO has gone to pot!
Twitter has banned a former NYT journalist and novelist for his criticism of how government is ...
WorldSigh comments on Aug 29, 2021:
Remember folks, you still have the right to free speech. Private businesses that control 90% of public discourse have the right to ban you, however your government does not, for now. See Mussolini”s statement defining fascism…
All men.
WorldSigh comments on Aug 29, 2021:
Biden and all of his handlers need a short drop with a sudden stop!
Go ahead Fan Boys.
WorldSigh comments on Aug 29, 2021:
Ad hominem is not a particularly effective means of persuasion. Just saying. What are your thoughts on the manipulation of statistics being employed by the CDC? According to the CDC, Pneumonia, Influenza, and Covid are all recorded as Covid. Furthermore, if you get re-tested it is counted as a new test and not a re-test, thus inflating the numbers. I’m not certain how many times a patient who tests positive is subsequently tested. Weekly? Daily? Divide the case count accordingly. How many deaths would you estimate lumping Pneumonia and Influenza in with Covid adds to the count? The vast majority of deaths are older people with pre-existing conditions, and Pneumonia and Influenza have always been a very common cause of death in that group. Suddenly, every one of those huge death statistics is counted as a Covid death…
Bloody well manicured nails 💅 for a farmer Sydney, just stating the obvious!
WorldSigh comments on Aug 29, 2021:
Was there supposed to be a link attached to this?
Canadian and world stats for Aug.28 2021
WorldSigh comments on Aug 29, 2021:
How many subsequent tests are given after a diagnosis? Four? Five? Ten? Each one counted as a new case! It appears that we can move the decimal point one space to the left for case numbers! It’s anybody’s guess how counting Pneumonia and Influenza as Covid deaths effects the count!
Sweden kept their schools open and unmasked and they experienced ZERO deaths in children The Delta...
WorldSigh comments on Aug 29, 2021:
Stop confusing the covid issue by introducing facts into the argument!
A Right-Wing Troll (?
WorldSigh comments on Aug 29, 2021:
If you don’t believe all of these odd coincidences then you will not be invited to Barry and Mitch’s next birthday party! Also, Epstein’s cell cam was really broken, and his guards really were both shopping for luxury merchandise online on that fateful night… Oh, and Joe really did pull victory from the jaws of defeat when counting mysteriously stopped in the middle of the night immediately after truck loads of mail in votes were delivered through the back door… Umm, also your leaders really are concerned with your safety, that is the only reason they are coercing you into being a subject in the largest experimental “vaccine” program in earth’s history… They are taking away your rights and tracking your every move because they want you to be healthy and happy… And, WTC Building 7 really did just collapse out of fear after witnessing the destruction of the Twin Towers… These odd coincidences are all 100%, government certified, truth.
Hilarious video - 'nance' pelosi thinks she's off air when she replies to obiden.
WorldSigh comments on Aug 29, 2021:
Bwaaaaahaha!!! I wonder how Nancy manages to get her hand up Joe’s ass to control the jaw mechanism from across the room on the monitor screen?
TO OUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS - AMAZING POLLY I want young people to know that we will get through ...
WorldSigh comments on Aug 29, 2021:
Amazing Polly is a force of nature!
Why an Obsession with Safety creates Sick Minds and a Sick Society - YouTube
WorldSigh comments on Aug 29, 2021:
Small wonder that our beloved leaders want us cowering in the shadows lest we incur the wrath of the god of death, Covid! How easily are cowards controlled and herded over the precipice!
Joe Biden became a woman too not so long ago I heard []
WorldSigh comments on Aug 29, 2021:
I identify as vaccinated! Therefore, I don need no stinkin’ covid passport! 🤡
Vote for anyone but Turdeau! Randy Hillier: Do we take the path to freedom?
WorldSigh comments on Aug 29, 2021:
The LibCon Party is the only one with any actual chance of being elected. Canada is a de facto two party = one party system, just like our American cousins. Max was part of the same system for years and has yet to have a leadership convention for his “new” party. Aside from that the People’s Party doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance. Bernier lost his seat last time around. The PPC has zero seats in Parliament! Does anyone seriously believe that they will magically win this time? Vote your conscience if you still think voting is worth while. Just don’t expect anything to change. Canada’s direction was set long ago by the puppet masters you never see. Enjoy the destruction of the middle class, Dark Ages 2.0! Hopefully, you are a member of the Nobility and not the serfs…
Teacher Removes American Flag & Has Kids Pledge To LGBTQ Flag Instead []
WorldSigh comments on Aug 29, 2021:
That is really sick!
Today is Sunday, August 29 2021 and Justin Trudeau is absolutely the worst Prime Minster in the ...
WorldSigh comments on Aug 29, 2021:
I wonder if PM Blackface admires the the Taliban as much as he loves the CCP?
NYPost: Shaq gave up $40 million Reebok deal because an old lady called him a ‘motherf–ker’.
WorldSigh comments on Aug 29, 2021:
That shows a touch of class!
Streets Of Philadelphia, Kensington Ave., What Happened Today, Aug, 2021 []
WorldSigh comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Is this a zombie movie? What are these people high on, heroin, fentanyl? This is surreal!
A successful rancher died and left everything to his devoted wife.
WorldSigh comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Here is a question I just wish to put out there: Namely, can the debacle in Afghanistan just be put ...
WorldSigh comments on Aug 28, 2021:
It is painfully obvious that the entire 20 year “war” was engineered!
Yo momma so fat, the marshmallow man on Ghostbusters started running for his life when he saw her
WorldSigh comments on Aug 27, 2021:
Three balls and a home run!
Are you willing to sacrifice your life for covid?
WorldSigh comments on Aug 27, 2021:
This woman is now a legend!
Tim Pool finally crying on camera will ignite the Civil War.
WorldSigh comments on Aug 27, 2021:
The war will begin the day Tim realizes he is too old to skateboard. 😭
COVID is fraudulent fear porn designed to scare people into volunteering for the bioweapon ...
WorldSigh comments on Aug 27, 2021:
Nailed it! There is much more going on here than they are revealing!
Fascist Lockdown in Sydney Is A WARNING, Rich People Frolic On The beach, Poor Children Get Maced ...
WorldSigh comments on Aug 27, 2021:
This two tier tyranny is spreading rapidly across the globe. We are resetting to the Dark Ages: good times for the Nobility; poverty, pain, and suffering for the Serfs!
The Fourth Turning
WorldSigh comments on Aug 27, 2021:
This global reset has been in the works for many years.
Nurses Warn of Staff Shortages Due to COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
WorldSigh comments on Aug 27, 2021:
I refuse to believe that everything going down right now is due to incompetence. We are being led down a path that will return the globe to the Dark Ages. Destroying the medical system is simply one more step…
US Provided List Of Americans To The Taliban Igniting Shock And Outrage, Some Argue This Is TREASON...
WorldSigh comments on Aug 27, 2021:
Rat out your own people to their enemies! What a great idea! What could possibly go wrong?
Academic Agent: Who Are The Elites? []
WorldSigh comments on Aug 27, 2021:
All seven have elements of truth. However, always remember that all roads lead to Rome…
· Airbnb is planning to start housing 20,000 Afghan refugees around the world free of charge, the ...
WorldSigh comments on Aug 27, 2021:
And so, the next phase of the Hijrah begins…
Let me count the ways 😂😂😂
WorldSigh comments on Aug 27, 2021:
I have found that common sense is not the least bit common!
It’s no wonder the Liberals didn’t lift a finger to bring the Afghan interpreters, and other ...
WorldSigh comments on Aug 27, 2021:
You can’t really blame Trudeau for abandoning all of those people to face torture, imprisonment, rape, and execution at the hands of the “peaceful” and “tolerant” Muslim “minority” in Afghanistan, after all according to his own MPs, “the Taliban are our brothers…”
A new civil liberties project — fighting against forced vaccines! [rebelnews.
WorldSigh comments on Aug 27, 2021:
Hell, yes!!
WorldSigh comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Biden has given a gift of metastasizing terrorism to the entire planet! Thanks Joe, you’re a real mensch!
A renowned Vermeer painting has been forever altered in a radical restoration.
WorldSigh comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Apparently, one of the subsequent owners was too prudish to appreciate the full context of this masterpiece.
We made it! Reached the goal!! Thank you very very much to those who supported me!!!
WorldSigh comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Fredo, my messaging hasn’t worked for a couple of months, so I can only receive not send. I hope you get your computer fixed soon. God bless!
Toronto Sun: CAUGHT ON CAMERA: OH, BROTHER! MP Monsef calls the Taliban 'our brothers' ...
WorldSigh comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Why do I get the feeling she meant exactly what she said?
Spencer Fernando: It’s Not Just Their ‘Manipulated Media’ Tweet.
WorldSigh comments on Aug 25, 2021:
If only there was a viable truly different alternative that had a snowball’s chance of winning. It has been years since I missed an opportunity to vote. This year, I honestly do not know if there is any point…
Its the fine print that gets you.
WorldSigh comments on Aug 25, 2021:
And they still don’t seem to realize that they will be the first ones to stand against the wall.
Poland wants to erect a 2.
WorldSigh comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Excellent plan, Poland!! 👏👏👏
Charlie Watts, drummer of the Rolling Stones dead at 80. []
WorldSigh comments on Aug 25, 2021:
I saw him in Vancouver, freaking awesome! Rest In Peace, not Mick’s drummer….
Funny how every time there are "refugees" from Africa or Middle East, there are almost no women and ...
WorldSigh comments on Aug 25, 2021:
When established males in their native countries are taking four wives each, the best alternatives for young men is to seek women and cash in non-Muslim lands!
Lady & Her Kids Gets Attacked At A Prayer Event by ANTIFA/ BLM : American News Updates []
WorldSigh comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Yes, but they totally deserved it for being blatantly loving and aggressively peaceful! An obvious case of racism!
Save the Thots []
WorldSigh comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Fake lips: check! Fake breasts: check/check!! Fake girlfriend: d’oh!
Just saying.
WorldSigh comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Was Sun Tzu senile? Asking for a friend…
Is the word "race" just a category of the mind that is fictional? []
WorldSigh comments on Aug 25, 2021:
There is only one race, human!
Oxford University study finds fully vaccinated Healthcare workers carry 251 times viral load ...
WorldSigh comments on Aug 25, 2021:
This is literally sick! We have to stand up to this global con game!!!!
I can totally keep secrets. It's the people I tell them to that can't.
WorldSigh comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Wellll, that’s not what I heard…
It was only when I bought a motorbike that I found out that adrenaline is brown.
WorldSigh comments on Aug 25, 2021:
That literally scared the adrenaline out of me!
Tucker Carlson Reveals Photo That Ended 1918 MaskMandate []
WorldSigh comments on Aug 24, 2021:
After multiple videos of politicians going maskless and breaking all of their own rules, there have still been zero repercussions! Times appear to have changed…
293 million Covid vaccine doses ordered for Canadians – enough for nearly eight shots per year for...
WorldSigh comments on Aug 24, 2021:
Global eugenics and record profits, what’s not to love!
"Nothing to do with Islam", as usual. []
WorldSigh comments on Aug 24, 2021:
Hamid is a skilled shoveler of taqiya! His claim that sharia is only mentioned once in the Qur’an may well be true. However, he neglects to mention the equally important Hadiths and Sunna. And then there is the Sunni guide book to sharia law, Reliance Of The Traveller: Sunni is of course the largest branch of Islam at 85%-90%.
If you didn’t know…
WorldSigh comments on Aug 23, 2021:
This angers, saddens, worries, frightens, and stresses me…😵
Trudeau apparently holds a financial interest in the $8B to $9B of revenues for the Lipid ...
WorldSigh comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Good old Prime Minister Blackface is as corrupt as they come! With the Toronto/Montreal vote in his pocket, he is the de facto king of Canada! May God help us.
Cheap mexican labour, anyone?
WorldSigh comments on Aug 20, 2021:
And, this is why we LOVE YOU, Fredo! 😂👏😂👏😂
Where is the "evidence?" <crickets> []
WorldSigh comments on Aug 19, 2021:
If she were my neighbour, not talking to her would be my pleasure!
WorldSigh comments on Aug 18, 2021:
It appears that the only “racist”in this case was the murdering thief with two guns!
[] All About That Bass - Postmodern Jukebox European Tour Version
WorldSigh comments on Aug 17, 2021:
Sell the sizzle, not the steak!
This is a job for.....
WorldSigh comments on Aug 17, 2021:
A well played meme is a joy to behold!
They hoped for what again ? ....Coffee with Mark Dice. []
WorldSigh comments on Aug 16, 2021:
My favourite was the guy who had no idea where Washington DC is!
WorldSigh comments on Aug 16, 2021:
Just imagine if this had been two grown men laughing and pulling down the swimming bottoms of an obviously frightened little girl! They would be in prison so fast it would make a roomful of suffragettes swoon! But, it’s the “patriarchy” that is evil and inequitable, right ladies?
'Advance Peace': de Blasio To Pay Criminals $1,000 Monthly To Not Murder People
WorldSigh comments on Aug 16, 2021:
When I was seven, I stole a chocolate bar. Do I qualify for $$$?
About 15 seconds, watch a few times.
WorldSigh comments on Aug 16, 2021:
The Fall of Saigon: Redux!
"Friend " of mine be like, u gotta take test, delta aint no joke! Im like them tests are fake pcr ...
WorldSigh comments on Aug 15, 2021:
The real zombies are the ones taking the jab without doing their research!
Ezra Levant 🍁 @ezralevant, Aug 13 Trudeau just appointed a spy named Scott Jones to oversee ...
WorldSigh comments on Aug 15, 2021:
I guess they are already planning the national expansion of the September 1st Quebec covid passport mandate. Do you have a link?
This is a must see video in regard to the globalist and Marxist subversion not just in America, but ...
WorldSigh comments on Aug 15, 2021:
The present day democratic process is a laughable farce!
Superspreader []
WorldSigh comments on Aug 14, 2021:
I think we all know by now that the CCP Flu is only spread by serfs! None of the “sophisticated” guests at Barry’s birthday bash could ever catch it! 🤣🤡😷🤡🤣
Vaccine Passports???
WorldSigh comments on Aug 14, 2021:
Perfect! If I find myself in that situation, I will definitely use it!
Coming Soon…
WorldSigh comments on Aug 14, 2021:
I would tell you what I think, but it’s forbidden…
One more mystery solved!
WorldSigh comments on Aug 13, 2021:
It’s nice to finally have some closure!
Friday throwback, part II.
WorldSigh comments on Aug 13, 2021:
Today , Friday the 13th falls on the 33rd week… Let’s play some hockey! 🔪🪓🔪
Friday throwback.
WorldSigh comments on Aug 13, 2021:
Happy Friday the thirteenth, all! 🔪🔪🔪
WorldSigh comments on Aug 13, 2021:
Wait! It comes in liquid form, now?? 🤩


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