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FBI to analyze Chinese spy balloon remains.

Kinda odd, it seems, for the FBI to be involved in this…

The Defense Department has not confirmed that the recovery mission is complete.


Garsco 8 Feb 6

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The CIA overthrows foreign governments and the FBI overthrows the American

Defund the FBI. Drain it, napalm it, and nuke it. You have to zap even the roaches.

Republican states should declare a sanctuary zone from the FBI and deport FBI
agents. Republican states should form the RBI, the Republican Bureau of
Investigation. We also want a Congressional Bureau of Investigation.


WTF is an fbi ?


at this point no one should accept at face value anything the gov't and its lapdog MSM has to say about that stupid balloon. we will never know the truth, the whole truth...about that and hundreds of other things.


The FBI is making sure it didn't come from RUSSIA!

Maybe THEY should put some experts on the case!!!!!!!!

@Serg97 Perhaps set up a committee of experts eh.

@ScottforKing Why not. They can check for Russians under the bed.

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