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Liberal "civil rights" 1) We have the right to force you to be vaccinated.
sqeptiq comments on Sep 16, 2023:
Liberals actually push civil servitude.
Taurus Judge Home Defender: the Big one |
sqeptiq comments on Sep 16, 2023:
A pointblank bruiser!
World Climate Declaration states there is no climate emergency.
sqeptiq comments on Sep 16, 2023:
Celebrate with some lovely air conditioning!
Top Medical Leader Warns Americans To Avoid New Vaccines []
sqeptiq comments on Sep 16, 2023:
There's no coming back from the stabby!
2 years Thats it? []
sqeptiq comments on Sep 15, 2023:
America should consider implementing Saudi punishments. 🤚🏽🗡
When are scientists allowed to lie? []
sqeptiq comments on Sep 15, 2023:
Fauci really overdoes it!
The Washington Post wants you to know that we still have some white supremacist flags we need to get...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 15, 2023:
The WaPo is an enemy of free speech.
"If you wish to know who rules over you, simply learn who you are not allowed to criticize"
sqeptiq comments on Sep 15, 2023:
Deport these criminal migrants and their supporters alike. Preferably to the bottom of the Marianas Trench to ensure they don't return to make more trouble.
Sen John Kennedy just made Democrats squirm by reading Gender Queer a book that parents can't remove...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 15, 2023:
A rare good Kennedy!
Energy Sec Granholm tried to take a road trip to show Americans how nice electric vehicles are and ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 15, 2023:
Lock her up!
FERNANDO: Trudeau Grounded As Poilievre Soars NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP []
sqeptiq comments on Sep 15, 2023:
Exile Trudeau to Devil's Island.
Canada's Million Person March announces locations for protests against LGBT indoctrination - ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 15, 2023:
This dude snuck on stage at Fashion Week wearing a trash bag and I don't think anyone besides ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 15, 2023:
Fashion has gone to the dogs!
Ottawa school trustee slams board for not reprimanding Nili Kaplan-Myrth NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 15, 2023:
Canada needs to build corrective labor camps for these miscreants.
sqeptiq comments on Sep 15, 2023:
Green energy is a waste and a grift.
Senator actually complains Supreme Court follows 2nd Amendment []
sqeptiq comments on Sep 15, 2023:
Deport to North Korea!
Ford government orders school board to stop removing books for “equity” NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 15, 2023:
Deport these communists to Cuba.
Social media posts viewed at Freedom Convoy leaders’ trial show Tamara Lich asking for calm, peace...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 15, 2023:
Canada needs more freedom and less Trudeau!
Big Tech Under Fire In Landmark New Case [] via @Sons of 1776
sqeptiq comments on Sep 15, 2023:
They're a crooked gang!
JacksInDrag and Rainbow and WilyKipeeyiyeah and the few that dropped their Slug enrollment after the...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 14, 2023:
@JacksonNought must be busy putting on drag performances at seedy bars. Time and again, I've invited him to post, but haven't seen hide nor hair of him.
sqeptiq comments on Sep 14, 2023:
They're a crooked gang!
Medical Experts Urge Caution: The Unseen Risks of Vaccination NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 14, 2023:
Once you get vaxxed, there's no coming back!
Judge Joe Brown Questions Charges Against Trump, Claims Prosecutors Distorted Laws []
sqeptiq comments on Sep 14, 2023:
Brown knows a flim-flam when he sees it!
sqeptiq comments on Sep 14, 2023:
Beware the woman who just sees you as a meal ticket!
Yo momma so fat, the marshmallow man on ghostbusters ran for his life so he wouldn't get eaten ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 13, 2023:
She looks like she ate all the ghosts!
A 9/11 Memory Lane Past Perceptions Changed by Present Observations SUMMARY: I actually started ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 13, 2023:
Between the kebabs and the Soviets, the Soviets were the lesser evil.
A few powerful USA residents make too much money from their Chinese alliances for travesties against...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 13, 2023:
Look at the bright side: at least the Chinese will probably get us a good price on bok choy.
Universal basic income, universal healthcare, free shit, food stamps, wic, section 8 housing, etc ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 12, 2023:
People aren't kidding when we accuse the Left of animalism.
AgentofSocialMediaChaos's Anime Girl of the Day is Rem Galleu from How Not To Summon A Demon Lord ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 12, 2023:
Don't scratch up the books, catgirl!
Beretta NARP: a new assault rifle system from Italy! |
sqeptiq comments on Sep 12, 2023:
Everyone needs a quality naughty rifle, and you can't go wrong with Italian style!
sqeptiq comments on Sep 12, 2023:
Old Lyndon got away with murder.
(Claude AI) What percentage of American women are overweight?
sqeptiq comments on Sep 11, 2023:
Ban that hideous creature!
2309112109M WE’RE IN THE ERA WHEN LIBERTY DIES: We do appear to be living in the American era ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 11, 2023:
America is spinning apart. It'll take wizardly preparation to be ready for this madness!
Let's rename the element Moscovium to Natonium.
sqeptiq comments on Sep 10, 2023:
That would be cheeky!
Lack of Moral Judgment in Oklahoma Porn-addled Transgender an Elementary School Principle!?
sqeptiq comments on Sep 10, 2023:
Deport this creature to Manhattan!
and that's why all the wars in the last 80 years
sqeptiq comments on Sep 10, 2023:
War is big business!
Some Personal Info – 911 Anniversary – RFK, Jr X Censored SUMMARY: The personal info are my ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 10, 2023:
Every day, Pfizer claims new victims!
This is a perfect video for the marxist lefties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! []
sqeptiq comments on Sep 9, 2023:
Looks like she drank from the wrong cup in an Indiana Jones movie!
Rat shit cat shit dirty old twat 69 douche bags tied in a knot Cock suck mother fuck dick like too...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 8, 2023:
Ever see a rat aboard ship?
What Was That BHO Fundamental Transformation About?
sqeptiq comments on Sep 8, 2023:
Wonder whether Big Mike is chasing Barry around the house right now.
2309061109F THE SANCTIMONIOUS WOKE AMONG US: These Woke among us are righteous only in their own ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 8, 2023:
Honest work would be healthy for them—perhaps busting rocks.
sqeptiq comments on Sep 7, 2023:
People should be able to have a rowdy tourist excursion without going to prison!
The bidens are like a broken record!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dementia joe, go et your coke outta the ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 7, 2023:
Stick all the Bidens in one prison cell.
DO NOT Submit to a Great Reset Transformation SUMMARY: I’m about to share an AMG post on the ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 6, 2023:
Days of madness are coming. Being prepared is a must!
Vortex Optics Razor HD 13-39x56 spotting scopes: a new option for long-range observation! | ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 6, 2023:
That'll save time running out to look at the target, too! 👍🏽
Our so-called government is corrupt at the highest levels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! []
sqeptiq comments on Sep 5, 2023:
Brain-eating amoebas got Biden, Feinstein, and McConnell.
Becoming Displeased With Tyranny Yet?
sqeptiq comments on Sep 5, 2023:
The powers that be are bringing America to a boil.
There are people, even self-loathing Whites, that would be pleased if all that is White was removed ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 5, 2023:
Whites who romanticize blacks are the lowest creatures, alongside male feminists.
[] They want to be god really bad bummer for them
sqeptiq comments on Sep 5, 2023:
We have a lot of bargain-basement gods, these days!
Looking at the Karen Kingston Saga SUMMARY: I admire all those that have built credentials as ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 5, 2023:
Looks like the Faucists are plotting new lockdowns, too!
[] Rob Schneider DESTROYS Anthony Fauci 🤣
sqeptiq comments on Sep 5, 2023:
Fauci turns everything he touches to turd.
Oh well []
sqeptiq comments on Sep 5, 2023:
Don't major in English, kids!
I used to think, huh?
sqeptiq comments on Sep 4, 2023:
We're the carbon globalists aim to eliminate.
i like them numbers
sqeptiq comments on Sep 4, 2023:
Anything that keeps people moving is most welcome!
Looking at the Karen Kingston Saga SUMMARY: I admire all those that have built credentials as ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 4, 2023:
Once you get vaxxed, there's no coming back!
2309040703M FEMINIST SOCIALISM IS A NIHILISTIC LOSS OF FAITH: Feminist socialism, is a self ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 4, 2023:
Socialists have faith in their grifting wiles!
American family beat up by black youth in Ireland in 2017 []
sqeptiq comments on Sep 3, 2023:
Deport to Angola.
i could care more, but I care less
sqeptiq comments on Sep 3, 2023:
Poor Pennywise! He's no match for the Fauci juice.
When i was at the gym about a month ago black dude wanted to fight so i deescalated and left.
sqeptiq comments on Sep 3, 2023:
It's a good idea to avoid neg nogs.
sqeptiq comments on Sep 3, 2023:
We'll be learning of gruesome side effects for years to come.
2309030402Su SIN (or guilt for sin) IS NON—TRANSFERABLE! Christ Jesus (the second Adam) ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 3, 2023:
Deport Khan to Pakistan.
When AOC wore the dress eat the rich on her ass, was she inviting people to eat her ass?
sqeptiq comments on Sep 2, 2023:
Point of view matters big-time! 💪🏽
They trying to kill us by making it illegal to produce []
sqeptiq comments on Sep 2, 2023:
We're the carbon globalists aim to eliminate.
Maui-Lahaina Fires: The Appearance of Well-Practiced Leftist Lies SUMMARY: I can’t seem to get ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 2, 2023:
Predictably, Alex Jones will turn out to be right again!
black man who did not and will not "drink the KoolAide".
sqeptiq comments on Sep 1, 2023:
They aren't *all* retarded cumbrains.
Revelation Should Bring Revolution Information With Inaction Delivers Oppression SUMMARY: So, I ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 1, 2023:
Resistance is the answer! 💪🏽
sqeptiq comments on Sep 1, 2023:
Confiscate Zuck's ill-gotten wealth and distribute it to Hawaiians as help.
Met 2 peoples in they 50s had a stroke.
sqeptiq comments on Sep 1, 2023:
It's a nasty combination!
DEMONIC: WHO and UN want schools to “equip children to have sexual partners,” report claims ...
sqeptiq comments on Sep 1, 2023:
Put these demons in corrective labor camps.
sqeptiq comments on Sep 1, 2023:
Liberals rave about "accountability," but they hate being on the receiving end!
Vladimir Putin announced the irreversible process of de-dollarization between the BRICS countries.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 31, 2023:
Poor Biden. I bet he has a hard time remembering his own name. He's no match for Putin.
Selkie sculpture, Faroe Islands.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 31, 2023:
They'd make good marines!
Recover Tactical: new products for 2023 |
sqeptiq comments on Aug 31, 2023:
Glock durability will serve owners well in the coming years of madness!
[] I Told You So - Conspiracy Music Guru (BANNED on Spotify!)
sqeptiq comments on Aug 31, 2023:
The so-called conspiracy theories usually turn out to have it right! 👍🏽
sqeptiq comments on Aug 31, 2023:
Barry Obama was certainly androgynous!
Smith & Wesson M&P-15T SBR: a new semi-automatic rifle for law enforcement |
sqeptiq comments on Aug 30, 2023:
Joe Friday better be well armed for the savage times ahead!
2308301502W DYNAMICS (of free market capitalism) versus THE CONSERVATISM (that is socialism)?
sqeptiq comments on Aug 30, 2023:
When Hillary says we're better together, she means she has a seat in the slave galley ready for you.
This clown studied under biden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 30, 2023:
Double the sentence for good measure!
2308301501W DYNAMICS (of free market capitalism) versus THE CONSERVATISM (that is socialism)?
sqeptiq comments on Aug 30, 2023:
No one's better with Hillary. Standing with her is masochism.
Re-Thinking Maui Fire Devastation: Coverup Could Mean No So Much a Conspiracy Theory Afterall ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 30, 2023:
Alex Jones usually turns out to be right!
Putin Forces Chemical Castration For ALL… []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 30, 2023:
Tough times for perverts in Russia!
sqeptiq comments on Aug 30, 2023:
Hot cross puns! 👍🏽
Pedo joe is at it again!!!!!!!!!!!!! []
sqeptiq comments on Aug 29, 2023:
Exile him to an uninhabited island with only Dylan Mulvaney for company.
well what can i do okay yes we're all bored we're all bored now but it ever occurred to you while...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 29, 2023:
The sheep are gonna be in a world of hurt in the coming Mad Max times!
Re-Thinking Maui Fire Devastation: Coverup Could Mean No So Much a Conspiracy Theory Afterall ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 29, 2023:
Democrat governance kills. Get rid of it!!!
Re-Thinking Maui Fire Devastation: Coverup Could Mean No So Much a Conspiracy Theory Afterall ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 29, 2023:
Hawaii is in the belly of the globalist beast.
As i reflected on the incident at the gym, i realized it was an "assault" in legal terms.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 29, 2023:
Remove kebab!
Didn't war hawk Romney who is eager for others to be injured, maimed or killed and have their homes ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 29, 2023:
Deport Mitt to Ukraine and hand him a rifle.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 29, 2023:
A man who can cook eggs and bacon himself avoids a lot of trouble! 😸
sqeptiq comments on Aug 29, 2023:
There's nothing worse than being a serf to the feminists.
What New Tech Is Coming?
sqeptiq comments on Aug 29, 2023:
Nuclear powered cars—when?
Alas, the much needed rising up of patriot military officers mustering land, air and sea forces, all...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 29, 2023:
Officers' ranks are filled with Milley's ilk. America needs a sergeants' revolt!
never forget a patriot
sqeptiq comments on Aug 28, 2023:
Justice means imprisoning that murderous cop, confiscating his house, and turning it into a memorial to Ashli.
[] Maui D.E.W: Evidence of Direct Energy Weapon? Judge For Yourself..
sqeptiq comments on Aug 28, 2023:
Can't put it past our treacherous government!
sqeptiq comments on Aug 28, 2023:
The deep staters who arranged her death belong in prison!
Now for the kids… 🎵 Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water…🎵
sqeptiq comments on Aug 28, 2023:
Home in time for dinner! 👍🏽
2308281302M SUBTLE MISANDRY: Propaganda can be either good or bad representations depending on ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 28, 2023:
Feminists sure don't want an equal obligation to build civilization!
Tyranny has risen. The Founders left written instructions regarding what must be done.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 28, 2023:
It's time for a right-wing French Revolution.
Sounds about right.
sqeptiq comments on Aug 27, 2023:
Our Democrat friends have lost their damn minds.
Get every filthy, vile, putrid Moslem scum out of ALL Western countries!!!! "Two Muslim teens ...
sqeptiq comments on Aug 27, 2023:
We're ruled by the worst of gaslighters.
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