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Democrat Catches Monkeypox After Banging Randos During Pride Weekend. Wait till you hear the details!!

toronto_Georgia 8 July 26

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A public health expert and director of the George Soros' Open Society Foundation ~ what? does not seem to be very health conscious at all.....textbook definition of hypocrite

as for the free love for everyone everywhere of the pre-1980s, well....that may be but there were plenty of celibate people who were very afraid and respectful of not wanting to catch a disease that there was no name for let alone a cure, many folks coming back from tours of duty in SE Asia would attest to that

monkeypox is just subliminal reinforcement of evolution theory carnage

in Arkansas, one of our politicians said 'may a pox be upon your house' (from Shakespeare ~ I believe) when admonished for referring and calling the corona pandemic 'the plague' & refusing to accept the MSM narrative by the democrat liberal leftists....who knew he had prophetic vision or gifted insight lol


Forgive me...I am going to hell, but this is FUNNY! Monkey Pox is primarily spread through direct body contact. Gonorrhea is even harder to catch. Debaucherous indiscretions are super-spreaders!

Why is the CDC not publicly shaming these behaviours they way they shamed the unvaxxed and the unmasked???


Yikes. This is the way the world ends... with a bang and a whimper.

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