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Elon Musk CANCELS bid to buy Twitter


Garsco 8 July 8

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How about that. Musk has never out right owned Twitter, yet he has done more to change it's culture than anyone else. Love it.


Twitter stock is at 37, and the buyout offer was 54. Musk is now free to buy shares at 37 and then he'll be in a stronger position for a buyout.

Musk will be able to force a buyout price that's less than 54, given the bot fraud.

Twitter execs committed fraud on the scale of 10 billion dollars. They should be in jail.

Musk still owns bigly shares and can bully Twitter.


shame - so what happens next


Can't say I'm shocked at that news, as Musk had faced multiple hurdles in his bid for Twitter ownership. Sure glad now that I didn't rush to create an account on Twitter, like so many did thinking Musk would eventually become the next owner.

It seemed like the Twitter board thought they were more clever and more righteous than Team Musk. How else do you get away with hiding vital corporate data (sabotage) during a purchase/handover and try and claim 'buyer beware'??

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