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In Boebert's District, as Elsewhere, Democrats Surge into GOP Primary (This new approach is also being pushed by Liz Cheney. Are we now looking at a constant skewing of primaries with this technique?)

toronto_Georgia 8 June 23

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when I worked as an election judge in illinois during the 1996, 2000, 2004 could only vote your party candidates in the primary, general election vote across the board.....but some offices only had 1 candidate running, usually the republican because he was the best democrat on the ticket....

This move is being carried out by Dems in numerous counties with the intent of seriously elevating the weakest Republican for the primary who either will lose the race to a Dem or, if elected, poorly represent America First citizens. Typical amoral behavior. I'm wondering how badly they may skew primary results for us. With a powerful desire on the part of America First Republicans to vote out RINOS, is this likely to pose serious difficulty in doing so?

I know this is exactly what Liz Cheney is doing to hold on to her seat.

@toronto_Georgia I think you nailed the little brad nail with a sledgehammer there. Right on! (Pun intended) πŸ˜‰

Gerrymandering at it's finest and empirical worst.

Turned traditional Champaign County illinois from repub to democrat all based upon RINO affiliations and by abusing transient university student populations. Governor Thompson lied twice about not raising taxes 1980 & 1984 when running for office and first thing after getting elected/re-elected was to raise taxes ~ economy was fine and then suddenly was not blah blah blah ~ got to the point, only one honest R was left that I could vote for without hypocrisy.....all of them from the Governor down to the county board seat lied and were corrupt; several governors even went to prison for corruption & collusion with Thompson as their defense lawyer and Rep coffers footing the bill.

πŸ€” come to think of it....I think RINO acronym originated from there....courtesy of George F. Will and his alma mater observations of things, if you are familiar with him.

@Weltansicht I think this goes well beyond gerrymandering. In many ways I am still new to politics here and part of me will always tend to be naive. I was not familiar with the party registering system here and have yet to really understand it. This move on the part of Dems and RINOS to further corrupt the system is disturbing to me. I know, silly girl, Trix are for kids.

What can be done to fight this newest form of rule bending? Do we simply register for the Dem party in large numbers and fight fire with fire?

@toronto_Georgia Not sure. it does go far beyond gerrymandering, it goes into blatant overthrow of rule of law. Both parties are wings of the same bird or evil chimera, so.....

its a work in progress, a dumpster fire to behold and β€œThe condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance" and evil wants to steal my popcorn.

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