Born in West Orange, New Jersey, 1958.
1 oldest sister
2 older brothers
2 younger brothers
My first experience with data that did not fit the Official Narrative (propaganda) was a book I read in School for a book report. The book described data concerning the sinking of the Ocean Liner (false flag) that was the casus belli (excuse: false flag) for Americans to be deceived into fighting the Central Banker War called World War One. The ship that was sunk (murdering people aboard) to move power to the criminals running the Central Bank Cabal was the Lusitania.
The next big event which caused me to fully reject the Official Narrative (propaganda) was the massacre at Waco misreported on National Television (Corporate Propaganda Organ of the Nation-State Aristocracy).
Full BioThat event in Waco lead to my discovery of many other facts that support the more accurate narrative that I have been developing since Waco. I also managed to get on the National House of Representatives official Ballot for California District 40 (the number since then has changed). I ran against those who allow the National government to perpetrate capital conspiracy murder on men, women, , and babies in a Church; burning them alive after torturing them, experimenting on them, for months.
I've been a member of, fan of, student of, and thrown out of, or asked to leave:
John Birch Society
United We Stand (Ross Perot)
JPFO (I won honorable mention for an essay)
Fully Informed Jury Association (removed me summarily from their forum)
Free State Project (removed me summarily from their forum)
Mises Institute (removed me summarily from their forum)
Libertarian Party (ran for National office)
Republican Party (joined to vote in primary for Ron Paul)
National Liberty Alliance (asked to leave after a year at the top spot in California)
Jury Duty (once on a jury, asked to leave by both prosecutor and defense, the judge wanted me to stay)
I worked about 70 hours a week while running for office, and at construction I worked for just over 25 years, then suffered a list of health problems, currently semi-retired.
Married for good, 2 already grown up.
I wrote a book, published it, printed it (misprinted) and am working on a second book.