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What are your thoughts about homeschooling?

With our public schools failing to truly educate our children and choosing instead to Indoctrinate them, what are our choices?

Clammypollack 7 Mar 5

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"The right to mold the political, moral, and religious opinions of ... children is a right exclusively and jealously reserved by our laws to every parent; and for the government to attempt, directly or indirectly, as to these matters, to stand in the parent's place, is an undertaking of very questionable policy. Such an attempt cannot fail to excite a feeling of jealousy, with respect to our public schools, the results of which could not but be disastrous." - Massachusetts Special Legislative Committee, 1840

We will be sending our kids to public school but I am preparing myself to teaching them logical questioning, philosophy, religion and dealing with people who are wrong but in authority.

Makes me think of "The Magic Engineer," LE Modesitt - where the order engineers are sent into exile among the chaos magicians.

With kids in public school, be very alert to what they are being indoctrinated with. My senior in high school just came home quite angry because he had to sit and watch a video regarding toxic masculinity. There is far too much leftist indoctrination going on in the schools and not enough teaching of the traditional subjects.

@Clammypollack - your Senior was angry - you should be proud!


My wife and I homeschooled our four sons, two through the eighth grade and two right through high school. We got to instill our morals, values, faith, and worldview while my wife gave them a classical education. When the math and science classes in high school got to be too much, they attended the local community college for them. Socialization was never an issue. We belong to a large homeschool network in our area and they were also involved in town sports, a church youth group, a homeschool orchestra, friends in our neighborhood and play with each other as well as cousins. The first three received full tuition merit scholarships to college. The last one is a senior in high school and will likely do the same. We lost out on many years of potential income for my wife but we are so grateful that we homeschooled instead. We are both extremely pleased with the men that our boys have become and give thanks every day. I urge everyone who can possibly do it to homeschool your children.

I've read many of your posts and it seems we have much in common. Currently homeschooling 4 of 5.

@bil2276 I was a homeschool skeptic but my wife convinced me to give it a try and we homeschooled 2 through high school and 2 through middle school. So glad we did. I wouldn’t change anything except maybe having a couple more kids. Good luck and enjoy.


“Independent study, community service, adventures and experience, large doses of privacy and solitude, a thousand different apprenticeships — the one-day variety or longer — these are all powerful, cheap, and effective ways to start a real reform of schooling. But no large-scale reform is ever going to work to repair our damaged children and our damaged society until we force open the idea of “school” to include family as the main engine of education. If we use schooling to break children away from parents — and make no mistake, that has been the central function of schools since John Cotton announced it as the purpose of the Bay Colony schools in 1650 and Horace Mann announced it as the purpose of Massachusetts schools in 1850 — we’re going to continue to have the horror show we have right now.” 


John Taylor Gatto, Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling


I homeschooled during my senior year of high school, and it was the year I finally discovered myself. I started engaging my creative talents more, which in my case was filmmaking, and realized that this was my passion and what I wanted to pursue in life. My parents gave me complete freedom to explore subjects of my own interest. I'm still a proud autodidact to this day


So I have some decent experience on this topic. I personally attended public, private and home school growing up. My wife and I also homeschooled our two kids for their younger years and they now attend public school. There were some lessons learned.

First, and the point one most often adressed, is the socialization. We ensured our kids were very involved with other children through home schooling "MeetUp" groups, church events, and even local school activities. Aside from that, we owned a small business and they took turns dealing with customers (at checkout) on a daily basis; so their social skills were even higher than those of most other kids.

Second concern would be finding decent curriculum and having an educator (other than parent) available to answer questions. Accredited online courses have come a long way since I was in school. Many of the classes are prerecorded and teachers are available in chat rooms to assist students. I really like this format because it also allows kids to get used to using computers (and not smart phones) on a daily basis. In addition to their usual course work, I would highly suggest adding your own personalized "life lessons" on the basic things; the things that an education SHOULD but doesn't usually provide: cooking, vehicle maintenance, financial budgeting, first aid, common legal info, etc.

This route isn't necessarily the most illustrious education, however it's relatively inexpensive and you have a greater opportunity to add your "parental two-cents" into whatever lesson they are learning at the time. I find myself working twice as hard to do this while they attend public school. We often have hour-long conversations just to counter the attempted indoctrination. I wish we could continue home schooling, but the situation doesn't permit it right now.

Hope that helps give you some ideas.


My son is graduating from college this year. HE says he will never send his kids to public school. I have to agree, if I had a do over, he wouldnt step foot in one either.


Positive. If they can, parents should be the primary influence on their child's education


The public schools are the best argument in favor of homeschooling .


Being a teacher myself, I have come across many parents that have decided to do this and some have had good experiences and some have not. It’s no easy task for a parent, however some are up for the challenge and for some they have really connected in a different way with their children, bringing them closer. Seeing some of my friends who have homeschooled, I have become inspired even more with my students to push them even more. I teach students with special needs. I look forward to seeing what everyone brings to this discussion. Thank you for bringing this topic up.


Homeschooling, whether by a "qualified" parent or by a co-op is HIGHLY preferable to Public Schools.


I homeschooled to middle school. Then a charter school thru 12 grade. Both children doing very well at university. Both avid readers


Homeschooling was the best choice for us. I attended public school, and served twenty years in the military, so I know what indoctrination and regimentation looks like. When a second grade teacher took it upon herself to penalize us for taking my oldest on a week long vacation trip (it was the only time I could get leave), by refusing to provide the assignments, that's when we decided to throw off the yoke of the public school system. With todays technology, and subsequent democratization of access to information and resources, homeschooling has become far more economical, structured, and attainable than ever before.

Disregard the arguments involving socialization skills. The public (and even private/parochial) schools offer, teenage sex (and resultant pregnancy), "alternative" sexuality, drug and alcohol use, fads, bullying, forced psychotropic medications, and suicide, amongst the learned socialization skills. All significantly avoidable through homeschooling.


I homeschooled my six children. They are all functioning adults. Three own fine houses. Two are still military, one recently out. They all know and care for each other, even though they are now spread across the country. We had a good life. The one skill I have seen as necessary has been having a schedule. We gathered around the fireplace at 8:30 for devotions. Classes happened all morning. Afternoons were for reading books, art classes or music practice. I once knew someone who wondered what had gone wrong with her home school experiment. She expected her 10 yr old son to figure out his own schedule, and discipline himself. Well, that year was a failure. You're running a school. Act like it.


My wife and I home schooled 6 kids. Did it on a lower middle class budget or less sometimes. More money would have sure helped. Didn't do a great job. Didn't have the help we needed. Did it mostly because of the socialization issue. Kids turned out alright for the most part. They are all conservative Republicans that is for sure.
Home schooled kids might say the best part is you get to go to school in your pajamas. Our youngest just started a work at home job for a computer game company. So now he gets to work in his pajamas too. To the chagrin of the other five who already think the youngest got "special benefits" not afforded them. I guess he did because we were worn out by then.


I actually like the idea of home schooling. Unfortunately I am not in the position to do so. I have noticed where I live most parents hire tutors in jr elementary school because the children are not being educated properly. ??!!! I find that concerning. There are allot of "buzzwords" flying around as well.

What I did is I became as involved as I could with the school. I have a deeper understanding now as I am on the council. It takes minimal time and it helps to get "insider knowledge" of trends. I do know that the staff do work hard but they delegated to teach a certain way and what the focus will be. Where education and careers are going. (Maybe this is where teachers start tonstop caring?) I do this at a small school with many new comers and special needs. This will be changing next year to a much larger school but it will be the same school board. And that is where it comes from.

Where I am the government is talking about increasing class size. Honestly I am not ok with this. Students fall under the radar as is. The classes are large as is. Stidents learn far less today in some ways but are more on others.

I combine the 2.

I do follow home schooling when my child is at home.and i correct my child and spek to the school and I do bring ideas to the table at school. I do find that it helps but it is an uphill battle.

A couple of book reccomendations:
The Trivium by Sister Miriam Joseph C.S.C Ph.D
(Please give it a chance even if the fact she was Nun may bother some and keep in mind it was written in 1937)

The unschooling handbook
(How to use the whole world
As your child's classroom)
By Mary Griffith

Some you tube Channels

Homeschool pop.
They have classroom and individual videos. Very good but can sometimes be redundant.
They cover a broad range of subjects and grades

Art with Madi and Dada.
Excellent for art history and techniques. Short and informative.

Your reading recomendations are excellent, especially The Trivium.

ALSO let me say that your involvent with the public school is a very good thing. Keep up that battle. Challenge those teachers; lean on the council to steer as clear of "trends" as possible.


The indoctrination and regimentation of public schools damaged me . It took me 35 years to unlearn the lies I was taught . Fortunately , I had a lot to work with . Having been a natural photographic speed reader since the age of 4 , I could not be contained . That did not fit me for commercial success . I never made a good corporate widget . I may have had an unconventional life , but it led me to my purpose . For all of the hardships , I did not curl up and die . As long as I have breath , I am free to take a swing at the day in front of me.


We are homeschooling 4 of our 5 kids currently. The youngest isn't old enough yet. We spend the money for an accredited curriculum. It isn't easy but it is totally worth it. Please don't mention the socialization nonsense. It's completely false in regards to homeschoolers. There's plenty of socially awkward children in the public school system.

We like to call what they learn in the public schools ‘peer dependence’. These kids know they need to like the right music, movies, tv shows, fellow students and wear the right clothes and have the right attitude in order to be cool. Homeschoolers learn to interact with people of all ages and generally don’t care about ‘cool’ and don’t feel the need to conform. These independent thinkers are now being sought out by many colleges because they are known to be involved, engaged students who bring a lot to the campus community.

I can only speak from my experience, so I'll do some more research. My next door neighbors (two of them) homeschooled. One has brilliant, socially adept kids, but their parents went out of the way to engage the kids, keep them in outside activities, like scouting and sports.
The other neighbor had two beautiful smart girls, both earning full college scholarships. Both were very awkward, admitting to "not having friends because we were homeschooling at home, like we were supposed to"
One is still in college, struggling, and lost her scholarship. She is completely disconnected from her parents. Her sister met a kid from the middle east who was here on an expiring student visa and dropped out to be with him. Of course, she married him.

She doesn't live with him because his parents don't approve of. her. She is unbelievably naive. We me the guy and he is a waste of human form.

My brother inlaw is homeschooling his kids. They are 12, 16, 18, can't drive, don't know their own addresses or phone numbers and have never had friends. When asked him about it, he just shrugs. I feel for them. They are heavily burdened.

But, you are right. That is purely my anecdotal experience. Besides, I have ZERO objections to homeschooling. The government shouldn't even be in the education business. All education should be private, however that is put together. I made a market decision to send my kids to nearby public schools because they were very good where I lived (science magnets). And because I wanted to get something back for the thousands and thousands of dollars I was paying in property taxes for them. LOL.

Don't kid yourself. The youngest is learning as we type.


If I didnt have to work I would home school because I hate how the teachers are inputting their political ideas on my child. Home schooling in today's world is a very good thing!


If you can do it do it, but make sure of interaction with others

We homeschooled four children and were members of various support groups. Getting kids involved in groups is the norm among homeschoolers. It’s very rare to have people sequester their children to their homes. Typically, the media will report that some nut job murderers who kept their children in cages were homeschoolers when they really weren’t. They just claimed to be.


I see no other choice


We have relatives and friends who homeschooled. Some did great because the parents were engaged and the kids, were well socialized. Others did not.

I think, for the right parents, it works. Our kids went to public schools.and did great. But, as with homeschooling, we were fully engaged. We also sacrificed convenience for good school districts.

We have four kids. Two graduates (Aggies with real jobs and businesses of their own), one in college where he learns technical skills in parallel ( classic car restoration) and a daughter in high school, tops in her class. Aggie, I'm thinking, but the choice is hers. She'll be a doc like her mom.


Charter schools could be another option...


A very good source for anyone who has doubts about the true motive behind so-called "government" schooling is anything authored by John Taylor Gatto; such as:

Another good source of information on so-called "education" is a work written by Albert J. Nock titled The Disadvantages of Being Educated: []


I believe homeschooling is the best way to responsibly educate children!


I honor homeschooling parents. They give their children the best of themselves and have the liberty of teaching children their own values. Homeschooling offers kids freedom to learn and is so much more time efficient than public (or even private schools). I substitute teach and so much time is wasted with kids goofing off, bugging each other, asking where their pencils are, getting out paper and asking to go to lockers for books they forgot. Homeschooling offers a chance for hands on learning, field trips and specialized learning. If parents take on the job and teach diligently, there is nothing better for educating children.


Of course it should be a choice
Presuming no sjw or anti male atmosphere it's good to get your children socialised, my school days were marred by me having dyslexia

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