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Today the domestic enemies foreign to common sense, moral reason, foreign to accurate accountability of the facts that matter in any case including a treason case, are dubiously called The Far, Left and Right.

The Far Left, for example, are naked treasonous frauds, clothed in treasonous fraud, in America, adding new layers of treasonous fraud since 1789.

The mere mention of The Constitution of 1789 as a documented treasonous fraud, a crime scene confessed by those who signed the document, sends both Far Left and Far Right jerking their knee's uncontrollably in a fit of angry rage, as they foam at the mouth and as they collectively form an Angry Mob to lynch anyone who dares question the arbitrary power of their slave masters on the top of their Pyramid Scheme.

Is that going too far, or not far enough?

The Far Right are naked treasonous frauds, clothed in treasonous fraud, in America, adding new layers of treasonous fraud since 1789.

In 1996, after Waco, during the persecution of those who dared to survive the executive order to stop defending themselves while being tortured and murdered for a dubious "gun violation," which later became a dubious "drug violation," which later became a dubious "religious violation," which later became "they are killing themselves," as military tanks armed with flame throwers controlled the demolition of a "bunker" filled with a baby in a womb, the woman with the baby in her womb, babies, toddlers, children, teenagers, young men and women, adult men and women, old men and women, who were hell bent on "killing themselves", drinking the cool-aid provided by the "false messiah" - after Waco - which was after Ruby Ridge, I managed to get myself on the National Ballot for a seat in the National Congress at the National level of the Pyramid Scheme that was created and imposed by treasonous frauds in 1789, and maintained by treasonous frauds since 1789.

What were the odds against a laborer spending 70 hours a week making enough substance to help keep a family alive, while at the same time "running" for a "congress" seat at the psychopathic table where the treasonous criminals divide up the spoils of their war on humanity, what are the odds of that happening in America?

I made it past the gates imposed against such foolishness, managing to have my name on the official National Ballot in the National Selection of fellow members of the Far Left and Far Right, to positions of criminal power, wielding treasonous fraud for fun and profit, at the expense of humanity, posterity, and prosperity.

My wife almost lost it, when a Lawyer named Linda Thomson, called for an armed protest, to try those members of congress soon to be found guilty of treason in the Waco case, and I began to make plans to join that peaceful protest. That was before deciding instead to seek a seat at that dinner table.

Linda Thomson, on her own authority, published Waco The Big Lie, Waco The Big Lie 2, and an assemblage of witness testimony recorded by the Branch Davidians, while they were "killing themselves" as "our fearless leaders" just happened to be outside sniping those they chose to snipe, through the walls, torturing those inside with terror, circling the building with Armored Vehicles, ensuring that no fire protection or medical protection services could help anyone who suddenly chose not to "kill themselves" in mass, and I have all those records by Linda Thomson on the original VCR tapes.

From that time to now I have witnessed and investigated with intent to discover the facts that matter in the case, the growth of the so-called "Militia Movement."

I have studied The Law, from primary sources, and I have managed to personally participate in what is being fraudulently presented as Trial by Jury: an obvious, documented, treason beyond reasonable doubt.

All of that above is merely lead-in for anyone who has been led to join the National Military Forces in America. I cannot know such an experience, but I can impart something to anyone who does know such an experience, a few, or many, words of appreciation to those whose hearts are exemplary, morally good, brave, honorable, and essential for the continued existence of mankind in the face of evil.

What is more evil that treasonous fraud, please answer, not to me, rather to the power of reason that exist within, not without, what is conceivably more evil than treasonous fraud? Are there clear and present dangers, or is this more Conspiracy Theory?

The lead-in above, continues to be a lead-in, which leads to yet more words, on the same subject, words I found to be particularly capable of addressing the Military Organization of defenders, as opposed, in direct opposition to, enemies of life, liberty, property, the pursuit of happiness, and the MEANS TO DEFEND all.

In direct opposition to evil are people brave enough, powerful enough, moral enough, honorable enough, intelligent enough, knowledgeable enough, and wise enough to know it is vital to look for the worst and prepare for it before going off halfcocked.

I lead into a document that cannot be cut and pasted into a sound bite, and although the document offers a brief assessment of the same battles happening now, battles that happened over 200 years ago in America, the less-than-complete document fails to fully describe the boots on the ground on both sides in the conflict. I can't impart fully the true meaning of the document. I cannot, within the imposed limits, impart any more than will fit into a mere sound bite from my view. I'm not normal, that much I know.

I will link an address to the document, and I will find a snippet worth repeating, cut and paste the snippet, and then close this message to those who are brave and to those who I appreciate for their bravery, with our without any "credit" to me for anything whatsoever, other than the fact that I transfer the message with an intent to offer meaning to a collective Infantile State.

Dr. William Whiting and Shays’ Rebellion

“In this Exigence the Soldiers were at a Loss how to act; the military oath which they had taken upon Listing, forbade their laying Down their arms, or forsaking their Standards; and yet their Recent Injuries forbad their taking the field. They Steered between both Extremes; they Resolved to Quit a City which gave them no protection, and to form a new Establishment without its Limits. They therefore Removed their Ensigns, Changed their Commander, and under the Command of a plebian they Retired to a mountain on the Banks of the River Ario, about three miles from Rome.”

History repeats on a schedule unknown to the ignorant, the apathetic, the stupid, the servile, the brainwashed, whose power of reason is purposefully turned off by an attack, by Virus, by Trojan Horse, known, at least to me, as TREASONOUS FRAUD.

Sometimes the slaves organize in defense, doing so as they are led by the facts that matter in the case, reasonably, and peacefully, with an olive branch, an offer of peace first, and then if rejected or attacked by the opposition, then a moral resolve to face those facts and deal with reality. The first, and perhaps most important step, is to admit that a slave can only be a slave by choice, an INFANTILE STATE OF MIND.

Josf-Kelley 8 Nov 25
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Posted by Josf-KelleyOrigins of Adaptive Creativity for Life to Prosper Eternally by Joe Kelley 12-13-2021 I profess to know that the following is true, to the best of my current knowledge.

Posted by Josf-KelleyKyle is not an aberration.

Posted by Josf-KelleyAlong with the Persecution of Defense is the Persecution of Deterrence.

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